Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 110: Helicopter hunting【Seeking first order】

Chapter 110 Helicopter Hunting【Seek first order】

  Finally, they held all kinds of eye-catching weapons and tried shooting them one by one in the spacious shooting range behind the gun shop.

The shooting range with 50-meter, 100-meter and 200-meter targets is very popular. According to the old Mike, since the standard shooting range was built, nearby residents also like to come here to practice guns, because the field is large and spacious enough , A gun club has also moved here, and every month from time to time, a group of people come here to buy bullets.

An Feng and Old Mike sat near the entrance of the shooting range and chatted about the gun shop. Old Mike looked at the few customers on the shooting range and said: "According to the current development speed, the loss is a bit, but the gun shop The geographical advantage is great, and after becoming famous, the profit will be realized sooner or later.”

Regarding the management issue, An Feng completely let go: "According to your plan, don\'t worry about my ideas. The reason I support you is just my love for guns, so let\'s play to your heart\'s content. But from the rocket launcher just now, I think of some Idea, please refer to it."

  Old Mike said: "Please speak."

  An Feng said: "I know that the United States allows some retired weapons and equipment to be bought and sold among the people. In addition to launchers, there are also some armored vehicles and tanks."

Old Mike said: "This aspect is very free. Let\'s take tanks as an example. You can put them on private land without any problem, but if you drive on the road, you need to go through the formalities, and some places need to apply in advance. And no matter where, as long as it is On the road, it is necessary to put rubber pads on the track to prevent damage to the road.”

  An Feng nodded: "Yes, that\'s what I meant, but I didn\'t plan to drive it on the road. Didn\'t you find that the land behind is very spacious?"

Old Mike smiled: "That\'s all right, no one else can control your own land. If you can add one or two tanks, it will increase the popularity of the gun shop. Oh, it\'s a pity you are late, last time East Texas There just happened to be a private auction of Sherman tanks from the US military!"

   "The Sherman is too small!" An Feng shook his head, "It may not necessarily be a tank, such as a military vehicle. The Humvee retired from the US military is also good."

  The main reason is that tanks can’t play without shells, but for Humvees, you can add the M2 machine gun in the store, and then run wild in the mountains.

  Old Mike said: "It\'s fine, I\'ll help you pay attention to these news, there is an association that specializes in this kind of thing, and I will tell you as soon as there is a sale."


After playing enough, everyone left. The purpose of coming today is not all to play with guns, otherwise the local gun shop is fine, and the incidental vacation is also one of them. Anfeng’s hunting grounds have both mountains and plains, and there is a section next to the river. It can be said that there are all kinds of green mountains and green waters, and there are no white flowers in 20 million yuan.

The leased GMC climbed a short dirt road and passed through a forest covered by dense forests. The sun shines on the ground, giving people a kind of quiet greenness. Animals also became the focus of their cameras.

The vehicle passed through the woods at a leisurely pace and came to an open area. The sun reappeared, and the view was vast. Looking down from the heights, a group of cattle and sheep moved on the plain leisurely. A cowboy was riding a horse and following slowly. A river with rippling blue waves, rushing for thousands of miles, and on the other side of the river farther away, there are a few families scattered sparsely, with green smoke curling up, as if far away from the hustle and bustle.

  Joanna said with emotion: "It\'s so beautiful, like a picture scroll, I really want to lie on the green grass and close my eyes."

An Feng looked at the scorching sun above his head, the beauty is beautiful, but it is a pity that the weather is so hot this summer, and he doesn’t know how to stay in the car and blow on the air conditioner. When he goes out and stands for a few minutes, sweating profusely, the strong rural pastoral thoughts It will disappear. The hunting ground is estimated to be comfortable after October.

They lived in a wooden house not far from the river bank. There was no master house built here. An ordinary two-story wooden house was their residence. In addition, there were Lawrence and two full-time cowboys. They stayed on the night shift according to the shift system. Then everyone comes to work together in the morning.

Lawrence heard that the owner of the hunting ground showed up, even though he wasn\'t on duty, he came here specially, and chatted with An Feng, who had never seen him before and after, about the hunting ground. It will affect hunting, and the prey is more active in the woods.

  An Feng listened and understood: "That is to say, you want to build a fence around the plain to prevent wolves and wild boars from coming in to make trouble?"

   "That\'s what it means," Lawrence said.

   "Okay, let\'s do it, some cattle and sheep are also good." An Feng said, he had no idea, he just thought it would be more natural to have more cattle and sheep in the tranquil scene.

In the evening, everyone eats roasted venison, the authentic game brought by Lawrence, both American and domestic methods are used together, the oil is added, and the fragrance wafts hundreds of meters away. Oily, with a bulging stomach, and then put a few cloth mats in the yard, lit mosquito repellent incense, looked at the quiet night sky, and talked about life.

Away from the hustle and bustle, it is rare to experience life with your lover and friends. In a big city, everyone is overwhelmed by various jobs and life. It is only in this slow-paced, ideal and simple village. Relive the carefree days of yesteryear.


  Although it was very hot during the day, everyone voted unanimously to stay for a few more days.

  One day when there was a marksmanship competition in the shooting range, when discussing the timing of hunting, the old Mike mentioned a point: "Maybe you can try the lazy way."

