Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 10: Buying Guns in California (Part 2)

Chapter 10 Buying a Gun in California (Part 2)

  Joanna accompanied An Feng to learn it, mainly legal knowledge. State law stipulates that gun buyers must be citizens (or hold green cards), and the minimum age to legally buy guns is 18 years old, and guns are 21 years old. In addition, gun buyers cannot get the gun immediately, and need to wait an additional ten days.

In addition, the capacity of the magazine cannot exceed ten rounds, and the gun lock must be used when going out. You cannot buy more than five hundred rounds of ammunition at a time. Offensive weapons and so on.

For people living in gun-free countries, An Feng doesn’t think this law is too strict, but Joanna said that in some states with loose regulations, such as Texas, buying a gun is really the same as buying cabbage, and you can choose a long gun or a short gun at will It is very easy to get a concealed gun license, and because of the frequent shootings in recent years, the Texas government with many gun owners even encourages college students and teachers to bring guns to class.

  An Feng instantly felt that the Texas cowboy had exploded in his mouth, and made up a picture in his mind: the student and the teacher were holding books in their hands, with hands on their waists, and guns communicating in class...can you stop being so fierce? It is said that the folks in Texas are tough. He has never been there, but it can be seen from their attitude of holding guns.

  An Feng asked: "There is no restriction on magazines in the hometown of cowboys, but automatic ones are also allowed?"

  Joanna replied: "Of course, everything is to prevent Mexico wearing straw hats!"

  Then there is the HSC exam. Generally, there are instructors in gun shops to preside over it. Even if there is only one person, you can take the exam after paying. Joanna told him that there are a total of 30 questions, true or false or multiple-choice questions, at least 23 questions must be answered correctly, in line with safety first, you can pass it by feeling.

The results of An Feng\'s exam came out soon, and he was not ashamed of the fact that all those who come from China are top scholars. He got 29 questions right, and the only thing he got wrong was that he misunderstood the vocabulary in it, and then he went to fill in the He signed a DROS audit registration form and recorded one of his fingerprints.

  Finally, the clerk told him: "If there is no notice after ten days, you can come to pick up the gun."

   "Congratulations!" Joanna said with a smile.

   "There are still ten days left, maybe I haven\'t passed." An Feng said modestly.

   "It doesn\'t matter, as long as there is no criminal or mental illness record, these ten days are just for the store to tantalize." Joanna said nonchalantly.

   "You\'re wrong, ma\'am!"

  A serious voice came from behind Joanna. An Feng turned her head. She turned around and saw a potbellied policeman in police uniform walking over. He was wearing a cowboy round-brimmed hat and had a gun on his waist. An Feng was surprised. With his size, whether he can run when catching thieves is a problem.

   "Hi, Mr. Johnson." Joanna greeted with a smile.

  The seriousness on the fat policeman\'s face suddenly disappeared. He pressed his hat and nodded to Joanna, then looked at An Feng: "Your boyfriend?"

   "NO!" Joanna shook her head, "My friend, Ann. I brought him here to study law."

   "Hi, I\'m the sheriff of Paso-Robles, call me James." The fat policeman stretched out his hand to An Feng, and An Feng held it.

"Good morning sir!"

Sheriff, he has heard such names in American dramas, which are usually elected by the county or the residents of the small town, and there are not many people under him, and the small town does not drive around all day to blast and rob banks, three hundred and sixty a year. It is estimated that 300 of the five days are spent at work and drinking tea.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be a sheriff and a blue wave... probably in Hollywood.

James Johnson put his hands in his belt and said kindly: "I know you. I have a cousin\'s child who works in your vineyard. I heard that their old boss went bankrupt. The new Chinese boss is a good man. I didn\'t expect that. I met you today."

  An Feng said modestly: "This is what I should do."

James smiled, and then said seriously: "Joanna\'s statement just now is not all correct. In some cases, gun purchases with a green card less than 90 days have been rejected. And a friendly reminder, no matter what the situation , are not allowed to appear around the campus with guns.”

   "Thank you, I see." An Feng nodded seriously.

   Chatted with James for a while. He came to play with guns and invited An Feng to join him, but he rejected the enthusiastic sheriff with the excuse that he had already played softly.

