Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 126: The City of Romance [Fourth Update]

Chapter 126 City of Romance【Fourth update】

The Swiss bank account is relatively smooth. Friedman attaches great importance to An Feng as a client. He will use his own method to let An Feng use the vest of an offshore company to make global consumption without exposing tax avoidance. deity. But...billionaire clients are valued by anyone.

  He also suggested: "Mr. An, the identity of a citizen of a tax-avoiding country is very useful. You\'d better confirm your nationality, and we will send someone to help you complete the information."

   With this attitude, will customers leave? They left communication information with each other, stayed there for another night, and went on a hand-in-hand tour of Lake Zurich with their lover, sitting on a small boat to quietly enjoy the scenery of Switzerland. The artificial fountain gushing on the lake, the snow-capped Alps in the distance... This is the most leisurely trip in Europe.

   Continue north the next day, Paris, France.

  An Feng originally hoped to travel in Germany by car. Compared with Italy and Switzerland, Germany\'s scenery is not outstanding, but it has a characteristic: highways. The German autobahn is famous for its unlimited speed! At least half of the highways have no speed limit, and no one cares if you can drive 500!

It sounds like Germany is a paradise for racing enthusiasts, with frequent accidents and heavy casualties - but it is wrong, the accident rate of German high speeds is far lower than that of other countries, one of the reasons is quality problems, what seizes the emergency lane, and takes a long time Almost none occupy the overtaking lane.

It\'s a pity that the itinerary is not enough, and even the plan to stay in France is only two days, which was specially allocated by Joanna. She has a good friend whom she hasn\'t seen for many years, and hopes to invite her to the future wedding in person, otherwise the plan to go north will be ruined Time to fly straight to the UK.

  On the plane.

  Joanna taught An Feng some basic French. She can speak French, but she seldom speaks it. The French are so patriotic, they have to be "stupid" to greet each other first, and then change to other languages, otherwise they may ignore people.

  An Feng\'s learning ability is very fast, and French is also a Romance language, which is somewhat similar to Spanish. It also uses the feminine la, masculine le (el) and other usages, and he has mastered it fairly smoothly. But he was a little speechless. He felt that the French were really good at mathematics. How good was it?

  An Feng asked puzzledly: "Aren\'t they the type of \'Stubborn Rabbit Dead Donkey Buddha\' type of counting? Do they have to be divided into two or three to read? Do you still need to calculate addition and subtraction?"

  Joanna nodded: "Yes, the requirements for reading numbers in French are a bit special."

  An Feng rubbed his temples: "How do you pronounce seventy-six in French?"

   Joanna said, "Sixty plus sixteen."

  An Feng tried to understand: "Then ninety-six is ​​ninety plus six?"

   In the end, he still underestimated the French\'s mental arithmetic ability. Joanna smiled and shook her head: "No, it should be four twenty plus sixteen."

"I—" An Feng kept the word "go" in his mouth. We are particular about demeanor, but his face was full of black lines: "Why do the French have to have such a superb number? This is the \'world\'s most oily (beautiful) language\'" What about the phone number, how do you read it when you tell me to ask the girl for the phone number?"

   "Ask the girl for a phone number?" Joanna grasped this point.

   "It\'s not what you think." An Feng looked at her wrongedly, grabbed her palm and squeezed it, Joanna\'s seriousness turned into a smile again: "I\'m sorry you don\'t dare, even if you want to, you can\'t remember."

   "Yes, your husband is too stupid." An Feng nodded.

Joanna thought for a while: "Read a series of numbers, right? Like 176728498, just read one hundred plus sixty plus sixteen, sixty plus twelve, four twenty plus four, and four twenty Add eighteen. As long as you read quickly, you should be able to get the phone number before the girl is disappointed."

"I give up!" An Feng surrendered, put his arms around Joanna and kissed her, and smiled: "It\'s better to marry a daughter-in-law who is very good at counting, otherwise with my personality, I will die sooner or later because I am counting on Gaul. On the way... I guess a quick-tempered person could set himself on fire."

  I haven\'t been to France, but I have already experienced its power. After getting off the plane, I was a little apprehensive, because I was looking forward to the romantic city and worried that it was too far from my imagination. In the past, Japanese people went to Paris admiringly, but after seeing its mess, they couldn’t believe that this is the beautiful Paris. After returning home, they suffered from heart disease. It is said that a psychiatrist set up a special project to study what Japanese people can’t face. reality syndrome.

An Feng thought it was caused by the pain of seeing people in the open-air toilet... Following Joanna to the outside of the airport, he was looking left and right, and suddenly heard her cheering, hugged a tall blonde girl, and kissed each other Salutations, each other\'s faces were filled with joy, and there were several words in French.

  After An Feng came up, Joanna pulled him over and introduced in English: "This is the Isabella I said, Isabella de Montfort, my good friend."

  Joanna introduced An Feng again: "He is my husband, Bruce, who told you."

  An Feng greeted her in a formal tone: "Hi, beautiful and honorable Miss de Montfort, it\'s an honor to meet you here."

It\'s so long and grotesque, but there\'s no way, it\'s just the standard one, and there are longer ones. Joanna said that the French like this set. The more respectful and enthusiastic they are, the more they can reflect their joy for their friends. And it seems to be an aristocratic surname, so you have to add de (Germany) in front.

  Isabella also made a formal gesture, shook his hand with a smile, hugged him politely, and said in English: "You are like a traditional British gentleman, no wonder Joanna likes you."

  Joanna twitched: "Actually, the relationship is right."

