Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 121: 15.5 billion

Chapter 121 15.5 billion

   (I’m sorry, I’m going to die after going out for a turn and coming back! Well, this is an addition of 172 votes)


  An Feng shrugged: "I want to too, but how can I just change it?"

He is currently holding a green card in the United States and has lived in the United States for one year. According to the naturalization conditions, he can apply for naturalization after five years of living in the United States. If he marries an American, it only takes three years. But Joanna is British. So you have to wait at least four years to get a passport.

  To be honest, it is not necessarily a good thing to have an American passport in the hands of the rich, because the United States implements overbearing global taxation. The tax law stipulates that American citizens and green card holders whose overseas assets exceed US$50,000 must truthfully declare to the IRS. Otherwise, you may face a fine of $10,000.

   It may not affect ordinary people, but it will be more troublesome for rich people. Overseas business income must be taxed in the country where it is located, and then taxed to the US government, double charged! And because of the US government\'s requirement to track down tax evasion, Swiss banks do not like to open accounts for Americans in recent years.

  After hearing An Feng\'s complaint, Joanna had her own way: "I can\'t do anything to get an American passport, but it\'s not impossible for other countries."

  An Feng said: "My request is conditional. It is the kind of passport that has visa-free or visa-on-arrival agreements with European and American countries. Every trip in the province requires a visa."

Joanna smiled and said: "Listen to me slowly, the Commonwealth of Nations has a member state: St. Kitts and Nevis. It has visa-free visa-on-arrival agreements for more than 130 countries, and European and American countries are basically visa-free. The country\'s immigration requirements are very simple, investing hundreds of thousands of dollars, 100% legal naturalization, and the average processing time is about four months. If you are a rich man, it will definitely be faster if you give more money."

  Wang Le also heard what Joanna said, and was surprised: "It means that you can get a passport and become a citizen in four months, instead of a green card or something?"

  Joanna nodded: "Of course it is a citizen passport. And the country\'s tax system is loose, which has a very huge benefit: no personal tax, no inheritance tax."

An Feng\'s eyes lighted up. It seemed like a good deal to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to exchange for a visa-free passport from European and American countries... Moreover, it does not levy personal tax and inheritance tax. It happens to be the most terrible thing. The personal tax in the United States reaches 35%, and the inheritance tax is 40% this year.

The inheritance tax is too far away. What An Feng values ​​is a tax. Offshore companies avoid taxes and fees. If they want to transfer to an account in the United States, they will face the review of the Federal Taxation Bureau. If it is the country Joanna mentioned, directly It is legal to transfer, anyway, they do not have the concept of personal income tax.

More than 130 countries have visa-free visa-on-arrival. There is no personal tax or inheritance tax. You can get a passport in four months. Moreover, there is no immigration prison in the country. It is no problem not to go back after taking the passport for a few years. Anyway, it is a record. Legal citizens of record, the government doesn\'t care where you are, they only recognize money.

  An Feng was moved.

   To be honest, he doesn\'t care which country\'s passport he takes, and the national heart cannot be changed by a passport, but for a rich man who wants to travel all over the world, the passport in his hand is a bit... hard to take out. Of course, the US passport is more powerful, but it cannot be taken immediately, and the tax is strict.

   (In fact, American passports are not necessarily good, because there are too many Americans, and there will be rejections when passing customs. The so-called visa-free is just a decoration...)

   But this idea is still a sign, and it is not something that can be done immediately. He needs to get the visa for the European trip first. Take a little time to go to the interview and answer the questions of the visa officer... After staying in Los Angeles for a few days, after successfully obtaining the Schengen visa and the UK visa, I went back to pack my bags.

The time came to mid-August, and he heard that the corn in some areas had been harvested ahead of schedule. He took the time to check the information on the Internet. Without exception, all the corn harvested in advance used Tailan\'s super fertilizer, and the grains were full and large. It is sweet and has a high sales volume, and has been well received in the market.

   "This should increase a lot of negotiating leverage." An Feng said to himself, just at this moment the phone rang, and it was John\'s.

   "Hi, John!" An Feng said.

   "Mr. An, the result of the negotiation has come out." John reported the good news.

  An Feng asked: "How much?"

"Divided into two parts, 10% was sold to the Hexcel Group for 1 billion US dollars, and the other 60% reached an agreement with American Mosaic Corporation and Hexcel Investment, and enjoyed 15% of the sales of patented fertilizers for 5 years. The transaction price 14.5 billion U.S. dollars. 70% of your shares are exchanged for a total of 15.5 billion U.S. dollars.”

   "Say it again, how much?" An Feng asked again.

"$15.5 billion, plus a 15% share of the net profit from fertilizer sales, for five years. According to the projected value, 15% of the five-year net profit may reach $6-9 billion, so the total price is expected to be 215 More than 100 million U.S. dollars." John said with a smile, he could understand An Feng\'s mood.

   "Good-job!" An Feng shouted, "Beautiful job! Thank you for your hard work, John! Your bonus will be indispensable when you come back!"

  Hearing An Feng\'s yelling, Joanna, who was learning how to make Chinese tea, rushed over. Seeing his appearance, she asked worriedly, "Honey, are you okay?"

