Mistress, I Was Wrong

Chapter 341


With these two words falling, Dongfang Minghui suddenly refracted a kind of strange brilliance. Green bubbles surrounded her, and there was a trace of golden halo mingled among them, inexplicably giving people a feeling of incomparable holiness.

"Dongfang Minghui, dare you!"

"Nine sisters."

Almost at the same time, they all covered their mouths and looked at the man who was surrounded by halo.

Dongfang Ming saw a red figure rushing towards her. She was dead, as you saw.

Seeing that you all send me blades, can I have a weak Swiss knife_ However, I would like to remind you that modern times are not really modern. This is the life that Xiaojiu and Qijie experienced together when they fell into the mirror of the third generation. I just enlarged that to make up for the pain in your heart. So those relatives who want to go to modern times, wake up, wake up quickly, and don't deceive yourself.

I'd better run with the lid on_ (:з」∠)_

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