MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 160: Trial situation

At the entrance of the crack, the players looked at each other, and no one wanted to be the first bird, but it was not enough to consume it like this. There will be more and more people, and the more competitors will mean. ≧一≯novel ≧≦≦≦≦≤

And just like that, not to mention that there is only one Angel Wing, and the time wasted is not worth it.

"Even joy is not an opponent. At this time, no one would dare to challenge Liaoyuan God." Ozawa said when he saw the hesitating crowd.

kB said: "The main problem is that the players are too loose. They come from different administrative regions, and various guilds or idle players. It is more scrupulous without a leader."

"Of course, it\'s also because the Liaoyuan God is too strong. The few who went in were all masters, but they couldn\'t even reach the production. They still couldn\'t get in. Instead, they were blown up." Ozawa said: "This is the case now. It will be very detrimental to these players if it is dragged on. The first few players don\'t care about the Liaoyuan God at all, and concentrate on points."

"Well, these few are also wise people. And the fighting style is extremely sturdy and smooth all the way." kB looked at the data and said: "Now the Tie Niu Xian of China District has entered one more, becoming the second, the first distance. The scoring American player has gone a step further, his hidden dragon flash is too abnormal, infinite displacement. The attack is gorgeous and powerful, and the dragon monk is too strong."

"Well, the sixth is also a player in China, I want to be quiet. The high elf druids are really powerful. The saber-toothed tiger\'s stealth assassination ability and the Armani war bear\'s ability to resist are exploded, plus the human form of blood recovery. The skills are simply incomprehensible. Even if the attack is stronger than him, he will be let go." Ozawa looked at the information below.

"The seventh player is also our Huaxia player, Thousand Illusory Ice Feather, Light Dark Shepherd, too disgusting. The level of disgusting people is second only to the Liaoyuan God, can\'t be beaten, can\'t run, and her attack is not high. But it’s just this torture that makes people fall apart."

"The Variety Witch is Xia Yao. I didn\'t expect our team to be so powerful, with similar rankings, hovering around a dozen or so." said kB.

"The last live broadcast has been exposed. It seems that she is about to change her role name again." Ozawa said with a smile.

"One of the three regrets in the e-sports world is that no one has seen Xia Yao in reality. What a pity." KB exclaimed.

"How can the Variety of Magic Sound be so famous, and seeing her now all over the country, she must be a great beauty in reality, I am jealous when I see it, alas, I am old." Ozawa sighed.

"Tsk tsk, Sister Ze is also hate to marry, big news." KB joked: "It\'s a pity that my son has gone to kindergarten, otherwise he will definitely chase you stubbornly."

"Hehe, just kidding me." Ozawa changed the subject: "In general, our China Top 100 accounted for about one-third. Although it is not certain, it is good news."

"I hope that the Liaoyuan God will solve the problem here, and then meet the previous killing gods, hoping to see who is powerful."

"I am also looking forward to it. After all, the top rankings are very strong now. I hope it will be a battle." Ozawa said expectantly.


"You never want to get in like this." Gucheng came over surrounded by a group of people.

"Lone boss."

"Lone boss."

"This is the lone boss in Gucheng, he\'s very handsome."

"Lonely boss is good."

Gucheng smiled and nodded one by one, he is also very famous, it is said that he is a brother.

Rumor has it that this man is decent and doesn\'t have the temper of the son. The key is to spend money in the game. Forget it, people not only have money, they need to look good, they need technology and technology.

There is even a legend that he still wants to be a professional player, but his family\'s opposition was not taken as such. But this is a person who is generous, skilled and equipped, and has a wide range of people. Although he is not a professional player, he is also very popular in the e-sports circle.

There are even rumors that he secretly controlled a large union and team, but it has not been confirmed.

"What advice does the lone boss have?" an elite player asked.

"In fact, it\'s not really a suggestion. It\'s just that everyone thought of it, but there was no way to say it." Gucheng glanced at the crowd, then faintly glanced at Li Yao inside, then said: "Union, this looseness is not enough. It must be. Only by uniting can we get in."

"The lone boss is too right. You guys hurry up and unite. It\'s too slow to send points one by one. If this goes on, I will fall out of the top 100. Hurry up and discuss together to let me kill." Li Yao shouted. Said.

I gather...

Mom\'s mental retardation...

"Damn, I thought the Lord would be arrogant enough, but I didn\'t expect there to be more arrogant than me."

"This wave, I am convinced, I really can\'t help but want to kill him."

"Boss lonely, hurry up and say your suggestion. I can\'t help it anymore. Even when I stand as a cannon fodder, I recognize it. As long as you kill him for a while."

"That is, what angel wings, I don\'t want it, I want to kill this stuff."

"I have tolerated him for a long time, his uncle, I am not convinced."

Some new players who are not familiar with Li Yao\'s routines suddenly couldn\'t help it.

"Friend, hand over the angel wings, and you will be safe." Gucheng said to Li Yao: "Of course, you can choose not to make it, and we can pick it up by ourselves. We don\'t have much time, and the first is equally important to us. Why waste everyone\'s time."

Li Yao\'s expression didn\'t change the slightest, and he said faintly: "I have fallen in love with your epic staff. Hand over the staff. I don\'t need to kill you today. Of course, you don\'t have to pay it, but I will get it myself. The first is me, don\'t waste everyone\'s time."

The audience burst into laughter, and the stadium was about to explode.

"It seems that you have made a choice, very good." Gucheng smiled and said: "I mean it is very simple. Everyone discusses a feasible plan and enters in one fell swoop. As for whoever gets the angel wings in the end, it will be different at that time. Let’s do it. Of course, I will pay the compensation for the player who rushed in but sacrificed first. Two gold coins per person, if you believe in my character. UU Reading"

"We naturally believe in the lone boss, so just do it."

"I just want to kill the inside, I can be the first to go in."

"I just wanted to kill that."

Two gold coins are more valuable than angel wings in the eyes of many players. Of course, this is part of the hearts of players who are short of money, and most of them still think Angel Wings are precious, but it is not bad to get two gold coins by accidentally sacrificed.

"This time the Liaoyuan God is really troublesome, with the local tyrants in the isolated city taking the lead, uniting is no longer a problem." kB sighed.

"No, I was killed twice by the Liaoyuan God in the first round. If I can\'t take it anymore. The battle is coming, and I will die for my life." Ozawa\'s face also turned slightly red...

ps: Now, with 672 votes, the new book monthly ticket list is 13th, only a few votes away from 12. I can be on the list at the tenth place. My combat power is already overwhelming. I am in constant code. Now I need your monthly ticket support, please.

(To be continued.)