  Joanna said as she walked: "Mr. Johnson is a very nice person. With him around, you can buy a gun. Didn\'t you hear him say that you are a \'good guy\'?"

   "I know." An Feng said, he was still a little proud of himself. His heroic actions earned him a good reputation, which was helpful for buying a gun.

Just as An Feng started the car and was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something: "Joanna, I remember just now they said that the bullets are separated and the gun cannot be concealed." He looked at Joanna suspiciously, unless she really had concealment Hold a gun license, otherwise it\'s fun.

  Joanna put on a cowboy hat for herself, and said with a smile: "How high do you think the crime rate in the city must be before the police come to check on a beautiful and friendly lady?"

  An Feng shook his head, and then he smiled. Rules are dead, but people are alive. This principle is also applicable in the United States. Be careful next time with a beautiful woman, no one can guarantee that she will be like Joanna, who is cute one second, and can be scary the next second.


  The pace of life in the small town is slow. I drove around the park and saw many native Americans sitting leisurely on benches reading and chatting in coffee shops. Most of the pickup trucks that passed by occasionally worked in the vineyards. Joanna said that there are probably dozens of grape growers in this area, most of whom are rich. An Feng is right when he thinks about it. He bought a piece of land by himself and spent more than 10 million yuan. Even if other people\'s land is smaller, they can sell it for several million yuan. For an annual income of 100,000 yuan, it is considered a good standard for the middle class. They are unquestionably wealthy.

  Joanna also has a vineyard at home, and has established her own brand. Strictly speaking, it should be a winery. An Feng curiously asked her why she was still looking for a job, and she was not surprised at all and said: "My family will pay for my college tuition, but my other expenses are not included."

"Oh. I thought you had graduated!" In this regard, the way foreigners educate their children is very good. If you want to change it in China, I am afraid that few rich people are willing to let their children who are in school go out to work for others. ? Joanna is twenty-one years old, just the age to go to college.

   "I will graduate at this time next year, and I may continue my MBA study. I think I will end my studies at the age of twenty-four." Joanna said.

   "Major in business administration? You are really good!" An Feng admired. He obtained a master\'s degree at the age of 24. In domestic terms, he is a "student master".

Joanna smiled and said: "Thank you, but I found that the international students from China are the real ones. They can almost study hard for a month. Do you know that every day except eating and sleeping is holding books. God, I dare not Imagine if you would get moldy if you tried to do that."

  An Feng laughed. Although I just met her, it was very easy to chat with her. She knows a lot and is good at teaching people with skills, instead of just applying theories mechanically. An Feng slowed down the speed of the car, and there was a Volkswagen Touareg driving slowly in front of him. An Feng glanced at the opposite lane, and just about to show her his skill of changing lanes and overtaking, Joanna pressed his shoulder: " No, follow him."

  An Feng turned off the turn signal in doubt, and followed the Touareg in front slowly.

  I saw Joanna with a sly smile on her face: "Just wait, there is a good show to watch."

  An Feng followed slowly, Joanna suddenly motioned him to look in the rearview mirror, An Feng found that there was a car behind him, did not overtake, did not honk, and followed An Feng as well. There is no car in the opposite lane, so it is completely possible to pass, but everyone is silently cooperating with the mentality of watching a show.

   After a while, there were five slow-moving cars behind him.

When the car in front passed an intersection, a police car parked on the side of the road started and chased after it. Its external horn honked a few times to make the white Touareg pull over and guide the rest of the vehicles to pass. An Feng passed by first. He glanced at the innocent VW owner, an Asian face.

   An Feng prayed that he had better be from RB or Korea.

  Joanna turned her head back while looking back: "You see, when the abnormally low speed affects the driving of the car behind, he will have to pay a ticket."

   "Are you always so happy?" An Feng increased the speed of the car. With the scene just now, he didn\'t want the guys behind to follow.

Joanna said: "It can only be seen in this kind of small town where there is no pressure to go to work. Everyone is very tacit, neither honks nor overtakes. In a big city like Los Angeles, there are also very anxious drivers. He will say "F" words, keep honking the horn behind you, or pin you to the side of the road."

   "Interesting." An Feng said with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)