Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 190: Inner ghost【Third watch】

Chapter 190 Inner Ghost 【Third Watch】

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  An Feng got on the plane, turned around and hurried to Santa Clara County, and landed on the tarmac designated by the robot company 20 minutes later.

  After getting off the plane, I saw the distraught Hoffman running over.

  Although this guy is in his twenties, except for his steady scientific research, other aspects of his performance are like a high school student who has not been exposed to many major events. An Feng also understands the urgency of losing the most important things, so try to be patient and keep a steady tone when talking to him.

   "Tell me about the situation this morning in detail." An Feng said as he walked.

"I got up in the morning, thinking about the blueprints, so I opened the door of the laboratory first, and opened the safe to take a look at the exoskeleton. Sorry, I just want to appreciate the elegance of the artwork, because it looks It looks so perfect, I never thought I could design..."

  An Feng reminded him: "Going off topic, what did you see?"

   "Sorry!" Hoffman returned to the topic: "I saw that the inside was empty, and the special lockbox and hard drive for the exoskeleton were gone."

"What about that special tablet?" An Feng wondered. There are usually some important blueprints in the safe, or high-tech that GP has not released. Hoffman likes to collect rare objects. There are two minicomputers, a bunch of super batteries.

  Hoffman took out the tablet from the inner layer of clothes: "I brought it back last night, and I planned to calculate the endurance limit of the exoskeleton machine under high strength..."

   An Feng interrupted him: "It\'s good that it\'s still on you."

  Hoffman hid it back again: "No one can take it away."

An Feng is speechless, with your small body, any strong man will be knocked down with one move... They came to the stolen research room, looked at the empty safe, there was nothing but a pile of blueprints . From the outside, there is no trace of violent prying, which proves that it was done by the technical party.

  An Feng asked: "How long did you work last night? I mean the work in this laboratory?"

  Hoffman said: "It was about two o\'clock, around two thirty, and I was the last to leave."

   "What time did you come in the morning?"

   "Ten past seven."

  Hoffman\'s answer shortened the time for the thief to commit the crime to five hours in the middle of the night. An Feng looked around, the security equipment in the laboratory was in charge of professional companies, including the safe, the surrounding monitoring, fire sensors and so on, and then he asked to call the monitoring.

  When his subordinates adjusted the monitoring, An Feng sat down and said to Hoffman: "Now it\'s okay to track the location of the safe?"

   "No problem, it is dual-mode, and the general means of shielding the signal are useless." As he spoke, Hoffman sat in front of the computer and typed on the keyboard.

  At the same time, the security team dispatched by Aegis Security arrived at the scene.

  The team leader is a white man named Jeff Clark. He used to work in the FBI. It is said that he felt that the salary was not high enough, so he voluntarily resigned and started a more profitable high-end security field. Just like this kind of anti-theft or tracking cases, he is very good at it. After arriving, he quickly learned about the situation and learned that there was a GPS built into the box.

   Jeff immediately said, "Track it, show it on the map."

  Hoffman stared at the computer without blinking: "I\'m doing it."

  Jeff said to a guy who also seemed to be a computer expert: "He\'s going to be in charge of tracking, then you can help adjust the monitoring."

   Hoffman clicked the mouse a few times, and the positioning distance is shrinking, from California to Santa Clara County.

   "I found it, it\'s near the airport more than 30 kilometers away from us!" Hoffman said.

  Jeff read: "Target is still with no signs of movement."

  His men recorded key information.

   Then Jeff took out his phone: "If that\'s the case, it\'s as simple as calling the field team."

Jeff\'s work is only responsible for tracking or anti-theft security of high-end items, which is to play with IQ. As for those violent behaviors, guarding important personnel, etc., it has nothing to do with him. This kind of work that tests the strength of limbs and physical response is usually It\'s the big guys in the field team.

After the phone call was arranged, Jeff did not relax. He said to An Feng: "I don\'t believe it will be so simple. The thief\'s method is very clever. I have known the company that installed the security equipment. The technology is not strong, but it is also Not bad, it can be taken away without a sound, and the means are extraordinary."

After finishing speaking, Jeff went to look at the surveillance that was tuned out. Several people circled around and checked it several times. During those five hours, there was no trace of theft. The surveillance screen was always the same as before, and An Feng couldn\'t see it either. What happened, the safe has never been touched, could it be a ghost?

   But he found that Jeff had been asking to play several time periods repeatedly, and he looked very interested. After watching it a few times, he said: "Stop!"

  Pointing to a place on the screen: "This is the shadow from outside the window, the time is 3:20, go back an hour and look."

The technician stepped back for an hour, and An Feng seemed to see some clues. Jeff told the truth contemptuously: "The location is like a shadow, and the monitoring equipment has been hacked. These are all pre-recorded, looped videos. The interval is one hour. Play it a few more times and watch it."

  Jeff stared at the video, and said with his mouth: "Mr. An, please let other irrelevant people leave, and let the technicians extract the clues at the scene."

  An Feng said to everyone except Hoffman: "Go out first, keep things secret, and work as usual today."


On the other hand, the special service team of Aegis Security has rushed to the location shown by the tracking GPS, and greeted the company branch, ready to greet the police here—in case there is a fight, a gun battle, etc., they can keep a case record, save At that time it is difficult to explain clearly.

