Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 200: Private racecourse [three more]

Chapter 200 Private Racecourse【Third watch】

   (Addition of 612 votes)


  The five-day horse race ended grandly.

  These days can be called carnival days for gentlemen and ladies, giving people a taste of the leisure and fun ways of the upper class, and the grand clothing of ladies has also set off a trend. After the end, each of them gained a lot of money, or met friends, or showed their perfect side.

  For An Feng, the excitement continues.

   Apparently watching the races on the field these days, not being part of it, is fun for the crowd - but only halfway there, so Khaled invites his friends to have fun at his private racecourse in Surrey. And emphasized that he went to battle in person.

  After appreciating a horse racing feast, everyone has a strong desire to show "immediately", and they all want to show their hands. Khaled provided the place, and everyone readily went there.

  This time it’s horseback riding, so the ladies finally don’t have to worry about it anymore.

  Equestrian suits are not complicated—compared to those dresses with various styles. In a country with a strong equestrian atmosphere like the UK, there are many luxury brands of horse gear. When you go to a luxury store, you come in empty-handed, leave with big bags and small bags, and then pack your things in the trunk and return with pleasure.

  Surrey is very close to London, connected to Greater London, and only about 30 kilometers away from the city center... To be honest, it is not a big reason why there is the UK. The following journey proved that self-driving tour in London is similar to driving in California, and it feels like the same distance.

  Khalid didn’t invite many people this time, but they all had status. When Bazel arrived, his family and friends were indispensable. An Feng, as a relative, would attend even if he didn’t know Khalid well. Khalid still has a lot of face, being able to invite so many distinguished guests.

  Surrey is something of a suburb of London, or “countryside” in another word. However, the word "countryside" is not necessarily derogatory in the UK. Those nobles are very proud to claim that they are "country people", so "city people" really don\'t have the confidence to be proud in front of them.

Driving a white vantage on the country road, it is rare to see a clear sky above the head. The weather in the past few days is very honorable to the Queen. The Jockey Club is cool and cool. On the first day after the Jockey Club ended, there was a heavy rain immediately. Today It started to clear up again, such is the weather in England.

After arriving at the private racecourse, park in the parking lot. According to the custom, first invite the lady down, then take off the harness in the trunk, and then enter the racecourse with other guests, talking and laughing, with the so-called "British Hand" Khaled exchanged pleasantries before visiting the stables.

  Khalid’s private horse farm takes into account both horse breeding and horse racing. There are two standard tracks inside and outside. The middle of the track is surrounded by green grass, and two artificial lakes have been dug. There are open-air and indoor horse training grounds, hay fields, and some obstacle courses around him, which are very complete.

Khalid walked in front and introduced: "I have been living in the UK intermittently for six or seven years since I started studying. From horses to professional equestrian warmblood horses, everything is involved.”

  The two horse farm employees at the front opened the gate of the stable, and everyone walked in talking and laughing. The stables are double row, that is, there are two rows of horses, with a spacious aisle in the middle. Each horse enjoys a single room service, equipped with automatic cleaning machinery, and the air conditioner is blowing at this time of summer.

   An Feng sighed, these guys probably enjoyed it more than humans.

Everyone gave praises one after another. Khalid accepted these compliments very much, and then said: "The horses here are all well-trained and well-known horses, and my friends often ride them. Except for some weird-tempered horses Besides, everyone, please feel free."

  After the master spoke, everyone who already had itchy hands went to look for their own horses.

An Feng and Joanna are not in a hurry, there are less than twenty people anyway, and there are at least thirty or forty horses here, there is a lot of room for choice, especially for horse lovers, appreciation is also a pleasant process . Joanna explained the origins of these horses one by one, such as English thoroughbreds, Sierra-French, Hanoverian horses... from breed to appearance characteristics, they are all excellent, and each horse is naturally worth a lot.

  After turning around, An Feng said: "Seeing these tall horses, I really itch."

   "You don\'t have a plan for a private horse farm, do you?" Joanna, who is already familiar with his character, guessed.

   "Huh? You said it first!" An Feng looked at her with a smile.

   "I agree!" Joanna was very straightforward this time, because she also liked it.

