Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 241: self-driving tour

Chapter 241 Self-driving tour

  At the end of November, they returned to SLO.

  Americans also have a tradition of reunion. They usually choose between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Joanna has a holiday on Thanksgiving, and they may have other activities at Christmas, so they use Thanksgiving to reunite. Go to the Thanksgiving parade together, eat a turkey dinner, and have some traditional games after dinner, simple but warm.

  Anfeng\'s practice continues the tradition after coming to the United States: giving bonuses on Thanksgiving.

   This is the favorite item of the winery staff. Nothing else, BOSS is generous, as long as the work is done well every year, if he is satisfied, his hard work will be rewarded, and he will give a bonus that is much higher than other places, making Old John overcrowded every time he recruits.

  After Thanksgiving, Joanna went back to school and devoted herself to the intense work at the end of the term. After this busy semester is over, the next semester is basically writing a thesis and waiting for the day of graduation... But she took too much leave after getting married, so the next semester has more courses than others.

  An Feng continued to stay at home.

  50% of the progress is not perfect, he felt that he had only spoken half of what he said... until later he discovered something strange from the "event probability".

He went deep into the calculation method of probability. Although he didn\'t understand how to calculate those complicated formulas later, he found that only those with an event probability of more than 50% can be regarded as potential hidden dangers, and 80% are dangerous, but don\'t say 50% now , not even 10% of the events.

   Of course, there are also reasons why there are not enough values, but with such a low probability, it will be fine within a few years to be honest.

   Going around, this may just be a warning decades in advance.

  An Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was not nervous, he was always feeling bored. But now, after calculating the time of the event from the probability, it is found that the worst situation will take several years to deteriorate, and if he intervenes in the control, it may be delayed for decades before finally calming down.

   There is still so long, he can take his time, the only thing is that there is more direction for struggle.

  Since he was not in a hurry, after he had arranged his future plans, he had nothing else to do, so he got together with Wang Le to discuss the arrangements for this Christmas holiday.

  While talking, Wang Le talked about his friends who were going to participate in the shooting exhibition last time.

Wang Le said: "My friends are very interesting. Although they are all second or third generation, they are not as arrogant and domineering as on the Internet. You will get along well. By the way, they also want to take a self-driving tour, so I ask You, can you drive to Texas from here?"

  An Feng thought for a while: "It\'s not a big problem, but California to Texas is not a popular route, and the second half is basically a boring and monotonous desert road."

  Wang Le said: "It doesn\'t matter, don\'t worry about the scenery or anything, they have been to all the big cities in the United States, and now they just want to experience driving in the United States."

An Feng nodded: "Okay, let\'s make a plan. From here to Texas, at least 3,000 kilometers. If it\'s for fun, you can go to see the Grand Canyon or something. It may take six or seven days to drive. The shooting exhibition is also near, the best When we arrived, the event was about to take place…”

   "That\'s the truth." Wang Le said.

  They discussed a lot of routes, and even talked about where to go after Christmas. An Feng also has arrangements for this. Recently, he is really leisurely. The company is in the construction stage and has nothing to do, so he wants to experience a trip to the Eastern Caribbean on his own cruise ship.

Then Lisa also joined the discussion. She was very interested in traveling around the Eastern Caribbean, but one link led to another. An Feng looked at the memo plan, and now it\'s good. You don\'t have to worry about having no place to play during the entire Christmas holiday. The schedule is full, if there is any official business, I am afraid it will not be enough.

After Joanna heard about their ideas, she also agreed to travel by car. The reason was that she hadn’t had the freedom to relax for a long time, so she wanted to drive on a sparsely populated straight road without restraint. friends discuss travel plans.

Joanna\'s holiday came in December. After An Feng took the time to give Xiaobai a second dose of genetic medicine, he entrusted him to the old John of the winery, let Xiaobai play with the hunting dog, exercise his hunting ability... and then return to San Francisco, waiting for the arrival of Wang Le\'s friends.


  They met five friends from China at the airport.

Wang Le smiled and hugged them, and then pulled everyone to warmly introduce: "This is the Mr. An Fengan I told you about, my best friend, and a good neighbor who eats and drinks! And these few, aged Those who are older than me and those who are younger than me are all friends in China."

   There are three men and two women in the team. They all come from wealthy backgrounds, but they are very humble, with a smile on their faces, and very kind. In particular, a guy named Ye Ning was very hospitable. He said that next time An Feng returned to China, if he passed by him, he would definitely entertain him and experience the local characteristics.

  An Feng smiled and said: "If I have time to pass by, I will definitely pay a visit. But since we are in the United States this time, let me entertain you first!"

"I like it so refreshing!" Ye Ning said with a smile, "This time, there are only two purposes, driving and playing with guns. Last time Wang Le sent those videos to me. My heart is itching. Although my buddies are also playing in gun shops in the United States. A few times, but it\'s nothing compared to what he\'s been through."

   "There will always be, and this time it will be more intense." An Feng said.

  After some politeness, rent a car at the car rental point at the airport. The car rental industry in the United States is very developed. You can choose to rent a car in San Francisco, and return it at the chain store in Houston, Texas, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to get around. No need to choose, they booked online.

Because of long-distance driving, comfort is the first requirement, and the spacious SUV is naturally the first choice. They chose the Grand Cherokee and Ford Explorer, typical American SUVs, large displacement, stable and comfortable to drive, and spacious vision, not king Le-led 911 can compare.

