Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 6: recruitment

Chapter 6 Recruitment

  An Feng also bought an off-road motorcycle and an all-terrain vehicle. The off-road motorcycle can be placed directly in the back of the pickup truck, and the all-terrain vehicle is the kind of quad bike that is used on the beach in China, and the merchant is responsible for the delivery. He bought it considering the mountain roads and fields around the vineyard, and it would be great to play off-road occasionally.

   Originally planned to go to the gun store, but California is one of the four states with the strictest gun control in the United States. He heard that there would be exams and so on. Before he could figure it out, An Feng temporarily gave up on this huge temptation. Back in the car, I moved towards the vineyard a little bit with the GPS navigator.

  F-150 is big in size, with a high cab position and a wide field of view. With one foot of the accelerator, the power is surging, which completely compares with the surrounding small cars. The interior space is spacious, and An Feng, who is 1.81 meters tall, still has a lot of head space when he sits down. No wonder so many people like to drive big cars.

Leaving Orbisburg, there are still more than 70 kilometers away from the vineyard. It is not the first time for An Feng to drive, but it is the first time to drive in the United States. He feels that pickup trucks can be seen everywhere on the road, and the speed of the car They are also very fast. He clearly saw a "65" sign on the side of the road, but many cars were traveling at speeds exceeding 75 mph. He is not timid, and when he sees others hurrying, he follows suit, but it only takes half an hour to go back.

   Leave the national road and turn into the two-way lane leading to the vineyard. The straight road has no end in sight, surrounded by mountains and vast vineyards. It was mid-June at this time, the sun was shining brightly, the white clouds against the background of the blue sky were extremely low, and the air was surprisingly good. An Feng slowed down the speed of the car, and looked at the left and right sides of the road dazzledly. In his mind, there was a dreamy scene of green mountains, sunshine, plump grapes, and fine wine.

   Breathing in the fresh air, looking at the greenery everywhere, and listening to the country music on the radio, An Feng trembled to the beat and exclaimed excitedly: "This is life!"

   "The weather is so good, I need a convertible car!" After thinking about it, he looked through the car window and saw his mansion on the top of the mountain from a distance, surrounded by a vast expanse of neatly arranged vineyards that belonged to him. Drive slowly up the mountain, and the scenery you see is even more magnificent.

  An Feng backed the car in the garage, got out of the car and strolled slowly in the front yard, making up for the regret of not being able to appreciate it last time. The lawn is planted with soft green grass and some common palm trees, as well as unnamed dwarf shrubs. It is full of greenery, and there are a few birdsong from time to time. It is also good to find a chance to raise a few dogs and play on the lawn.

The house adopts a horizontal design, two stories high but very wide. There are seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms. The interior is laid with light yellow wooden floors, oil paintings and more than a dozen split elk heads are hung on the walls. The fireplace and sofa also adopt the same color scheme, reflecting a kind of calm and harmony as a whole.

   There is a home theater on the first floor that can accommodate fifteen to twenty people. There are luxurious individual seats and sofa-style seats. After turning off the lights, An Feng tried the audio equipment, and the effect was shocking, even better than a movie theater. It is said that this is the top BOSE speaker specially purchased by the former owner.

There is also a gym of more than 100 square meters on the first floor, which is well-equipped with treadmills, climbing machines, rowing machines, and barbells. He weighed the barbells and lifted them on the bench press a few times. practice. In addition, there are two steel pipes in the corner, behind which are floor-to-ceiling mirrors. The previous owner had real taste.

  An Feng went to every corner and looked through it. Obviously, the design of the house has gone through a lot of effort, but it doesn\'t quite suit his personality. He likes youthful fashion, but the current style is a bit like a house lived by an old aristocrat in his 30s or 40s, lacking in liveliness.

While grading the house, a car horn sounded outside. I went downstairs and walked out of the house to see a two-door Chevrolet pickup parked at the gate. Among the few people who got out of the car, An Feng saw it. , called John or something, who managed the vineyard for the previous owner.

   "Hi!" An Feng greeted.

"Hello, Mr. Ann!" said an older white man, he was probably in his fifties, with gray hair, wearing a shirt and jeans, and a slightly bulging belly, "Call me Old John, that\'s what everyone calls me. When we saw you coming back, we stopped by to have a look."