  Isabella said to An Feng: "You are Joanna\'s husband, and you are also my good friend. Just call me Isabella like her."

   "No problem, Isabella." An Feng smiled.

  According to Joanna, Isabella and she met because of the sport of fencing, because fencing is famous in France, and even the language of the referees is in French. The two aristocratic ladies with similar interests and similar backgrounds got acquainted with each other after coming and going, and became friends.

  Their relationship is very good, otherwise they would not have made a special trip to Paris and brought their husband with them. So An Feng also took a relatively rigorous attitude. As a result, Isabella didn\'t pay too much attention to etiquette. She was more casual, unlike the British who desperately maintained their aristocratic face.

On the way, I heard that I was going to stay in a hotel, so Isabella suggested: "Just go to my house. I haven\'t seen Joanna for a long time, and I want to catch up. The house I live in is no worse than the hotel. It is located on the seventh floor of Paris. In the area, you can enjoy the beautiful Seine River and overlook the Eiffel Tower."

Unlike Americans who are hospitable and hospitable, Americans can casually invite people to their home when they meet for the first time, but the French are more particular about this aspect. It is good to be nice to you, but ordinary friends are rarely invited home. Those who are invited are usually very friendly.

  An Feng looked at Joanna, she nodded: "I\'m very happy, please trouble you."

  Isabella smiled: "It\'s okay, it will make you feel comfortable."

Walking out of the airport, Isabella led them to the parking lot and came to a white Bentley Continental GT sports car. In the car, considering the space problem, An Feng sat in the front passenger seat.

Although it is a two-door sports car, the rear row of the Continental GT is still very spacious. It is no problem for an adult with a height of 1.8 meters to sit. Moreover, August and September are the best times in France, and the temperature is not too high. There is a slight breeze, and after the sports car starts, it brings a cool and comfortable feeling.

Touring Paris in a convertible car is indeed a very good choice. Driving in this city that is said to be romantic even in the air, you have a wide view, you can look at the characteristic Western European buildings gathered along the way, and listen to the ladies\' comments on these scenery. Insights, looking at the expected number of Peugeots and Citroens.

  An Feng feels that most of the French buildings are gray and white, and the buildings are not very tall. The attitude of the French towards buildings is: as long as the buildings are not toppled by themselves, they will not be demolished. Therefore, in many old urban areas, the buildings have brought the vicissitudes of history, and the rich culture is silent.

  The sports car drives on the bridge, crosses the Seine River, and you can see the towering Eiffel Tower when you look up. I heard that the 7th and 8th arrondissements in France are rich areas, and most of the buildings are apartment-style and expensive. After all, it is very close to the city center, and it is impossible to build a small house like in the United States.

  After parking, everyone took the elevator to the top floor of the apartment, which is the location with the best scenery and the widest view.

   Ladies first is a must, An Feng followed them with luggage. As soon as you walk into the house, it feels very spacious, with a very stylish layout and a good location. One direction is facing the Seine River, and you can see the slow-moving cruise ships above it, or stare at the iron bumps in the other direction.

   "It\'s so beautiful here." An Feng said sincerely, and he didn\'t give in to booking a hotel suite with them, and this is a home environment, more warm and free.


  Not long after they arrived, Isabella\'s boyfriend also arrived.

  The French are very concerned about entertaining guests. I heard that David left his work and came here. He kissed Isabella after entering the door, regardless of whether there were guests present. An Feng can only smile at this point, because France happens to be a country that pays attention to romance.

  Of course, this kind of romance is also accompanied by promiscuity. I heard that the boyfriend and girlfriend who are in a relationship should go on a date because there is more than one person waiting for an appointment. And even if they are married, some people still can\'t help but want to have a beautiful encounter with a stranger, An Feng can only hehe.

  David is a standard handsome guy, the kind of tall man with deep blue eyes, a light beard, and a very lethal smile. An Feng shook hands with him, but he hugged Joanna as a face-to-face salute. In his heart, An Feng raped him a hundred times for gays.

   Can you not be so enthusiastic about my wife?

  So after this time, he treated Isabella with appropriate French enthusiasm, and he wanted to take advantage of it. If the tiger doesn\'t show his power, do you really think I\'m easy to bully? However, apart from the etiquette aspect, the scene where it is easy to hook up with a friend\'s wife (husband) in the impression did not happen.

  Perhaps film art properly exaggerates the emotional ways of some French people, just like the laziness of Italians. Apart from this aspect, David is still a good man at home, and he handles the dinner by himself. He is wearing a white T-shirt, outlines a toned upper body, and is focused on cooking in the kitchen.

  Isabella stared at the busy man in the kitchen with her chin propped up.

  Joanna saw her and said to Isabella with a smile: "Your boyfriend is really considerate. There are fewer and fewer French men who can cook well."

But Isabella said: "That\'s the only advantage. It doesn\'t look like your husband. He has a standard gentlemanly demeanor. He looks like a nobleman of extraordinary background, and he is a perfect match for you." After finishing speaking, she glanced at An Feng quietly, An Feng smiled at them, no matter which world a woman is, gossip can ruin her image the most.

I had a good dinner in the evening and discarded my inner prejudice against David. His craftsmanship is still good, but it is a pity that An Feng didn\'t communicate with him much, because he is just a typical Frenchman who only speaks French in France. — even though he speaks other foreign languages. An Feng decided that he would be proud of his Chinese next time, so he would speak Chinese whenever he met anyone. If you bother me with something, if the first sentence is not "Ni Hao", I will pretend not to understand.

  (end of this chapter)