There is no convertible car in California. Wang Le keeps a low profile. Unlike Anfeng Ferrari and Lamborghini, which are all flagships, a two-door four-seater convertible Porsche 911 is his car. The frog with big eyes has remained unchanged for decades. But there is a heart that can run to 320.

An Feng and Wang Le have lived in the United States for a long time, so they are naturally American-style shirts and jeans, with a pair of sunglasses, with the carport open, the front is coquettish=sao leading the way, running at the speed limit, passing traffic lights without slowing down, and turning without turning Brakes and other American-style driving are played vividly.


Everyone rested that night, and got up early the next morning to prepare for a trip. Since Anfeng only had a sports car in San Francisco, he drove out of the sports car and went south to Los Angeles to pick up the car. Although the convertible car is very chic, when the distance exceeds 500 kilometers, you still have to take care of your body. Comfortable car.

The same goes for Wang Le, he only has a sports car, this time he plans to use the same car as An Feng, and he can switch to another car if he gets tired, so he started with two Porsche sports cars, a 918 and a 911, along the most beautiful Highway 1 in the west Going south, the sea is on the right hand side, and the beautiful scenery and scenery are intoxicating.

But this time feminism is serious, and the drivers are two ladies. Joanna and Lisa are unambiguous when they drive a sports car. An old lady in her fifties and sixties smiled and passed.

  Ye Ning, who was driving behind, glanced at the speedometer and accelerated accordingly. He said to his companion, "This American drives really hard!"

   "Everyone seems to be rushing to reincarnate!" His companion also agreed.

The knowledgeable ones are yet to come. Highway No. 1 is built on the mountain, and there are many winding roads. However, when facing big and small bends, the two sports cars in front hardly show signs of slowing down. , If the speed is converted into kilometers per hour, I am afraid that they are all above 100.

But when we arrived in the urban area, things changed suddenly. The drivers became gentle and polite to the point that they had no friends, especially when there were no traffic lights and only a red "STOP" sign, even if there was no one around, they would Patiently stop and watch for a few seconds before driving.

  This "STOP" appears more frequently than traffic lights. When passing the green light, the driver can do it in one go without slowing down or even accelerating, but when encountering a red sign, everyone will stop obediently and pay attention to quality, which is quite different from the previous scene of driving to 140.

When they arrived in Los Angeles, An Feng and Wang Le changed cars, temporarily parked the sports car in the underground parking lot of the research center, and drove out his huge full-size Mercedes-Benz GL63-AMG, which is the kind of car that must be used for long-distance travel. It is an SUV that can sleep and lie down, and can also be loaded with a locomotive when the seat is put down.

It took half a day to go south on Highway 1. They stopped in Los Angeles and went to the beach to have a look at the scenery. Of course, the parking fee was high enough, 60 dollars a car, and they love to park non-stop. Local tyrants naturally wanted all-round advantages, and three cars parked side by side.

I spent one afternoon and one night in Los Angeles, and took a ride on the Ferris wheel in the afternoon, and then the two MMs from China and the wives from the United States decided to go shopping. The journey was so long, and they came empty-handed. How could it be possible? How about clothes and jewelry?

  The men acted as coolies.

Continue to set off the next day, this time driving more than 400 kilometers, from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, because it was late last night, I didn’t get up until ten o’clock in the morning, and it was already eleven o’clock after breakfast, so don’t worry Busy driving from LA to LV, the road is straight and the speed is fast, it can be done in four hours.

The temperature in LV in winter is not too low. If it is summer, basically stay in the casino during the day, and occasionally you can play dead people at 40 degrees outside... The most exciting thing in the casino is the night, but because of the presence of the lady, it may not be enough Familiar, bad boy thinking can\'t be brought in for the time being.

  Everyone tried their luck in a well-behaved manner, and then went to various hotels with special characteristics, watched a few performances, and had endless free activities. An Feng didn\'t have anything else to do, so he took Joanna to the cinema to watch a movie, but after playing it for a few minutes, he found out that the heroine was actually his ex.

In Joanna\'s half-smile expression, An Feng finished watching it with a little appreciation. It\'s an action movie. The hero is stylish and ruthless, and the heroine is bold and unrestrained. Few, the audience enjoyed watching it, and the evaluation is generally quite good.

   "How was it?" Joanna asked him how he felt watching the movie.

   "It\'s not bad." An Feng said with a little hesitation, "If you play the kind of rich daughter or princess or empress, it will be even more brilliant."

   "I don\'t like acting!" Joanna said.

   "Then I\'ll let someone else play you, okay?" An Feng flattered her.

   "What can I do?" she asked.

"Romance movies with some action scenes, don\'t you think the experiences we\'ve met since we met can be filmed like this? But it\'s hard to find a heroine. She doesn\'t have your temperament, and the pure British style is probably difficult to imitate. ...It\'s a pity, who made you unique!"

   "Look at your sweet talk." Joanna was happy.

An Feng hugged her and left the theater, saying: "Isn\'t it? But to be honest, when we are old, we will find a gold medal screenwriter to make our story into a movie and find handsome men and women to shoot. My request is not High, the audience\'s preference comes second, as long as we like it."

   "Good idea," she said.

  (end of this chapter)