Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 987

"I understand."

Jiang Qixing answered and began to talk with Mu Xiaxi.

The car is going fast.

When Ying Hannian came into his office, he Yao had already stood inside with a group of staff.

Ying Hannian walked forward while removing his tie and asked, "what's the matter now?"

"Not so good."

He Yao can't explain in detail that the words on the Internet are terrible, because it's Lin Yi, because Lin Yi is Ying Hannian's wife, and the four words of killing for life are not enough for netizens to vent.

There are all kinds of abusive words.

There are also some pushers who publish on the Internet some remarks that Lin Yi will not be jailed in the cold years and will definitely get rid of the crime, which makes the whole incident more complicated.

Even when the police brought Lin Yi into the police station without handcuffs, they were identified as collusion between officials and businessmen.

At this time, Lin Yi could not come out.

As soon as it comes out, a series of words about bribery, escape from crime, money and desire are smashed from the sky.

Ying Hannian went to his desk and stood still. He looked at them fiercely with his black eyes, and told them coldly, "publish the news immediately, declare that the whole thing is an accident, and tell the media, who dares to scribble the news is the enemy of Ying Hannian!"

"I understand."

He Yao nodded and told them to go down first.

"And tell me all the people who make rumors on the Internet!"


He Yao understands that if he does not bring out some of the people who pick things, it will not have the effect of deterrence.

"In addition, immediately go to all charities that Zha Linyi has done, and take out all the videos that she has personally done, and find the right time to release them."

With that, Ying Hannian anxiously walked two steps in front of his desk, "no, it's not enough. Immediately arrange an interview for me. I want to clarify the incident to the public myself."

At this time, suppression has no effect.

Things are fermenting too fast to stop.

"All right." He Yao bowed his head, "I have asked the relevant departments to put down everything at hand and spend all their time dealing with this crisis."

"Who has good means of public relations, promotion, plus a huge bonus!"

In response to the cold year.


He Yao nodded, raised his eyes, and looked at Ying Hannian standing in front of his desk, his hands in his waist, his chest rising and falling, his face hard to see the extreme.

After all these years, he Yao saw for the first time that Ying Hannian was so anxious.

He has always been a man of confidence.

But this time, he Yao can feel the chaos of the cold year.

He Yao also wanted to report on the impact of the Mu group in just two hours. Ying Hannian waved his hand and didn't want to listen. He asked them to go down.

He Yao had no choice but to leave with others.

As soon as they left, Ying Hannian's mobile phone rang. It was an unknown number.

Ying Hannian's eyes were cold, and he directly connected them. On the other side was a hoarse voice with pain. "How about, Mr. Ying, my game is still perfect?"

It's t.

"You're not dead yet?"

We should grind our teeth in cold years“ There is such a big play to see, how can I be willing to die, paralyzed in bed also have to see ah The other side was laughing, laughing and gasping in pain, "I'm not hurt lightly. I won't disturb you again in a short time. Mr. Ying will take good care of my eyes

I'm in trouble before you go to bed. "

"Listen." Ying Hannian clenched his teeth and said, "you'd better pray that I won't catch you all my life, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!"

"Ha ha."

The other side laughs and hangs up without saying more.


Ying Hannian smashed the mobile phone out, and there was a huge fire in his chest. He bent down and threw the things on the table. His breath became heavier and heavier. His black eyes glared at the ground, and his hands pressed on the table clenched into fists.


Four hours after the video was sent out, the police announced that everything was under investigation, and whether it was a murder has not yet been decided, so that the public should not believe rumors.

But these words were wrongly interpreted as endorsement in advance in order to release Lin Yi.

[I thought I lived in an age of equality. It turned out that the killing process in the video was so clear that the police could even close their eyes and say that there was no final conclusion yet?]Shit, show! Look at the rich, look at the police

Can you do whatever you want with money? YES!】

[when I saw Yiwei's whole life, I liked Lin Yi very much. It turned out that winning glory for the country was just a performance set up by people. Inside, I was a murderer, and I took Jiang Rao with me. Jiang Rao was just like that, and she was also shameful to pull into the water.]

[Wang Tiantian is also a herdsman. Damn it, I have a dark idea. The herdsman has died so many people these years. It won't be...]

[who is the target of the law? Yes, ordinary people

Come on, come on, let's not be sour. Who let us not have a good baby or marry a good man

In the police station, team Wang tried to let himself return to the case itself, but those comments on the Internet could not be ignored. For the first time, he found it hard to argue.

It's only a long time since the incident happened, and it's normal that the investigation was not completed. As a result, it was said that it was collusion between officials and businessmen.

Team Wang felt the stubble on his chin, walked into the office hall, bent down and stood in front of the water dispenser.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Lin Yi.

She sat on the chair, her legs retracted, her bare feet against the edge of the chair, her hands around her knees, holding herself together, her head down, not knowing what she was thinking. At the moment, she does not know that she has been surrounded by dirty water all over the sky. She is described as a very vicious woman. Her classmates from primary school and middle school all come out and tell us that she abused and killed animals and bullied her classmates when she was a child; Call it appropriate

In weishifu's dishes, poppy was put, saying that she forced the complainants to drink toilet water; She said she took care of her good friend Jiang Rao and food competition to win honor for the country; She said she and Ying Hannian were like birds of a feather, killing one herdsman after another.

Dirty water is everywhere.

He thought it was ridiculous. How did those people make up so many heinous things? Did Lin Yi have time to do it when he grew up? Don't eat and sleep? Killing animals and abusing classmates every day?

He found out that Lin Yi, who had lost his aura, was just a girl in her twenties, about the age of his daughter.

But what happened to her will never happen to her daughter in her life.

Wang team put down the cup in his hand, took another disposable cup, took the water, went over and knocked on the vertical pole.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yi raised her head and saw him. A trace of accident passed through her dim eyes.

She stood up and walked over, Wang team holding a water cup in the past, "drink some water."

"Thank you."

Lin Yi took the cup, did not drink, just stood there quietly“ I've watched it dozens of times, and I've tried muxianquan three times in a row. " Wang team looked at her and said, "there are really some evasions in his words. Now I think Wang Tiantian's fall is an accident, and the specific results have to wait for experts to go to the scene to do the fall

Simulation. " This time, he was biased.