Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 997

However, after seeing the scenery, the two people who caused the storm came back.

As soon as he saw them, Lin Guanting and Mulan rushed directly to him. Mulan was red eyed, so he took Lin Yi into his arms and held him very hard.

"Aunt Ann..."

Lin Yi's voice choked.

She thought about the day when Aunt an came back to the herdsman's house. She thought that maybe aunt an finally let go of all the old things, maybe Xiaojing's first birthday, maybe her wedding with Ying Hannian, but she didn't think that it was her accident and aunt an came.

Those obsessions that have been stuck for 20 or 30 years have been put down.

"You child, it's getting bigger and bigger now." Mu Lan released her and looked at her angrily. "I don't want to talk about such a big thing. I have to watch the news to know."

"I'm sorry to worry you, aunt Ann." Lin Yi felt guilty and turned to look at Lin Guanting. Lin Guanting stood there, looking at her with a tired face and worried eyes, and said, "your aunt ANN is right. You are more and more courageous. You dare not tell your family anything

It's a sound


Seeing the wrinkles on Lin Guanting's face, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly turned red, "I'm sorry, I've ruined the hard work of you and your mother..."

"Nonsense, what!"

Lin Guanting stopped her words, walked up to her and wiped away her tears. "Your mother and I are not Yiwei restaurant, but you."

This makes Lin Yi feel worse.

She stood in this position, let her an accident, involving countless people, hurt the closest people.

"Well, sit down."

Mulan pulls Lin Yi to sit down on the sofa.

Ying Hannian watched as she followed Mu Lan. The feeling of emptiness in the palm of his hand annoyed him. He frowned and stepped forward to sit down on the single sofa.

"I really convinced both of you. The sky fell down and you came back!"

Mu Xianguang sat by and looked at Ying Hannian as if nothing had happened. He felt that he had lost half of his life.

Mu Xiaxi went to Jiang Qixing, helped him sit down, and asked about his injury in a low voice.

"Go ahead."

We should set up a posture to talk about in the cold year. Mu Xianguang quickly handed over several reports, "things broke out on the Internet first, and suddenly spread to China. In just a few hours, they caused a storm. This was premeditated, including all kinds of ghosts and ghosts like students,

As well as large-scale protest demonstrations, it is obvious that they have been prepared for a long time, just waiting for today. "

It's like a bomb exploding suddenly, or exploding layer by layer. The more it explodes, the wider it affects, which makes people unprepared.

All Mu's actions are remedial measures, but they can't stand it. Most people are interested in finding the explosive points. Officials and businessmen collude with each other, rich people kill and escape the law

"What about the group now?" Should cold year ask. Speaking of this, mu Xianguang almost cried, "brother, I really want to call you a kiss brother, do you know what you are doing? Resigning in public is more important than Lin Yi's influence on Mu's stock price. Now Mu's stock price is completely crazy. How about you

Have you ever seen a big group that has the stock market that we've been up and down like a draught? "

This kind of big fluctuation, is that many people are not sure what it means to make this move in the cold year, so looking at the stock market of Mu Shi, they don't know whether to make it or not.

Ying Hannian leaned back and sat comfortably, listening to the first jaw, "Oh."



You're with T!

Mu Xian's bald head is about to crack. Bai Shuya patted him and said, "now the second master is with a lot of people in the family. They are all staying in the reception room. I think the second master's face is very bad."

Lin Yimo.

Of course, it's not good. Since Ying Hannian appeared in the herdsmen's house, there have been constant disturbances in the herdsmen's house. After Mr. Mu left, although Ying Hannian supported the herdsmen with one man's strength, the herdsmen are always faced with bad things when they just take a breath.

Just like a cruise ship sailing on the sea, no matter how strong its foundation is, it can't stand today's storm and tomorrow's tornado.

This time, it was even more serious. The decision maker suddenly resigned in his wife's scandal.

The four families have never had such a thing in a hundred years.

Lin Yi looked at Ying's face and said, "I'm not going to see those antiques. Anyway, I'm not the decision maker of Mu's now.""You really quit?"

Mu Xianguang was shocked.

He thought Ying Hannian was a stupid decision made in a hurry.

"What else?" Ying Hannian raised his eyebrows, put down his feet, stood up, went to him, and put his hand on mu Xianguang's shoulder. "I've got people ready. You're waiting to be the next decision maker..."

"What did you say?"

Mu Xianguang looked at him in horror, his eyes almost protruding.

Everyone is inexplicably looking at yinghannian. Is yinghannian ready to give up this great position to Mu Xianguang?


In a cold year, the evil will enter the bone.


Can he surprise you?

Mu Xianguang is so anxious that he has to stand up and refuse. He is patted and pressed back by Ying Hannian.

"Don't put surprise on your face, because I'm just an assistant for you to be the next decision maker."

"..." Mu Xianguang said nothing, "Ying Hannian, you play with me?"

"Well, you can adjust the atmosphere." It's too apocalyptic here.


Mu Xianguang's body shakes and he is a ghost. He scolds a lot in his heart, but people are relaxed.

At that second, he really thought Ying Hannian would give up his position. What he had dreamed of suddenly came to him. He was not overjoyed, but inexplicably frightened.

He has seen what he really wants. He doesn't want to sit so high and argue with a group of old people every day.

Lin Yi listened to their conversation, not laughing, just looking at the side of the Mu Lan.

Mu Lan was aware of her eyes, and his face became dignified. Sure enough, the next second, Ying Hannian turned and looked at her, "four girls, you can only take care of this mess."

"You're putting your ideas on me?"

Mulan looked at him strangely.

I'm afraid it's not crazy.

"What else?" Ying Hannian glanced at the crowd, "Qi Xing has shares, but he can't. He is a different surname; Mu Xianguang can't do it either. He acts recklessly and can't stabilize the situation. "


Mu Xianguang was relieved.

It's obviously sprayed

"I'm not going to stick with the Mu group." Mu Lan refused and frowned.

"To put it bluntly, the internal affairs of the Mu group and the family are not completely separated. You are in charge of the internal affairs, and it's the way to minimize the voice of doubt to come forward and accept this rotten situation." In response to the cold year“ At the beginning, I was willing to take charge of the internal affairs, that is for... "Mulan said here, pause, turned to look at Lin Yi beside him, and said," I'm for Xiaoyi, I'm for giving her the internal affairs of Mu in the future, so that she can have a foothold in Mu without anyone. "