  The six members of the secret service team put on body armor, a suit on the outside, and vacuum headsets. Team leader Mars got out of the car with several team members and surrounded the target location. The pistol was already in his hand, the bullets were loaded, and he could shoot at any time. Mars said, "In the house ahead!"

   "The search formation is advancing!"

  They dispersed immediately, armed with guns and waiting for battle. Through the comparison of mobile phones, they were getting closer and closer to the target, just ahead—

   "Stop! Overtake!" Mars suddenly raised his fist. The house was still more than ten meters away from them, but the location shown on the PDA had already passed.

   "Search in situ! Radius of fifteen meters!" Mars said.

  The team members scattered around, and a few minutes later, a sharp-eyed team member picked up an object the size of a grain of rice on the ground, lifted it up and said, "Where is it here?"

  Mars put away his gun: "Shit!"


The technicians of Clark\'s team extracted fingerprints from the surrounding area, but found not many. The only one that could enter the laboratory was the main entrance, and the other windows were also welded. Since it was originally a warehouse, the work in this area was very solid, and it was impossible to enter the laboratory silently. , violence is directly ruled out.

  At the same time, Mars called. After hearing a few words, Jeff said, "You guys come back here first to gather."

   Then Jeff said to you An Feng: "They saw through the tracking GPS."

  Hoffman, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Actually, there is also a tracking device."

   "Why didn\'t you say it earlier?" An Feng frowned.

  Hoffman said weakly: "But that requires that when the machine is started, it will actively connect to the surrounding network signals, and only in this way can it be tracked."

  Jeff asked casually, "What is it?"

  Hoffman looked at An Feng, not knowing what to say, An Feng said: "A set of equipment, equipped with a computer chip, can connect to the Internet."

Jeff saw that what he said was vague, and everyone was so nervous, it proved to be a confidential item, so it was not easy to ask. means to locate where it is?"

  Hoffman nodded: "Yes."

   "Who else knows?" Jeff asked.

   Hoffman said: "Just me, because this is not used to track."

"From now on, please keep it strictly confidential." Jeff said to him, "It hasn\'t been a long time since the theft was stolen, and according to what you said, it is obviously impossible for this large piece of metal to get on the plane. If the other party came by plane, the possibility It\'s not big, and it\'s not a jewel worth tens of millions—"

   "It\'s worth a lot," Hoffman emphasizes.

   "Oh?" Jeff was surprised.

  An Feng explained again: "It\'s high-tech, but it hasn\'t been released. Only my employees know about it."

  Jeff nodded: "Assuming there is also the possibility of getting on the plane, but I think the most likely is that after they get it, they will obviously have to go through some means to inspect the goods."

   "So they will start the machine?" An Feng followed his train of thought.

   "Yes, as a backup plan!" Jeff said, obviously he didn\'t pin all his hopes on the other party\'s starting machine being tracked.

  Jeff returned to the monitoring side again, and it has been proved that he has been tampered with. An Feng really doesn\'t understand the point of them continuing to study the video.

   But I am just a layman, there is no need to talk nonsense in front of former FBI experts.

Jeff glanced at the video, and then reminded An Feng: "When this happens, you have to make a comprehensive analysis. The reason for the theft is either the leak of the news, or the inner ghost. If you guarantee that no one will release the news to the society, then It\'s almost certainly your employees who have gone awry."

  An Feng thought for a while and said, "I can\'t guarantee everyone\'s innocence, but Hoffman is fine."

  Hoffman said gratefully: "Thank you sir for trusting me."

   An Feng smiled slightly.

It’s just the guy who has to filter his lies several times in his head before he can express himself fluently. If he really did it, there would be no more stupid thief in the world, and he didn’t need to steal at all, because he knew all the technology, and so did the machine. He designed and assembled it. If he stole it, it would be as weird as taking the initiative to put his head in the door—and he did it three times in a row.

  Jeff took a look at Hoffman, he was a man with a strong brain but a weak life, unable to do this kind of thing.

A computer technician staring at the video made a discovery: "According to the analyzed surveillance video and the comparison screen, it can be deduced that the time when they hacked the surveillance was between 2:10 and 3:30, and the video content at other times was very regular. , there is a 90% probability that it was recorded normally.”

An Feng understood, that is to say, the time when the other party hacked the monitoring was the time when they committed the crime, and the monitoring in other time periods was working normally. In this way, the time for committing the crime was shortened to more than an hour. Use has been fully utilized.

  Jeff said: "Switch to the surveillance outside and watch the video from 2:00 to 3:30."

  The technician took it out and watched it again, and it was still calm. Through the comparison of shadows and environments before and after, it proved that the video here has not been moved.

  An Feng wondered, did he really escape from the ground?

  Jeff turned his head and asked Hoffman: "Do many people know how to open the combination lock of the gate?"

  Hoffman nodded: "Five people in my group know it, and so do other groups."

   "Where\'s the safe inside?"

   "Just me and two other technicians, but the others..." Hoffman scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

  An Feng said for him: "He doesn\'t pay much attention to the secrecy of this aspect."

   It means that the password is against gentlemen but not against villains.

   “But it also has fingerprinting,” Hoffman added.

   "It\'s useless, you can use a piece of plasticine to copy your fingerprints." Jeff shook his head and said, "Now it is basically certain that this was done by an insider."

  (end of this chapter)