Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 435: Can't stand it anymore

Chapter 435 Can\'t stand it anymore

   "Those full-fledged MPs are so fucked!" An Feng was angrily.

Wang Le shrugged his shoulders: "Who made them into such a big disaster? Although the intention is good, but this kind of unexplainable joint relationship can only be considered unlucky. Don\'t say that European people are very unhappy, including the United States Inside, feelings are fragile all over the world right now."

  An Feng was upset: "These things are too annoying! By the way, when do you plan to go back?"

  Since the outbreak of the virus, the entry and exit management of various countries has been stricter. Wang Le did not go back, but just talked to his family on the phone to prove that everything is fine. But there are also some bad things. After all, China has the largest population, and the losses caused by the outbreak are also very heavy.

   Fortunately, An Feng focused on taking care of China, and the loss was controlled as much as possible.

   "Next week, the country is already very stable." Wang Le said.

   "I also plan to take my parents back. A few relatives have left." An Feng said.

   "Sorrow." Wang Le said.

An Feng said: "It doesn\'t matter. I have attended thirteen funerals during this period, and I have seen it. If you are still alive, try to live happily. No one can predict what tomorrow will be like, but you will die with a smile on your face." , is it better than waiting for death with a sad face?"

  Wang Le nodded: "I agree with your opinion."

  Next Zhou Anfeng will take his family and friends to China, Joanna will also be with him, and the two children will stay in the United States. After a while, he landed in City S, said goodbye to Wang Le, and continued to transfer to a flight to the south. All the way back home, people came and went on the street, and there were not many changes.

But even passers-by looked a little dignified. The epidemic has taken tens of millions of lives, which is no less than a fierce all-out war. Huge psychological damage was done.

   An Feng saw a lot, so he looked at it calmly.

   A few days later, I originally wanted to stay for a few more days, but An Feng\'s parents were very open-minded, knowing that he had a lot of things going on, so they didn\'t let him stay longer. An Fenghe and Joanna returned to the United States, continued their normal lives, played their part, and made some contributions to the recovery of the whole world.

  The United States has been very lively recently, and the election of a new president is being held. It was postponed due to the outbreak of the virus. Now that it is starting again, the best advantage of the competitors is that they are clean.

  The current government is now thinking about itself and the future of the political party. Therefore, in the last six months, it is necessary to show past achievements, even if there is no hope of being re-elected. Therefore, Congress has already confirmed the passage of the bill for multinational companies, and it is also on the agenda for private individuals.

  An Feng is worrying about his own property and the huge tax problems that come with it.

   This is not something that can be solved by paying back taxes - it\'s called tax evasion. If the designated tax payment period has been exceeded, not only must the payment be made, but a fine must also be imposed, and then the public prosecution will be brought to court. If the amount is large enough, he may go to prison for decades... This is the worst outcome.

But for private offshore tax avoidance, after the bill is passed, if it is to be implemented, it needs the cooperation of many parties. At least the Swiss bank will not nod easily. It has to be discussed by the Swiss government. If the government wants to discuss it, it has to listen to the opinions of the parliament... Maybe it will If it is not passed, it will take five or six years to pass.

   During this period, he can launder money, launder hundreds of billions of dollars, and pay a certain fee.

  Obviously, the bill has given individuals a lot of preparation time, and the US government has no intention of completely driving the super-rich to a dead end. Now is an obvious reminder. An Feng believes that many people are looking for new tax avoidance methods, but he can\'t find a more suitable one—because there is too much money.

   It is not too difficult to find a new way out for tens of billions of funds, but it is not easy for any banking organization to accept more than 100 billion, and it is too hot. The bank manager suggested that he give up his American citizenship and live in a country with light taxes. With his current reputation, he is welcome to go anywhere.

  The tax burden in the United Kingdom is lower than that in the United States, and the United Kingdom has chartered many offshore financial centers, the British Virgin Islands is relatively famous. It is much easier for An Feng to become naturalized than others. The whole world will welcome a hero who saves mankind. At the same time, his ability to create wealth cannot be underestimated.

  After a series of incidents, the media has made it clear that he is an invisible rich man.

  Because in the virus incident alone, his related and indirect expenses far exceeded the personal assets estimated by the media, 20 billion? No kidding, when Joanna allocated funds as the chairman of the Medical Association, it was simply 30 billion, and there are research centers that have a close relationship with them.

  The estimated value of the patents authorized by the research center exceeds two trillion yuan.

   Vaguely, people seem to have figured out something from the clues, but the matter covers too much, and with the current reputation of An Feng and Joanna, if they deliberately oppose them, the consequences will be terrible. The media that specialize in economic reports have ideas, but they dare not write them out.

   Now it is difficult to think about Cha Anfeng, and he is not afraid of these things. What worries him is the problem of changing the vest.


The    consortium also encountered trouble in the grand economic strategy dabbled in.

