Mistress, I Was Wrong

Chapter 375

"People like Sheng Wenze, who set foot on the spirit emperor, have a very high demand on the object of taking over the house. Few people want to find a person who is in line with his will. Just like you are looking for natural materials and earth treasures, the probability is so small that people are desperate. But you are not the same. You are the five element spirit body, and you wake up the secret spirit power, which is the best choice for him to seize the house." Green ink worry about the heart.

Qian Wanyu just raised her eyebrows and dodged sharply. Her reincarnation bow was full. A multicolored spirit arrow was aimed at the skull of the skeleton soldier. The other side blocked it with her arm. Naturally, it was like I almost wrote 20000 today_ (:з」∠)_

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