Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 990


"They are now trying crimes in public. They see the stock price of the pyramid of herdsmen plummeting in just a few hours. They think it's all their abilities." The second master sat there, looked at her and said, "I don't know who is in charge of all this, but obviously, that person has grasped the weakness of human nature. Too many people have reached the climax in this carnival. These people are not willing to admit their mistakes. You can't help them

The evidence was taken in front of them, saying that you didn't kill people. They would say that you abused cats and dogs. You said you didn't kill people, They said, "you always spit that spit on the road many years ago?"


"You see, if you spit, you are not a good thing. I'm not wrong. You must have done a lot of shameful things."


Lin Yi closed her eyes, breathing a little stagnant, she knew what the old man meant.

He told her that gossip is the most indelible thing.

This rumor, like a rapid development of pestilence, has been taken as the source by everyone. Many people do not care about the truth, but are willing to expand their imagination infinitely.

For a long time, Lin Yi opened his eyes, his face was not very good, but he was still calm. "Is the herdsman in a bad situation now?"

This is obviously nonsense.

If it's not bad, the second master will not come to see her in person.

The old man sat there, watching her silent for a few seconds, then said, "I think, it should be worse than you think."


Lin Yi's heart sank hard. After a long time, she said, "the old man came to see me. There must be a solution, right?"

"Yes, I can only tell you this way. I can't tell Hannian and the fourth girl that it will work."

The old man looked at her steadily.

He can see better than anyone else.

Lin Yi slowly sat up straight, eyes quietly on his line of sight, to meet the situation waiting for himself, "you say it."

"Divorce Hannian."

The old man said it word by word. Rao is ready, but after hearing these words, Lin Yi's eyelashes are still shaking badly. What's the astringency? She can't pretend to be so calm. She anxiously turns the bracelet on her hands and says again and again, "is there no other way?

"To tell you the truth, the Lin family is cold. Today, more than ten restaurants under your name have been smashed, and your father has closed all Yiwei restaurants in China."

The old man brought her all the bad news.


Lin Yi's heart trembles when he hears about it. It's the hard work of his parents“ Mu's group has begun to be affected. The stock price has plummeted and the people have resisted. You should know that neither the Mu's group nor the Mu's family is alone in Ying Hannian. It is tens of thousands of Mu's people who are involved

East, down to an assembly line worker The old man watched her keep turning her bracelet. His eyes sank and he said, "I've thought about it and announced to the public that you and Hannian have agreed to divorce for some time. It's just for the sake of raising your son together and not letting the children get annoyed



"It's really a move to abandon the car and protect the commander, but in this way, at least we can get rid of the relationship between the Mu family and you, without serious losses and damaging the prestige of the Mu family in the cold year." He said clearly.

"Husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of disaster, so the image of coping with the cold years will not be good."

Lin Yi said“ Therefore, it's up to you to take the initiative to make public the divorce. In the name of the father of the child, Han Nian declared that he believed that you would accompany you through the difficulties. In this way, you all took the word of friendship, which separated the Mu family from you

It's also good to slowly recover your reputation in the future. You know, if you occupy Mrs. Ying's position one day, you will not be able to clean up the suspicion of collusion between officials and businessmen. "

Lin Yi's reputation is not difficult to recover, it just takes too long, but in such a long time, Mu will always be damaged.

The cost is incalculable.

"The old man is thoughtful."

Lin Yi couldn't refute it. She looked down again. Her face became paler and paler. She constantly rubbed the bracelet on her hands“ If you agree, I'll ask someone to draft a divorce agreement immediately. I'll write the date a few months ago, and then I'll notarize it. " The old man said, "it's not suitable to delay. As for the cold year, you have to persuade him

Even when the elder is alive, he can't be controlled. "“……”

Lin Yi's lips moved, like a huge stone hanging on her lips, which made her too heavy to open her mouth.

"I said, are you too much Wang could not see it. He walked over to the table and said, "this is a girl in her twenties. Many people are babies. There are lawsuits at one end and dirty water at the other. Which one hasn't been cleaned yet, do you think

Are you going to force her to divorce? "

"It's not your turn to talk here." The old man gave him a cold look, and then looked at Lin Yi with a soft look. "Lin Yi, I know you have feelings with Han Nian. Now his madness is to make it clear that he wants to face with you, but what will the result be? He can only die with you,

I think he knows that, otherwise he won't smash his desk today. "

Ying Hannian smashed his desk?

Lin Yi stood still and looked at him.

"There is a leader behind this, and there may be other families pushing waves to help the flow. Countless curfew are restless. In front of them, Mu's family has met the biggest attack of public opinion. It's up to you whether they are dead or alive."

The old man persuades Lin Yi, earnestly admonishes, one by one painstakingly.

Lin Yi sat there with her hands on the table. It took her a long time to find her voice. "Before I can leave the police station, give me some time to think about it."

Smell speech, the old man didn't force her, just way, "Lin Yi, you understand you now think of every second is what kind of loss to Mu Shi?"


Lin Yi nodded stiffly.

"Just understand."

He stood up on crutches, walked around the table and stood beside her. He put his hand on her shoulder and patted her. His eyes looked at her peacefully. "I know it's difficult for you. Be strong. It's never easy for Mu's hostess to do."

Lin Yi bowed his head and did not speak.

The old man said nothing more and left with a crutch.

Lin Yi sat at the table for a long time. As soon as she looked up, she saw the sympathetic eyes of Wang Dui and the fat policeman. It seemed that she had received a little too much today.


Lin Yi returned to the cold room. Instead of sitting on the chair, she chose the innermost corner to sit down.

There was a row of chairs blocking her from the outside. She shrank into a world of her own.