Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 425: panic spread

Chapter 425 Panic spread

   Regarding this incident, it can only be described as "suddenly". An Feng\'s original good wish of enjoying peace of mind was shattered. He thought that the probability of doomsday would increase slowly, but during these ten days, it suddenly jumped from 10% to 85%, which was about to evolve into the most serious red alert.

It\'s hard to imagine that before that, they were enjoying the sunny and beach days in Europe, which were so leisurely and relaxed, but now they were suddenly shrouded in a haze of death, and his self-confidence was thwarted. It happened so suddenly that he almost There is no time to prepare.

   What is even more helpless is that human beings have not fully realized the seriousness of the matter. Although the World Health Organization has warned, it is listed as a common influenza, so that countries should pay attention to prevention, instead of the first-level alert that An Feng hopes, to block the infected people and use any preventive means.

  Hal said: "Before the probability reaches 95%, it does not have the conditions to become a human disaster."

   This was finally a consolation, but An Feng then became distressed: "The front is rising so fast, how can you make me feel relieved?"

Hal showed no emotion: "Because of the inaccurate sampling of the data, the scope of the impact, etc., but now that we have come into contact with the virus sample, the probability accuracy is very high. The current probability indicates that it is only a serious infection and has not yet developed to be able to destroy the virus. human catastrophe."

   "You mean it\'s not yet possible?" An Feng asked.

  Hal replied: "Based on the characteristics of the current virus, it does not have this ability, unless it is mutated."

  An Feng said: "That cannot be ignored."

An Feng and Hal discussed that in addition to some countermeasures, the top priority is to stop its spread first. The way to stop the spread is naturally testing, but there is currently no quick way to test patients in the incubation period, and it is impossible for everyone to be tested when entering or leaving the country. A tube of blood was drawn.

The second is to prevent mutual transmission. Before the vaccine is developed, it is necessary to prevent the transmission of the virus. Needless to say, saliva and blood sexual behaviors, and air transmission, wearing a mask is obviously a way. Hal designed a virus for the virus. A more effective special mask.

On the testing equipment, Hal is working hard, and the problem of masks, An Feng arranges, he has two production plants of affiliated pharmaceutical companies, a large number of mechanical automation can make the output very high, from now on it has to be mass-produced, although People don\'t pay attention.

   In addition, An Feng has the responsibility to remind his relatives and friends.

  He asked Alice to stay at home and not go to school for the time being, and the elementary school students had nothing to learn. At most, they asked their parents to teach them more, or asked Eve to teach her lessons. Other friends have also been reminded to minimize going out, avoid crowded areas, and use special masks.

  Joanna was puzzled: "Why do I feel that you treat this influenza as a doomsday virus?"

An Feng didn\'t mean the slightest joke: "We must be vigilant. This time things are far beyond our imagination, please believe me, I have been exposed to virus samples, I know its characteristics, its destructive power, if it happens If a mutation is expected... I can\'t imagine it."

Seeing that he was serious about what he said, and that An Feng was indeed highly talented in medicine, he was the one who took the lead in overcoming cancer, so she put away her joking mentality, and she said: "We need to inform more relatives and friends, let them Travel carefully and proceed with caution."

   "There is a better way." An Feng said.

"any solution?"

   "You!" An Feng looked at her.

   "Me?" she asked.

  An Feng said: "You have a great reputation. The foundation has taken over the medical department of the research center. Many people will value your remarks."

   Joanna got it.

  She posted a post on the Internet that night, reminding people to pay attention to virus prevention and not to ignore the details.

  The next day, the Foundation and the Medical Association also made press statements, reporting on the progress of the development of the virus vaccine, and solemnly reminding people to reduce going out.

When the virus has not yet broken out, saying such words has the meaning of fanning the flames. What ordinary people or institutions say may not be conveyed. However, well-known people and authoritative organizations have expressed their views. At last, the country and the government have paid attention to it and started to prevent the epidemic. cold.

   After someone paid attention to it, Joanna volunteered to publicize the details of the life that An Feng reminded. Soon, her tweets received a very high number of retweets, and followers did not ignore her reminders. After all, the strongest medical department on Earth has been acquired by her, and these reminders must have a reason.

  Joanna began channeling some of her fans.

  An Feng also specifically reminded friends flying all over the world to reduce going out.

   Matthew and Austin, who live nearby, received several large boxes of masks delivered by him personally. Matthew was surprised: "Is this going to be hoarded for the end of the world?"

   "Yes." An Feng answered simply.

  Matthew was stunned: "Are you serious?"

"I don\'t have time to joke. I have to talk to virus experts later." An Feng said, "You must use these masks when you go out. Although the masks are quite thick, they are an effective way to prevent viruses. If the situation cannot be controlled, I\'ll take you to Texas."

   "What are you doing there?" Matthew asked.

"I dug an underground nuclear bunker there, which can defend against any attack including nuclear bombs, including viruses, and there are enough materials stored in it for fifty years." An Feng said, picking up a booklet, "Pay attention to these contents, Remember it, digest it in your heart."

   "I\'m starting to believe you mean it," Matthew said.

   "That\'s good." An Feng went out, got in the car and left, heading to the next stop.


  September the world is in a rush of prevention.

But things are still very bad. The infected French people died one after another on the fifteenth day after the onset of the disease. According to the records, they all drank bio-drinks, and their physiques were stronger than ordinary people. The Arabs were three to five Day incubation period, death within five days after onset.

  Drinking bio-drinks for a long time obviously lasted more than twice the time.

