Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 295: sweet pastry

Chapter 295 Sweet pastry

  In the afternoon, Xiaobai\'s health test results came out. An Feng sat in front of the computer and browsed carefully. All the indicators were normal, and he was even extremely healthy in all aspects. The gene mutation technology is very successful, and the tiger cubs born to it and other tigers will also be able to inherit the mother\'s excellent genes.

   "The job is done!" An Feng stretched his waist, and Xiao Bai ran over expecting to play with him.

   "Don\'t look at me like that, you\'ve had enough trouble today, now go home honestly." An Feng ignored its gaze, picked up his coat, thought for a while, and went downstairs.

  He went to the flower shop opposite and bought a bouquet of roses, and brought them back to board the plane.

A certain person\'s romantic EQ is quite high. Although they are considered old couples, when Joanna saw the bright red rose in his hand, she still excitedly hugged him and kissed him. With a smile, let my brother-in-law see this sweet look, and give a thumbs up.

   Seeing the thumbs up symbolizing praise, the bear boy clamored to send flowers to his uncle.

  An Feng said to her dumbfounded: "Girl, you\'d better wait a little longer and let other handsome guys see you off, otherwise my aunt will be angry."

  Xiaoyu seemed to understand, but stuck out her tongue and ran to play with Xiaobai again.

  Joanna sat on the sofa with her legs curled up, hugged his arms, looked at Xiaoyu who was leaning on Xiaobai and told him stories, and said, "It\'s so cute."

   "Yes, let\'s abduct her and make her our daughter." An Feng made a joke, and the little girl heard it, and looked back at them with watery eyes.

  An Feng said: "Xiaoyu, I will live with my uncle from now on, and I won\'t have my parents anymore, okay?"

  She looked at everyone, thinking seriously in her heart, whether it is better to be uncle and aunt or parents.

   Everyone held back their smiles and waited, the little girl finally shook her head.

  An Feng said: "Isn\'t Uncle bad?"

   "Hello, Uncle." The little girl said.

  An Feng said injuredly: "Then why didn\'t you choose me? How fun is my place? There are little tigers, little ponies, and your group of doll friends?"

  The little girl struggled for a while, and then said: "But dad is so pitiful. If I\'m not at home, I will definitely be bullied by my mother all day long."

   "Ah oh." An Feng smiled, "Girl, you\'ve got the truth."

  My sister said with a straight face: "Why is Dad so fierce all day long? Am I so fierce?"

  The little girl was in trouble, she secretly glanced at her mother, then turned to look at her uncle: "Uncle, can I go back on my word?"

  An Feng said: "Girl, your position is not firm, is it?"

  Brother-in-law opened his hand to her: "Mom is just teasing you, come here girl! I know you love dad the most!"

  Everyone made Xiaoyu amused, there was a child in the family who couldn\'t stop the excitement... Later An Feng answered the phone, it was from Wang Le.

   "Bitch, can I make an appointment to go to your place tomorrow?" Wang Le said.

   "When did you learn to be polite?" An Feng said wonderingly, this guy always notified him until he was almost at the door.

   "Isn\'t this more formal?" Wang Le smiled over there.

   "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon." An Feng said, "Tell me, did you get kicked out by your wife?"

   "Your sister, you were kicked out of the house by kneeling on the keyboard!" Wang Le said, "Going to your side has something to talk about, it\'s better to say it in person."

   "Okay, it\'s on point!" An Feng said.

  The next day Wang Le drove an SUV over and honked the horn a few times at the door of An Feng\'s house.

"I heard it! I heard it! Can\'t you open the door by yourself?" An Feng came out yelling, and took a look: "Hey, the cool red Porsche Cayenne, optional wheels and calipers, modified side skirts and rear row, and a 4.8" Upgrade to a larger displacement and a higher configuration, have you gotten rich recently, kid?"

Wang Le drove the car in proudly, and said proudly: "The investment has a small return, thinking that there is only a sports car at home, and it can\'t accommodate people at critical moments, so why don\'t we just change it to a car with a larger capacity. Besides, the United States bought this car. One-third of the domestic price, comfortable!"

   "Chiguoguo\'s show off!" An Feng smiled and invited them into the room.

  Wang Le greeted Xiaoyu: "Hey, little girl, do you still remember your uncle?"

   "I know, Uncle Wang next door, it\'s best to remember." Xiaoyu said innocently.

  Wang Le\'s smile froze: "What a good boy!"

   "Haha!" An Feng laughed, "Fortunately, you and I are not neighbors!"

  Wang Le sat down and said: "This time I\'m looking for you, besides eating and drinking, it\'s really a bit serious."

   "I knew it." An Feng looked like a god.

Wang Le said: "My brother may come from China in a few days, and I have some friends. Let me remind you first, because my brother has cooperation with them, so I can\'t speak directly, but if they talk to you about business, as long as they don\'t If it\'s suitable, it\'s not good for you, don\'t give me face, just reject them directly."

   "Wait a minute! What\'s going on?" An Feng asked puzzled.