The originally meticulous plan, but because of the outbreak of the virus, eight months were completely wasted, which almost ruined half of the plan. They have already invested too much money in this bet, and now it is impossible to withdraw their hands. Even they couldn\'t take the loss lightly.

To make matters worse, the virus broke out in Europe, which affected the economy. During the period of economic stagnation in various countries, the government invested frantically in the research and development of vaccines. And dragged myself down.

   Coupled with the actions of some speculators after the disaster, the EU economy was hit hard.

First of all, Greece can\'t hold on anymore, they are about to go bankrupt, but with the lessons of more than ten years ago, the mutual influence between EU countries and European pig countries is not as serious as before. Germany is also calm about this matter, and they are working hard to restore domestic order , there is not much leisure to worry about Greece.

   It seems to be an agreement, and Italy, Spain and Portugal can\'t stand it anymore.

Italy is also in bad luck. The virus outbreak occurred in August, and they had a holiday in August. One pass two, two pass four... that\'s it.

In some of the hardest-hit areas in Italy, the death rate has reached 30%, which is almost on par with France. However, the Italian government, which was already living under the shadow of debt, has once again become its Achilles’ heel. First, the huge investment during the virus outbreak, and then to the support of enterprises across the country. expenditure.

Although there are no bombs falling from the top of the head, and the buildings have not been reduced to ashes, the number of people going to work is much smaller than before. It’s not that they don’t want to go to work, but they are gone... The factory has no workers, no boss to pay wages, and naturally closed down. , A series of bankruptcies has caused the government to suffer.

Yields on Italian bonds over 8% set off the bankruptcy alarm, they want to apply for international aid, but all parties are helpless, the situation is similar in EU countries, too much population loss, all are now adjusting and self-insuring, international currency Funding organizations also cannot act hastily in such a predicament.

  The economy of the four European pig countries is not very high-quality, plus they are lazy, don’t want to go to work and call for high welfare. Once they encounter some big or small things, they will not be able to stand it. Now that the problem is breaking out, the timing is very inappropriate. It just happens to be the moment when Europe is recovering and has no time for self-care.

If it is only Greece, the problem may not be very serious, but if the four European pig countries collectively break out, it will still have a great impact on the European Union. It has been unable to alleviate market anxiety.

  The European Commission official in charge of the economy also admits that the prospects are worrying.

Once these countries go bankrupt in a row, the European Union cannot avoid it. First, the European economy will experience a chain reaction of bad debts. It will be difficult to raise debts, and the creditors will be miserable. This will then affect the stock market, plummet, and damage the euro...and then form a vicious circle, bringing the whole Europe is embroiled in crisis.

  The biggest losses here are the member states of the European Union and the overseas capital of the consortium.

The Texas consortium was taken over by someone. Originally, the bet was focused on the European economy. The victory was just around the corner, but the best opportunity was delayed due to natural disasters. The situation is also very depressing, and the consortium is actively discussing countermeasures.

   In addition, national sentiment is also affecting the situation.

Protests broke out in Spain and Italy. On TV, people from all walks of life took to the streets to raise signs, excited, and college students also ran out to join in the fun. An Italian interviewed said that he now works eight hours a day, But seven hours to pay taxes!

  I can\'t afford pasta!

As American TV stations continued to interview other people, they got similar answers. The government is incompetent, not only because it cannot play a role in the virus disaster, but also slow to respond after the disaster. When encountering problems, it is not thinking about itself, but raising various tax rates first, so that The people of the whole country will bear it.

  So they shouted the slogan: go bankrupt!

   In terms of the significance of bankruptcy to a country, it is not like a company going bankrupt, where all valuables are auctioned off. It\'s just that the country has no credit anymore, money is no longer valuable, even waste paper, state-owned assets are easily privatized, and the worst consequence is the formation of a colonial country where monopoly capital can do whatever it wants.

But bankruptcy only hurts ordinary people. Rich people deposit their money in Swiss banks. They have nothing to do with how the country goes bankrupt. Instead, they earn more benefits at very low prices—for example, the government is forced to sell state-owned assets. Ten million, now millions.

  Ordinary people can’t afford tens of millions or millions, but for tycoons, it’s too simple.

   Under such dissatisfaction, the bankruptcy crisis broke out together with the crisis of trust.

  The people of Sardinia also took to the streets to march, but they concentrated on the matter of "separation from the government" because they did not want the disaster of Italian bankruptcy to affect them. In addition, during the virus incident, they were very dissatisfied, and even angry with the government\'s isolation practices, and the public\'s emotions broke out completely.

   They hold the government accountable for 600,000 dead.

   Even the opposition parties have discussed that a referendum will be held to decide whether they want to leave Italy.

The Italian government immediately declared that the referendum was illegal and would not be recognized, and the army may go to suppress it—but the high-handed attitude will only bring about stronger resistance. In the virus disaster, they lost 600,000 lives, and they are no longer afraid of any violence and called for international intervention.

  Now Europe is really experiencing ups and downs, becoming the focus of world attention.

  (end of this chapter)