MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 104: Seemingly plain third trick

Li Yao also took the time to open the live broadcast, and when he saw the comments made by Ozawa\'s live broadcast room, he finally smiled.

   It\'s not that he is happy because of the change in these people\'s attitudes, he doesn\'t care what others say.

   But the hunters who see this video will definitely strengthen their confidence, and those who want to give up the hunters will also have part of their performance.

   Now that it has been broadcast live, then do something meaningful.

   The first technique seems simple, but in fact it is extremely difficult. In the last life, countless players who insisted on the hunter profession tirelessly explored the hunter\'s technology, and spent countless efforts to form a set of mature theories.

   And Li Yao is one of them. He knows too much how much effort the people who study with him put in.

   Therefore, he shared this technology, in order to let those people, those who have been insisting on playing hunters, avoid detours for a few years, and let hunters become a group no weaker than other professions.

   It’s just that, although the things I showed are basic, it is impossible to master them without long-term practice.

   Take the Dark Grape as an example. Li Yao estimated that he practiced hard, and the first technique can only be mastered in at least two or three years.

   As for the second technique, it cannot be practiced with diligence. It also requires a strong neural response ability and extremely accurate judgment.

   Not to mention ordinary players who don\'t even master archery skills. Li Yao is practicing archery skills while studying techniques with a group of old hunters. It took eight years to develop this technique like a fire.

   After all, Li Yao just drew a pie, and it seemed so tempting, but in fact, a few years later, there may not be many people eating the pie.

   But this is a kind of direction, a beacon, and Li Yao is not only a little embarrassed when he thinks of the years of dazed exploration.

   "What\'s the name of the third trick?" Ozawa asked.

   "There is no name. If I have to have a name, I prefer to dance or baton." Li Yao said slowly bending the bow and arching the arrow.

   "Then I will also teach you about your archery." There is still a trace of arrogance in the heart of the dark grape. The scholar Li Yao\'s appearance, with a long bow on his back, has no intention of shooting.

   "As you do, the result will be the same anyway."

   Li Yao shook his head, then shot an arrow suddenly, a look of disappointment flashed in the gloomy Grape eyes.

   Although he can\'t do Li Yao\'s effort to dodge arrows, he has skills.

   Shadow wheel flip!

   A shadow flashed, and the arrow did not hit the Dusky Grape as the audience expected, and did not even touch the shadow of the Dusky Grape.

   "Damn, I was cheated."

   "This is also a magical skill?"

   "Your sister, I feel fooled."

   The live broadcast room exploded in an instant. The third move they were so expecting would be like this. It was unbearable. They felt insulted their IQ.

   However, the duel is still going on, just after the Dark Grape Shadow Turn.

   There was a sound of arrows going through the air.


   Duan Grape saw that an arrow light had arrived in front of him, but his shadow turn had just ended and his body had just stabilized.

   The arrow had already hit his eyebrows, his dark grape complexion was shocked, and he shook left and right, trying to confuse Li Yao, and then jumped back.


   However, the one who greeted him was still an arrow, and Li Yao was another unremarkable one, which still hit his eyebrow.


   Only a little bit of his life is left, and the duel is over.

   Dusky Grape\'s complexion was green and white, and he drank a bottle of life potion, put a smile on his face, and said: "I have taken it. As for the king of hunters, I will never mention it again."

   Li Yao nodded and said, "Actually, you are quite good."

   "How can I say that in front of you." Dim Grape smiled bitterly: "This is your bow. At this stage, perhaps only you are the most suitable to use him."

   Dusky Grape stroked the purple longbow in his hand, and then handed it to Li Yao.

   "Well, it is indeed a good bow." Li Yao also liked this weapon at a glance, which can be regarded as the top ten.

   "Don\'t look at it yourself, share the attributes."

   Not only Zhao Lei, but several other teammates are also very curious. This is a level ten weapon.

   At this stage, no one except Li Yao can kill a level ten boss. This bow must have been obtained by opening a treasure chest, and it is an extremely rare golden treasure chest, which is really good equipment that you can never find. They are naturally curious.

   Falcon Bow

  Quality: Purple Epic

   Attack: 28-35

   Power: 26

  Agility: 24

   Endurance: 22

   When attacking, there is a chance to release a tenth-level Falcon Soul to attack the target for 15 seconds.

  Equipment level: 10

  Equipment requirements: hunters, fighters

   "Shen Bow, the attributes are too abnormal." Zhao Lei wanted to come over.

   "It\'s useless to envy you." The guardian angel slammed.

   "Why it\'s useless, can it be used without seeing a soldier?" Zhao Lei was dissatisfied.

   "If you can use it, you can\'t hit it." The guardian angel didn\'t give him any face.

   "Damn." Zhao Lei raised his middle finger.

   Li Yao immediately replaced his self-made bow and replaced it with a falcon bow. After looking at it, his attributes increased.

   "Ahem, the live broadcast room has exploded, can anyone explain it." Ozawa interjected with a smile.

   "Sister Ze is humble, but you are explaining how she can\'t see it." Li Yaocai was too lazy to explain, "Can I stay."

   This sentence was for Dusky Grape.

"I speak naturally, and I will also convince people from the other two guilds." Dim Grape paused and then said: "Although I admire your skills, this task is very important to our three ~As long as you intervene, you will be in a competitive relationship with us. We can’t clear the field, but it doesn’t mean that we will not attack you again. I hope you can understand.”

   "Yeah." Li Yao wouldn\'t be naive, because he won a small game and the three guilds would retreat.

   "Liaoyuan can\'t explain it, it seems that the third trick is very general."

   "I think it\'s average too."

   "Same as usual."

   "Ordinary wool, have you been convinced without seeing grapes?"

   "That is, Grape is also a top archer, so he can convince him. The third trick must be a mystery."

   "Well, it is impossible to cheat at all. As far as I know, Grape is one of the few hunters recognized by guilds and teams to be able to compete. If he is not convinced, can he be soft?"

   "Look at his reaction before and after. At the beginning, he was very angry. What about now?"

   "Although I can\'t understand it, but it feels amazing."

   "Sister Ze is also stumped, it\'s rare."

   "There is actually a technique that Sister Ze can\'t explain. I\'ve taken this wave."

   "6666666, it\'s a worthwhile trip to see sister Ze Emei locked up."

   "Liaoyuan God, although I lost the ingot, although I can\'t understand your madness, I will take this wave."

   "Liaoyuan God is mighty and domineering."

   Ozawa watched the replay several times, his frowning brows finally relaxed.

   "Which one says I can\'t explain it, stand up."...

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