Wang Le leaned back on the sofa and said: "It\'s not a business issue. Recently, so many people from your research center have come to discuss business, and the news has also been received in China. I found out that you are a shareholder and can talk, and then I want to I connected with you through my brother\'s relationship, they belong to a state-owned enterprise, and my brother has a lot of cooperation with them, so it\'s not easy to directly refuse to offend someone, so let me come here to inform you."

  An Feng said: "There is no need to be so sensitive. Anyway, we are talking about business with anyone, and domestic products are fine. As long as the price is satisfactory, it can be regarded as contributing to the economy."

  Wang Le said: "I\'m afraid that those factory directors and secretaries will put on a show. I\'m used to being an uncle, so I thought I was paying attention to domestic ones when I came here."

An Feng didn\'t mind: "Anyway, the country can\'t control me. If it\'s business, we should talk about it in the way of business. It\'s useless to talk about other things. Of course, I will show affection. After all, we are all compatriots. This is beneficial For medical and health matters, I can make some sacrifices."

Wang Le is relieved: "You can just grasp the scale yourself. Of course, state-owned enterprises have advantages and disadvantages. The country is currently promoting the development of the medical field, and there will be a lot of allocations in this area, but the profits of state-owned enterprises are not as good as private companies in the United States. Or domestic private companies.”

   "I will pay attention." An Feng said.


  An Feng talked with Matthew first the next day.

  This time, through holographic three-dimensional communication, two places are separated, but face-to-face contact is strange.

  Matthew stared at An Feng, who sat behind the desk and stared at him. After a while, An Feng surrendered first: "Have you seen enough?"

  Matthew nodded: "These technologies are so realistic, I will ask them to install them for me in the future."

   "The company is currently promoting this technology, please ask everyone to buy more." An Feng said, "This time I came to you for the technology."

   "Pharmaceutical patents?" asked Matthew, who has been concerned about these lately.

"Yes, are you interested? At present, there are 16 drug patents for cardiovascular diseases and skin diseases, and the comprehensive competitiveness is relatively strong. But you know that it cannot be like an anticancer drug, and there is no rival in the world. These drugs It’s just that the effect is better than similar products.”

Matthew said: "I know, but a good effect is a core competitiveness. I can\'t buy all the dozen patents at present, but I am very interested in the antihypertensive drugs among them. Let me give you a psychological price." Come on, don\'t scare your friends too high."

An Feng clicked on the desktop computer a few times, and said: "According to statistics, the global market for antihypertensive drugs has been growing and is expected to reach 60 billion next year, but there are dozens of specialized drugs on the market, and the competition is fierce. It is estimated that new drugs can occupy 50% of the market."

  Matthew shook his head: "Expectations are too high! It will take several years to implement. Currently, consumers generally trust big companies, and new companies need a period of time to promote."

   "You can use anticancer drugs as a gimmick, and the research center will help you." An Feng said.

  Matthew knew that profiteers were talking about money, but this piece of fat was delicious. He gave an idea: "2 billion overseas funds, 40% of drug sales."

The drug that Anfeng wants to resell is worth 30 billion yuan, but the cost is not low. Although the part for Matthew has a market of 18 billion yuan, the final net profit of 2.5 billion yuan is not bad. Considering competitiveness, years and market Waiting for the problem, when it is replaced in five or six years, he may make a profit of nearly 10 billion.

  Of course, this is based on the best imagination, and there are too many changes in business.

   Regarding Matthew\'s offer, An Feng did not give an answer right away: "My assistant will consider your proposal. Are there any other interests?"

  Matthew shook his head: "You are going to take all the cash on me now."

  An Feng smiled: "Help you consume overseas funds!"

  Matthew said: "I really have no money, but our business partners are also engaged in drug manufacturing. If you have time, talk to them."

   "I will." An Feng knew this was a reminder. The consortium is currently developing across fields and needs many profitable projects. As the core, he is the boss and has the responsibility to help the younger brother. This is also the strategy to defeat the opponent. Besides, we are all acquaintances, so it will be easier to negotiate the price.

It\'s also the same reason, that is, if there is benefit sharing, this consortium can develop synchronously, and it may not necessarily be a disadvantage for its own people, because they are familiar with each other and talk better, so it doesn\'t matter much if they take more or less shares. They are all doing big things Yes, caressing about every detail can\'t be mixed up.

   Following Anfeng and other consortium partners, they demonstrated holographic technology.

The partners have a lot of spare funds in their hands, and some of them have accumulated strong capital overseas. Because of the Anfeng incident last time, they had conflicts with some capitalists in the United States. They have accumulated a lot, and they hope to invest it, and Anfeng also has the idea of ​​continuing to develop overseas, so the two groups met and hit it off.

   According to the final statistics, a total of five patents have been transferred, and Anfeng can enjoy a share ranging from 40-45%. The total funds add up to more than 6.5 billion, most of which are overseas assets. There are also foreign exchange, such as British pounds, euros, etc. Everyone has strong capital.

  (end of this chapter)