  An Feng threw away the phone, excitedly hugged her in his arms and kissed her fiercely, turned around a few times, and said excitedly: "Of course it\'s okay, not only it\'s okay, but also very happy!"

  Joanna obviously didn\'t know what was going on, but was still happy for him: "Congratulations!"

"Must." An Feng let go of her and held her by the shoulders: "Remember the last time I talked about the issue of Tailan\'s share transfer? Now the result is out, the transaction is 15.5 billion US dollars, excluding the 300 million paid to Sinclair. % remuneration, the money you can get is at least 10.8 billion! Your husband is amazing, right?"

   "Oh! My God!" Joanna opened her mouth and whispered. This number is unattainable for ordinary people in a lifetime. Even she felt her heart beating faster. "Congratulations! I\'m sorry, I can\'t think of how to describe it now. But you are absolutely the best in the world!"

   "Congratulations!" An Feng corrected, "You are my wife and will never change."

   "I\'m touched by you saying that." Joanna said sincerely, she put her arms around An Feng\'s neck, they kissed each other, congratulated, and calmed down slowly.

  An Feng rubbed his smiling face: "Calm down, it\'s just a little money."

  Joanna rubbed his face for him: "You were just running around the room like a child!"

   "The first time, it\'s inevitable." An Feng smiled, "I\'m still in debt of more than 100 million yuan, and it feels great to be able to pay it off in one go!"

  None of them slept that night.

  But An Feng learned calmness from Joanna. Even in the face of a huge sum of money, a good education allowed Joanna to recover from the excitement the fastest and guided An Feng\'s emotions. They didn\'t discuss money, but some simple and beautiful things, future travel plans, future children, a warm family... After talking all night, their mentality has recovered from the huge surprise.

   On the third day, when An Feng attended the meeting, he brought his wife with him the whole time. He thanked this well-educated woman, without her, he would be just a nouveau riche with no taste, his head was dazzled by money, and he would not have learned the state of being a real rich man who lives indifferently and has a stable mind.

The two of them were dressed formally, An Feng was naturally wearing a serious suit and leather shoes, while Joanna was wearing a morning dress, a dress slightly below the knee, in a light beige tone, and a round-brimmed hat of the same color. Luxurious jewelry. She is naturally majestic and eye-catching.

An Feng felt that even if she was visiting as the head of state\'s wife, she would be dressed appropriately... In a certain star hotel, the two parties to the negotiation gathered together, and the men were all in suits and leather shoes, while the women were also unified, which was very formal Dress up as if for a high society reception.

  Lawyers and accountants are checking the terms of the contract one by one, and the rest of the businessmen greet each other and celebrate the success of the negotiation. An Feng and his wife shook hands and chatted with each partner calmly. In particular, Joanna\'s generous performance won everyone\'s admiration.

  This kind of large-scale transaction is very time-consuming. An Feng discussed some details with his assistant John, the accountant Hardy. The Hexcel Group paid 1 billion directly, but the $14.5 billion was paid in five years, because it was impossible for Legg Mason and Hexcel to pay so much money all at once, and because there were not enough accounts on the surface, some of the money It was paid secretly. Therefore, two types of contracts have been prepared today. In addition to the formal one, there is another overseas agreement.

John explained: "According to the five-year payment terms, now they have to come up with 2.9 billion US dollars, but the company can only use up to 2.5 billion in the account, and they plan to use the other part of the money to trade in the account of the offshore company. The above is 1.8 billion in US accounts and 1.1 billion in offshore accounts.”

An Feng knows that large companies have their own offshore companies. The money in the account is generally due to overseas business or investment and will not be transferred to China. This payment method is legal outside the country (the United States), but it is only allowed to After the IRS knows, they will want to kill these big tax avoiders.

  An Feng said: "That is to say, the Hexcel Group\'s 1 billion will be directly divided into 37, and the other installments will be paid to my US account of 1.26 billion US dollars, while the offshore company\'s account is 770 million?"

  Both John and Hardy nodded: "Yes, you can avoid the 770 million personal taxes, but the 1.26 billion needs to be spent quickly."

  A tax year is on December 31, and it is not over yet. The individual tax is calculated according to the "income-expenditure-deduction" and the remaining taxable income. If An Feng didn\'t spend a penny, he would have to pay 12.6 x 35% of personal tax by the end of the year, which is 441 million US dollars.

   Nearly 450 million in taxes, which is simply murder, but if he spends it all, he won\'t have to pay a penny.

  There is not much time, and it is now close to September, and there are more than four months left. His goal is to spend the billions of dollars in income as much as possible.

  Of course, the 770 million he received in his offshore account has successfully avoided personal tax collection, and it is not low. Nearly 270 million US dollars of personal tax have been exempted, but that money obviously cannot be used in the United States. If you want to use it, one is to pay taxes, and the other is to launder money, but both methods will swallow a lot of money.

  Going around, where is there no need to collect a tax?

An Feng returned to Joanna, who was exchanging feelings with the ladies and ladies, and took her hand to leave the crowd. He said: "If you want to spend money to be happy, I guess you can only move your nationality to a country that does not charge individual taxes." Otherwise, more than 200 million yuan a year, and more than one billion yuan in five years can only be given to the bald eagle."

  (end of this chapter)