An Feng took her for a walk: "I respect your opinion. When we go back, we will buy a piece of land in California and build a high-end horse farm, taking into account both horse racing and polo. The vineyard is too small, it is suitable for occasional leisure, and when there are many people, It will inevitably become crowded and the venue is not professional enough."

  Joanna said: "These automated cleaning machines are very suitable. They are precise and fast, and they can also shower and massage horses."

  An Feng nodded: "Automated machinery is really good. A few horses can take care of themselves, but if there are too many horses, pure manual labor is time-consuming and inefficient."

  Joanna said: "Now is a good time, we have to learn."

After the two reached an agreement, they chose the horses they liked. As horse lovers, they definitely don’t need the help of the staff of the racecourse. From the time they are pulled out of the stables, they start to communicate with the horses. This is also an extremely technical test, but this batch All the horses have been trained and are very obedient.

   Put them on the bridle, adjust the length of the rein, and then swing the saddle up, and lead them out of the stable. Joanna smiled and said, "Let\'s see which of us adapts faster?"

   "Come on!" An Feng nodded.

After a distance, the two got on their horses, spurred the still uncooperative horse under them, and began to move around the field, making other people who were still preparing to speed up... Soon, after a few laps, After both humans and horses adapt to this rhythm, the cooperation becomes tacit.

  An Feng couldn\'t help but praised: "What a smart horse!"

  In addition to them, everyone also rode into battle one after another. They chose different entertainment methods, and several staff members rode horses and followed them around to prevent accidents. Safety measures were also in place. But most of them are the first time they come into contact with unfamiliar horses, and they dare not let go too much.

Especially ladies, when the technique is not too safe, too much desire for performance may embarrass themselves. For example, Catherine, the girl can turn over and ride on the back of the horse alone is enough to win warm applause, and she also made the horse realize it. Walking quickly to the stop command, it’s really impossible without some skills, but she stopped in moderation and did not continue to perform. Not everyone can be like Joanna...

   Now she is galloping on the track on a Hanoverian horse. Her body is undulating and her waist is straight. Coupled with a well-tailored riding suit, she is very heroic and has easily won the applause of ladies and gentlemen. Without any strong skills, I really don\'t have the guts to play so fiercely.

  Khalid rode up to stand side by side with An Feng, and said, "It\'s amazing! I didn\'t expect Madam\'s equestrian skills to be so good, as expected of a noble family!"

  Although An Feng was proud, on the surface he still said modestly for her: "She just spent other people\'s leisure time on training."

  Khalid nodded: "It really takes hard work!"

It may be Joanna\'s stimulation. Everyone\'s desire to perform is fully stimulated, and they all have to show their skills in front of others. Regardless of whether the skills are good or bad, as long as they dare to try, they will give the warmest applause. After all, the purpose of coming out to play is leisure, not on the field. In the competition, entertainment is the first priority.

  An Feng also showed a little skill at winding barrels. Coincidentally, Khalid told him that this warm-blooded horse is usually good at obstacle races, so after the coordination of the horse and man, it is easy to control the horse to run back and forth between the field, and gallop back and forth between the obstacle barrels.

  After the wonderful performance, An Feng rode back in front of the crowd, took off his hat and won rounds of applause.

   Affected by the horse racing festival, I had a lot of fun all morning. The summer sun in London is not too strong. Even the standard British riding clothes are still very comfortable. After playing tired, sit down and rest on the audience stand, drink frozen mineral water and fruit juice, chat and make friends.

   Khalid handled this very well. After everyone had had enough fun on the horse farm, they were almost familiar with each other, and the next topic would be easy and natural, centering on equestrianism, raising horses or other topics. Especially equestrian, it is easy to resonate with everyone.

  An Feng asked Khaled some knowledge about private horse farms.

Khalid knows a lot about the selection of venues, the construction of stables, indoor horse training grounds, hayfields... There are all kinds of specifications, but he can\'t guarantee that he will be proficient, so he recommends: "In fact, hiring a professional designer is the best."

   "I agree." An Feng said, in line with the lazy thinking, he used to do this.

  (end of this chapter)