   "The lazy way?" An Feng looked at Old Mike.

The old Mike said with a smile: "The rich usually don\'t have much time and want to hunt, so they will dispatch helicopters. Recently, the wild boar disaster in the farmland of Llano County has been very serious, and it is also the season of abnormal high temperature, so the farmers have hired hunters to hunt wild boars. , Even the government has issued a special order to hunt and kill to a certain extent, in exchange for government rewards."

  Lisa, who lived in the city since she was a child, didn\'t understand. Wang Le explained: "Wild boars are farmland killers. A wild boar can destroy several acres of land in one night!"

  Lisa understood, no wonder the government issued a reward order.

  An Feng asked: "Where is there a helicopter that specializes in this kind of thing?"

  Old Mike said: "There are so many!"

Finally, An Feng called two Robinson R44 helicopters, single-engine, four-seater, specially modified for hunting, the side hatches were removed, and the seats were improved, allowing hunters to sit comfortably and aim with guns There is no escape for prey below. There are not many skills, it mainly depends on marksmanship.

  After simple training, the four chose their own weapons. An Feng took a desert-colored SCAR rifle, which was semi-automatic because of regulations. And automatic hunting... It\'s too cheating, and the fun of hunting is lost. This group of people does not have a fully automatic gun license, and it is not appropriate to use fully automatic guns in a high-profile manner while sitting on a helicopter.

An Feng and Joanna are in a group, An Feng is in the front row, she is in the back row, wearing a Kevlar bulletproof helmet from a gun store, adding an action camera, and holding a SCAR rifle of the same style, 5.56mm caliber, semi-automatic, equipped with a hologram Looking at the scope, the two bet on a couple\'s request to see who hunted the most wild boars.

The two farms that received the request for help were 30 kilometers away. Recently, there have been a number of wild boar herds with more than 20 wild boars ravaging the farmland. The farmers are desperate but helpless. The continuous high temperature has almost driven them crazy. Tailan\'s products were in short supply, and wild boars also came to join in the fun at this time... As a result, a linkage mechanism was launched, and hunters who loved hunting acted as free fighters, while farmers provided places.

  The hunt begins.

In a gust of howling wind, the helicopter lowered its flight altitude, and a layer of yellow smoke rolled up on the ground. The wild boars in the shade in the dark were startled, and they all ran for their lives to a place they thought was safe. The plane caught up, lowered and stabilized the fuselage, The distance from the ground is generally only about three or four meters.

  An Feng held his gun, aimed at the buttocks of a running wild boar in front of him and fired. With a bang, the bullets rolled up a cloud of smoke around the wild boar. The smoke dissipated, and the wild boar continued to run wildly, but missed!

   Gunshots sounded "bang" around her, and Joanna took advantage of the plane\'s steady lateral movement to shoot and kill An Feng\'s prey.

  An Feng looked back at her, and she danced her fist proudly: "One!"

An Feng smiled and continued to look for his prey. The pilot of the helicopter is skilled and knows how to find the shooting angle for the hunter. Sometimes the height of the flight is even less than one meter. An Feng stepped on the landing gear and felt that the seat belt was loosened. I can jump down by myself.

Another wild boar was lined up in a straight line with the helicopter. An Feng was in the front seat, holding a gun and aiming easily. The writhing **** of the wild boar appeared in the holographic scope. When the trigger was pulled, it fell to the ground with a "bang" , but this guy keeps getting up! With experience, An Feng fired two shots to pin it to the ground.

   "One!" An Feng said to Joanna with a smile.

The hunting efficiency of flying a helicopter is very high. Once the target is identified, the prey can hardly outrun the flying machine. You only need to pay attention to the accuracy of moving and shooting. The wild boar fell under the gun, and the sense of accomplishment is self-evident.

Going back and forth a few times, Joanna may have played with bows and arrows more, which made her intuition sharper, and she shot less often, but the hit rate was high. On the contrary, An Feng likes to be more exciting. One shot knocks down the prey. Cracking continuously, let the bullets tear these fangs and black-backed little monsters apart!

  Shooting prey at low altitude one shot at a time, used up five or six magazines, and the number of wild boars is definitely more than twenty, but the prey is more enjoyable!

   It took half an hour to shoot in the air. After cleaning the ground, I drove away a group of wild boars who had escaped nearby, so that they would not approach the human farmland planting area. Although the two helicopters were powerful, they were no match for the large number of wild boars. Some of them died on the road, but some escaped into the jungle. An Feng let them go. It was his territory, and he kept some seeds for hunting in winter. Interesting enough.

Later, the helicopter also specially flew around his hunting ground according to An Feng\'s request. The widest part of the hunting ground is 4 kilometers, and the longest part is 8 kilometers. Everyone said it was an excellent ground hunting ground.

After landing, everyone took off the camera on the helmet, and the computer read the memory card. In the end, Joanna was ranked first, An Feng was behind by two points, and Wang Le and Lisa had mediocre results due to their lack of proficiency. Not weaker than Joanna, they counted the fallen prey in the video and cheered: "It\'s great!"

  An Feng looked at Joanna who was brimming with joy: "Come on, see what you want me to do."

  Joanna said: "I ask you to accompany me...to a musical in New York, how about it?"

  An Feng nodded: "Okay, the time is up to you."

  (end of this chapter)