MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 102: Let me teach you 3 basic skills

"You have been condemned, tsk tsk." Zhao Lei said gleefully: "Now hundreds of local tyrants have bet on ingots, but unfortunately, no one is optimistic about you."

   Li Yao was stunned, and then he changed his mind and said, "Isn\'t this a chance to get a vote? Believe me and bet me to win, you can\'t think of this, are you stupid?"

   "Yeah, I didn\'t expect it." Zhao Lei suddenly realized.

   "I also bet ten ingots. If you lose, you have to pay me." The guardian angel said with joy.

   "I inform, this bedside table has its own small vault." Zhao Lei said to the fruit knight.

   The fruit knight looked at the guardian angel with a faint look. The guardian angel suddenly fainted and said, "Ahem, isn\'t this just a salary."

   "It\'s the middle of the month." The Fruit Knight said casually.

"Hand in, definitely hand in. If you win, you will hand in." The fruit knight can\'t wait to slap himself a few times. If you say bet, then bet and tell you what you are doing. Now, the small vault that has been praised for half a year is gone. .

   "Well, I also bet dozens of ingots." The fruit knight said: "You can\'t let me drink the wind."

   Li Yao also said: "Wait first, I will buy it for myself to win, several times the odds, it is rare for Ozawa to be so generous."


   Dusky Grape almost didn\'t get angry. He had never been ignored like this. This was Chi Guoguo\'s provocation. The other party didn\'t put him in the eyes at all. It was a posture to fix him. It was too irritating.

   "Ma Dan, I can\'t stand it anymore, these people are too crazy."

   "I can\'t help but want to kill him, what should I do?"

   "I can\'t help it anymore."

   "I also bet."

   "I will come too."

   Neither the viewers in the live broadcast room nor the elites of the Holy Fire Guild could bear it, and they all bet with anger.

   Being provoked in this way, if you don\'t fight back, this is simply unbearable.

   "Vice President, kill him, this guy is too irritating."

   "If it weren\'t for a duel, I would have been unable to bear it."

   "I really don\'t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and I dare to compare bows and arrows with the boss, he will cry soon."

   "The ignorant is fearless."

"The second duel was very fierce. The smell of gunpowder was so strong before it started. It seems to be another wonderful and extraordinary battle." Ozawa said with a smile: "Is there anything else you two have to say? Right."

   "I am the king of hunters." The Dusky Grape\'s expression was extremely solemn, but it was more proud.

   Ozawa saw Li Yao\'s smile on his face, and the dull grape without the slightest response, and asked curiously: "Don\'t the Lord Liaoyuan express it?"

"First of all, I am not the king of hunters. What does this have to do with me." Li Yao shrugged. What he actually thought was that the king of hunters is a fart, and if you want to do it, you can be the king of hunters. The king of hunters is too earthy. , Ashamed to be with this kind of people who didn\'t pursue: "Also, can you stop me from being on camera?"

   "I have a press card, too." Ozawa blinked mischievously.

   "Then there is nothing to say, I really want to kill."

   "Although I am not weak, I know that I am definitely not your opponent. If you want to kill me, just kill it. I promise not to fight back. The law does not stipulate that reporters cannot be killed in the game." Ozawa said with a smile.

   To be honest, Li Yao really has to do it for a moment, as long as she is tougher, she can show even a little air.

   But this kind of scolding can\'t be countered, and the beating can\'t fight back. Li Yao, the one you killed, is really embarrassed to start.

   "Then there is nothing to say, let\'s start. Zhengchou doesn\'t have a tenth-level bow to take advantage of it." Li Yao threw down a blue outfit, but he didn\'t say that the other party was betting on the purple outfit, and he also gambled.

   Ozawa smiled more brilliantly, looking glamorous, and suddenly drooling in the live broadcast.

   A war flag appeared between the two, and the countdown began.

   "Please advise." Dusky Grape salutes.

"Don\'t worry, you will learn." Li Yao also saluted. Although his lips are not forgiving, he still has to observe the courtesy of the competition: "It seems that you like to use the bow, so I should use the bow as well. Up."

   "Then I\'ll wait." The anger of the Dark Grape has been accumulated to the extreme, like a volcano about to erupt. As the countdown came to an end, he had bowed his bow and set an arrow.

   Li Yao, who was thirty yards away, didn\'t make any movements, even the bow was still on his back, and he didn\'t take it off.

   "What a crazy person." Even Ozawa couldn\'t help but say when he saw Li Yao\'s posture.

   "Meow, it\'s getting cool again." Zhao Lei muttered.

   "Obviously you are jealous. If you have the ability, you can play it too." The guardian angel is still worried about private money.

   "Cut, a handsome word is enough to run through brother\'s life, brother needs to be jealous?" Zhao Lei dismissed.

   3-2-1-0, start!


   At the end of the countdown, Dusky Grape suddenly let go, and the arrow in his hand shot out.


   Everyone saw the arrow flying out against Li Yao\'s neck. Li Yao didn\'t move his body and didn\'t suffer any harm.

"I deliberately let you have an arrow. You didn\'t take the chance. You really couldn\'t shoot an arrow for a while. However, your tuition is very sufficient. Then I will teach you three basic tricks that hunters must master. The first one is dodge consciousness."

   "You are too much."

   The dark veins of the hand holding the longbow in Dusky Grape are exposed, and he is obviously unclear: "Then I will be welcome."

  He doesn\'t care about anything, he just wants to shoot him into a hedgehog.

   Dusky Grape once again skillfully bends the bow and shoots the arrow.

   Arcane shooting!

   Everyone only saw Li Yao\'s neck twisted and his body did not move.

   The visual effect is that the arrow glowing with arcane light seems to penetrate Li Yao\'s head.


   Dusky Grape quickly bent the bow and set the arrow again.


   This time Li Yao took a slow step.

  Yes, the arrows are very fast, but in the eyes of the audience, Li Yao has taken a step, and the arrows of the dark grapes passed through his original leg position.

   Dusky Grape is also full of but he bent the bow and set the arrow again and shot out suddenly.

   However, everyone saw that Li Yao flew out on an iron bridge with an arrow sticking to the tip of his nose.

"This is impossible."

   Dusky Grape looked at his hands, and couldn\'t believe that this was the arrow he shot out. You must know that he can do a hundred steps through Yang.

   "Your sister, this is a good performance."

   "What the hell, no wonder it\'s so arrogant, I was acting."

   "Made, it\'s not two duel guys acting, deliberately cheating us ingots."

   For a time, the crowd in the live broadcast room was enthusiastic, and Dusky Grape’s men were full of incredulous looks, as if they had seen something incredible.

   Ozawa took a deep breath and said, "No, this is not acting, but Liaoyuan completely predicted the point of grape attack."

   "It\'s impossible. The two sides are 30 Thomas, how can he predict it?" Dim Fire continued: "And even if he predicts, why doesn\'t the boss change his shooting point."

   Everyone nodded, because in their opinion, it was clearly Li Yao who dodged first, so why didn\'t the vice president change his attack point.

   "You didn\'t look carefully enough. Because Liaoyuan started his dodge action at the moment when Dim Grape released his finger, Grape didn\'t want to change, but couldn\'t change at all." Ozawa said astonishingly.

   "Impossible, how could he know which part of him I am going to attack before I shoot?" Dusky Grape was full of disbelief.

   It is precisely because he is a master of archery that he knows that this is impossible to do...

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