This also caused Bida to be out of stock for a time. People rushed to buy all the drinks in the supermarket, and the rich also aimed at high-end stores to snap up luxury goods there... This scene was staged in Europe, Asia and America. The flu virus that continued to spread has already It made people panic.

Among the third batch of reported deaths, some were the first to be infected, but survived for twenty-five days. The inspection found that these people were wealthy people who drank higher-end bio-drinks, and their physique was stronger...but the wealth No amount of them can stop the scythe of death.

In late September, the World Health Organization issued another warning. At this time, the virus had spread to all parts of the world, and the number of reported cases exceeded 100,000. It took almost a month from the first dozen to the current 100,000, but the virus usually It exploded in geometric multiples, not counting the incubation period.

   At the same time, Anshi Industries has developed a scanner to detect viruses, and the Elizabeth Medical Association recommends it to other countries. Joanna also prepared a press statement to remind people again. With the experience of last time, more people believed in her and followed her reminders.

  Joanna continues to perform her duties as a charitable figure, alerting people.

Special masks are out of stock. Anfeng does not set up any patents in this area, and provides technology for free use to the world. It has also developed into a bit like "SARS" in the past, disinfecting everywhere, wearing masks on the street, standing in the sun, watching The deserted street is a bit damp and frightening.

  An Feng and Hal participated in the research and development of the virus vaccine, and obtained antibodies. The researched vaccine successfully killed the virus, but it could not be completely extinct. Thankfully, the probability has remained at 85%, not catastrophic yet, and medicine will continue to dive into the fight against the virus.

  At the beginning of October, the US and French governments announced that they had developed a vaccine and are currently preparing for clinical trials.

An Feng asked for a vaccine to be researched by professionals from the Medical Association, and Hal also started its quantum computer at full speed. The current computing power per second is the sum of the computers in the world. Overdraw yourself and scrap ahead of time.

  An Feng told Hal to hurry up, because he was not sure what the vaccines in the United States and France would do.

  They have also produced a vaccine. The antibody gradually killed the virus, but it rebounded in the end. This strange RNA virus is weird and changeable, and they can\'t figure it out. When did the Americans and the French become so powerful? An Feng asked experts to remind the governments of the two countries to use vaccines with caution.

   But they are reference only.

  The virus clinical test in the United States and France took a week and achieved good results.

  At present, the number of confirmed infected people has expanded to 300,000, and the use of detectors has effectively prevented the spread, but it is still not enough, and the production capacity of Anshi Industrial is limited.

  At this time, the governments of the two countries announced that the vaccine had successfully produced antibodies clinically and would be used on infected persons.

  That night, Hal reported that the vaccine was strong...but it didn\'t work.

  An Feng hurriedly asked the people from the medical department to communicate with the government, but they vetoed it again, thinking that the vaccine must be used early to prevent the current spreading trend and reduce public panic. The communication was ineffective, An Feng could only find another way, he asked Joanna to hold a press conference.

   This time through the holographic network, Joanna came forward in person.

  According to the prepared speech, she does not recommend that people use this batch of vaccines whose effects have not yet been determined.

   News speeches were disseminated through the Internet and TV stations, but they were quickly blocked, and they were reminded not to mislead the public. The British government also tactfully told Joanna that enough is enough, and if it continues, they will not be able to withstand the pressure from the outside world, and may take more progressive moves.

  But Joanna\'s popularity is there, and the ban is not enough to stop the Internet army.

  She insisted that she was right to tell people not to use vaccines, which may have unpredictable consequences, and asked the government to disclose the details of all research and development.

   A portion of her admirers believed and rallied.

Crowds marched in the streets to protest the self-assertion of France and the United States, but were then expelled by the police, greeted by smoke bombs, tear gas and Taser guns, and democratic riot batons were beaten on the people\'s heads. There was chaos and the leader was taken into police custody.

   Then the government asked Joanna to clarify that her previous remarks were wrong.

   She insisted that she was right. She appealed a second time, and the next day London\'s press officer, Donna Roberts, was invited to tea and could no longer speak for her. News also came from the United States, warning her, but the governor took it easy and did not allow the Federation to mess around on California land.

Relevant rumors broke out on the Internet, and the public was divided into two factions. One faction firmly supported Joanna\'s skepticism, because although the Medical Association was just established, its predecessor was a research center, and the original team had not yet determined its curative effect. And there are too few clinical trials of vaccines.

The other faction is on the opposite side, condemning her as a non-professional, who dared to spread rumors and mislead the people, and then developed to the point of attacking her and doubting the medical society... People who are staying at home due to influenza, The Internet has become a catharsis.

  The medical association officially issued an official statement that was uncertain about the efficacy of the vaccine.

  However, the governments of the two countries, which insist on eradicating the virus and preventing the spread of panic, did not adopt it.

  The reason is that the number of infections is several times higher than expected, because it is difficult to count the population during the incubation period, and the government cannot allow this panic to continue to spread.

  Joanna sat down and sighed: "I failed."

  An Feng comforted: "You have tried your best, it doesn\'t matter... Maybe it really works."

On the third day after the vaccine was used, the clinical effect was not brought, but two patients died strangely. On the fourth day, more patients developed severe fever and vomiting. On the fifth day, the infection was amplified again, and a large number of infected people deaths, and more people are at risk.

  Elizabeth Medical Society issued an authoritative report: Influenza virus has undergone RNA mutation.

The Medical Association also condemned the concealment of the two governments. The power of SFV (the new name for the mutated virus) has been strengthened by the use of their vaccines. The antibody failed to eliminate the virus, but made the virus self-improving and stronger. The consequences will be disastrous .

   In order to further shock people, Hal no longer needs equations to calculate probabilities.

  Because it has come!

  (end of this chapter)