Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 12: An Feng's way of making money

Chapter 12 An Feng’s Way to Make Money

Accompanied by a brisk alarm, Joanna got up on time. After breakfast, there was still one hour before An Feng\'s required work time. The time given by the BOSS was very loose. She would occasionally do some physical exercises, then take a shower, and put on a new suit. Wear a knee-length skirt and choose a hat.

After doing this, her labrador named "Lily" was almost full. She had a fight with it and tied it on a rope. Seven-year-old Andy ran over, wearing a A baseball glove says, "Hey, Joanna, would you like to play baseball with me?"

   "I still have to go to work." Joanna refused.

   "Just for a while." Andy said pitifully.

   "Can\'t you play with your father?" Joanna frowned.

   "He\'s not free, mom said I should play with you more, and she also said you are my sister." Andy muttered.

   "No, there is still a back!" Joanna opened the car door, let Lily get in, then got in herself, and drove away without looking back. Andy left behind pouting. After a while, his mother came over. He looked back and complained, "I don\'t like my sister."

  Mom half-kneeled on the lawn and helped him tidy up his clothes with a smile: "Maybe she\'s just too busy."

   "Are you sure? But I don\'t like it, she\'s always busy!" Andy imitated Joanna\'s British English pronunciation, which made his mother laugh.

After driving for more than ten minutes, she arrived at An Feng\'s house. There was a delivery truck of Federal Logistics parked outside the door. She pushed the door, and Lily jumped out of the car impatiently, got into the yard, and the two The patrol dogs play. Joanna put on her hat, smiled and followed.

  An Feng and several couriers came out of the house and said hello: "Hi, Joanna, you look beautiful today! And good morning!"

   "Good morning," she said, unable to resist adding: "In reverse order!"

  An Feng said with a smile: "OCD, you have to get rid of it!"

  Joanna shook her head: "This has nothing to do with obsessive-compulsive disorder. You speak in reverse order. This is not a good habit!"

   "You can do whatever you want, I\'ll do some things first." An Feng left in a hurry. Joanna sat in the living room and glanced at the list on the table. They were all chemicals.

  An Feng came back ten minutes later, holding a cardboard box full of flasks and measuring cylinders in his hand. Joanna asked him, "You bought so many chemical instruments?"

   "Yes, I think it\'s time for me to do something serious." An Feng said seriously, "Come with me, I spent a few days renovating the utility room outside."

  Joanna knew about this. After An Feng finally used the "cheat book" to dismiss Henry, who was learning kung fu, he learned online shopping from her and ordered a lot of things. He didn\'t know what he was busy with. When she walked into the converted utility room, it was decorated like a laboratory.

   "How is it, isn\'t it beautiful?" An Feng asked Joanna to watch it as if asking for credit.

   "You don\'t mean it, do you?" Joanna looked curiously at the newly furnished utility room. It was obvious that a lot of effort was put into it, and it looked like a science laboratory. She remembered that a few days ago An Feng said that he was a biologist, a chemist, and a genius in physics theory and so on.

  At the time she thought she was joking, but now she is a little suspicious.

   "Of course, I was well-known when I was in college." An Feng boasted that he didn\'t write drafts, and no one would go to his university to verify. Even if someone really asks for proof, it is probably when he has made a big creation. How could those university leaders not know what to do?

  Joanna took a look around and said, "It\'s unbelievable!"

  An Feng didn\'t do it on a whim. He remodeled this utility room for many purposes, because he was fully confident that he could develop high-efficiency, low-pollution, or even pollution-free fertilizers. Not only that, some technologies that will be excavated in the future will also be tested here.

He ruled out the domestic plan that Wang Le had shown to those experts called beasts, and subdivided it, such as fertilizer for tomatoes, fertilizer for potatoes, fertilizer for wheat... The machine brain automatically gave the chemical composition ratio plan, The only thing he needs to do is to do it.

According to his estimate, if it is a fertilizer that is suitable for all plants, he can only charge a patent fee once, but if he is a little clever, let the machine brain subdivide it and mix different ingredients, he can harvest more than a dozen kinds of patents. He thinks he\'s **** witty.

   "So you really plan to bring about a big reform to the fertilizer market?" Joanna was admiring and skeptical after hearing An Feng\'s bold words.

An Feng would not say that he "excerpted" the future technology, and no one would believe him. He nodded solemnly: "Look, it won\'t take a few years. I guarantee that the fertilizers used in the market will have my patents. Businesses, and even every farmer, have to pay me a patent fee!"

  Joanna was thinking, should she believe it, or should she remain rational?

  Looking at An Feng\'s young appearance, it doesn\'t look like...but historically, the age at which geniuses make major inventions or discoveries is generally around the age of 20 or 30.

  Seeing that An Feng shook his head again, he said to himself in Chinese: "No, no, the name \'Fertilizer King\' is too rustic."

   "Say what?" Joanna asked.

   "It\'s okay." An Feng took off his gloves and made a gesture of invitation, "Shall we go for a walk, Miss Stanwell?"

   "Learned very quickly." Joanna glanced at the time, "But, Mr. An, you have postponed the class time by an hour."

   "What, chatting with me is not class?" An Feng said in surprise.

   "If you want to calculate this way, I don\'t mind at all." Joanna said with a smile.

   "You know that I am the best BOSS in the world." An Feng said without any modesty, "Come on, continue to tell me about raising horses."

Joanna is very good at raising horses. She said that this matter should not be rushed. If you want to find a real good horse, you must be patient. Whether you choose on the Internet or go to the horse market, you need to observe it yourself without exception It does not mean that the descendants of racehorses must be strong.

  It makes a lot of sense. An Feng said that he would ask Joanna to work part-time as his equestrian coach in the future, and Joanna agreed without hesitation. It can be seen that she likes equestrianism very much. After the infection was transmitted to An Feng, he also felt itchy, thinking that California is not in the west, and he must have a cowboy addiction.

Prior to this, An Feng successfully formulated three kinds of fertilizers. After repeated testing several times, he wrote relevant materials and searched on the website of the US Patent Office. He doesn\'t even bother to do it himself if an intermediary can solve it with money.

  Since he came to the United States, he has become lazy. Some trivial matters that he is not interested in are entrusted to others, and it is nothing more than a question of how much money to give. What is the money for? An Feng thinks that the money is for him, he would rather lazily stare for a whole day than run up and down.

  Someone has done the application, but at least refer to its value, An Feng called his secretary: "Lei, I want you to find someone to help me evaluate the patent right."

   "Yes, that\'s what it means, the sooner the better."

  An Feng’s patent has not yet been reviewed, but after the evaluation agency received funds, it began to evaluate. According to the needs of the market and the advancement of technology, etc., the accuracy rate is not low, just like the price evaluation at an auction. A week later, An Feng got the evaluation data.

"After the new fertilizer is put into production, it can conservatively reach an output value of more than one billion US dollars, and the transfer of patents will cost at least three to four million dollars each." , "We ordinary people, I am so happy today! There is another vineyard!"

  (end of this chapter)