   "Inside, please." An Feng invited them into the house, "Sorry, I just moved here, so I haven\'t prepared anything."

   "Don\'t bother." Old John said with a smile, "Mr. An, we wanted to talk to you about hiring Grape employees."

  An Feng sat on the sofa, "Please speak."

Old John said: "Because the last owner of the garden went bankrupt, most of the employees left, but it happened to be the grape growing season at this time, and no one took care of it. The more than 300 acres of grapes were wasted, and five workers persisted. For three weeks, if the job is not available, they have to find another way."

  An Feng understood half of it, and asked in surprise: "Are they all voluntary?"

  Old John nodded: "After the vineyard went bankrupt, many people couldn\'t bear to leave when they saw that the grapes they planted were left unattended."

  An Feng said: "Those unsettled funds, you can count them, I will settle them for you, and those who are willing to stay, I welcome them very much."

  Old John froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Mr. An, thank you so much!"

   "It\'s okay, tell me how much money is there?" An Feng checked all the female family members of the real estate company. If these people were not there to help, the loss of grapes in the past three weeks would not be small, right?

   "According to the weekly salary of 800 per person, the total is 12,000 U.S. dollars." Old John said.

   "OK." An Feng took out the check book, filled in the amount, tore it off and handed it to Old John.

  Old John took the check, looked at it, and said happily, "Mr. An, you are such a good man!"

   Nice guy? An Feng Khan went first. Several other younger Putao employees also came forward to shake hands and thank them. Originally, they only hoped to stay and continue to work. After all, they did it voluntarily for these three weeks. They did not expect this young rich man to be so forthright, and he would pay the bill without saying a word. Take it to your head.

  An Feng is not stupid, he is not familiar with the place where he was born, so buying people\'s hearts is the most important thing, to make a good reputation. And everyone wants to hire good employees. Besides, it\'s only tens of thousands of dollars. After he develops the technology of man-made diamonds, the American people will still have to pay for it.

  Looking at their expressions, you can see that money has successfully exchanged a lot of character. An Feng asked: "Old John, do you need to add anything to the vineyard?"

  Old John is very good at it: "Five permanent workers are enough, and about ten more workers are added to the rest. The recruitment of winemakers, wine cellar managers, etc., can be postponed."

  An Feng nodded: "You can do these things, and just report to me when the time comes."

  As these notices were passed on, An Feng\'s move naturally won support. In the afternoon, the employees who were about to leave brought their things back. They did not live with An Feng, but a house down the mountain. When An Feng was helping a cowgirl move things, he took a look. The two-story house was not too big or small. Each bedroom had a size of 30 to 40 square meters, with a matching bathroom, and usually ate in the living room. Just provide them with some meat, and there is a small vegetable garden outside with tomatoes and other vegetables.

   Then An Feng and Old John visited the vineyard to learn some basic information. According to him, the planting area of ​​more than 300 acres is large-scale, and some well-known wineries in Napa Valley only have about 100 acres, with an annual output of about 20,000 boxes, which is incomparable with Anfeng\'s gardens.

   But in terms of brand value, Anfeng is not as good as other wineries. He went into the underground wine cellar and took a look. There were oak barrels neatly arranged inside, but most of them were empty, and there were only more than a thousand bottles of red wine on the wine rack. He opened a bottle and tasted it, and the quality was only average.

  In general, most of the grapes produced are sold to other wineries, and a small part is used for self-brewing. Therefore, this garden can only be called a vineyard rather than a winery. According to Old John, the former owner only used this place as a vacation place, and came here a few times occasionally to play with friends, so he built stables and horse farms behind the house, and raised more than a dozen horses before he went bankrupt.

An Feng drove a motorcycle around the vineyard. After identifying his territory, he also felt that the previous owner had built this place into a country resort. Needless to say, the mansion on the top of the mountain, the stables and horse farms at the foot of the mountain, the off-road field on the edge, and even There is a badminton court that has not yet been built.

  An Feng is very satisfied with these layouts, and there is a supplementary plan for the unfinished facilities. Didn\'t he buy the vineyard just to enjoy life?

  (end of this chapter)