Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 980

He suddenly responded that Ying Hannian had just said that what he didn't have was that he was distracted and couldn't find the problem of monitoring.

T Turn the MOU to stare to should cold year, should cold year stand in the shadow, hook lip, smile not smile, stretched out a hand to pat the fold of shirt, "how?"

Smell speech, t hand off the headset, this just found when the phone has been cut off, but he paid attention to Ying Hannian said those words, even this did not notice.

It's impossible to hold three people in three places at the same time, but you can press them one by one after you cut off contact.

It's very simple.

But he was caught by Ying Hannian.

I'm afraid Mu Xianquan and Wang Tiantian have been taken by this time.

He couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Ying has great power in modifying monitoring and shielding communication signals. Everything can be done in a short time. No wonder the herdsmen are developing more and more firmly."

"You just said that you would have two plans for everything you do. Now they are used up. Is there anything else?"

Ying Hannian sneered.

T Smile, eyes under the lens a sharp, also no longer keep hands, step on the coffee table to fly to fight with him, a corner of the white robe flying.

In the dark lounge, the sound of fighting from fist to flesh rings. T wants to get the remote control again, but it is blocked by Ying Hannian.

At the same time, the bodyguards who had been waiting outside rushed in and rushed towards t.

When the situation was not good, he stepped back to the window and swept the tea table to block the crowd. He opened the window with his body, took out an exquisite high-tech rope tray from his pocket and stuck it to the outer wall. Holding one end of the rope, he jumped out of the window.

Ying Hannian rushes to the window, and his black eyes coldly sweep the rope disk. This kind of rope disk has too strong adsorption power, and it is impossible to win in a minute. He stretched out his hand to pull the rope and prepared to slide down. T, who was standing in the air, suddenly raised his head and stepped on the outer wall with his feet. The mask moved up in the chaos, almost covering his eyes. The lens was full of light. "In the cold years, please remind me that I really have

The third plan. "


Should cold year's vision a stagnation.

"At this time, Mrs. Ying should be concerned about her good friends. After all, people are still bound with bombs."

T Smile, and then no more nonsense, down the rope.

Ying Hannian stood at the window and hesitated for only a second, then immediately threw away the rope, turned around and ran. His mobile phone fell out in the fight just now, and he didn't know where it was.

He didn't have time to find a mobile phone, so he had to rush to the roof regardless.

Got this moment's relaxation, t smoothly slipped to the ground, turned around and was about to run, then came to a man standing in front of his car. Jiang Qixing leaned in front of the car. His black coat almost melted him into the night. He had a thin layer of snow on his shoulder. He didn't know how long he had been standing like this. He had no expression on his face and bit a cigarette in his mouth. The sparks were burning out in the snow


Around, there are still some bodyguards.


T Some of them stood there stiff.

Together, even Jiang Qixing has been transferred back. Jiang Qixing's skill is almost the same as that of yinghannian. One can be worth ten. It seems that yinghannian had the intention of fishing him out.

He could avoid the cold year, but he couldn't avoid Jiang Qixing.

Seeing him sliding down, Jiang Qixing took the cigarette out of his mouth and threw it into the snow, spitting out a word from his lips, "up!"

The bodyguards swarmed in.

T Pull out the dagger at the waist and fight with them. Jiang Qixing flies and kicks them. T is kicked to roll several times in the cold snow until he reaches the side of the car.

Find the right time, t quickly open the door and rush up.

Jiang Qixing rushed to the co pilot for the first time and started fighting with him in the car.


At the same time, the snow continued to fall, falling on the open roof.

The light on the rooftop was not bright enough, it was yellow, the snow fell on the ground and spread a layer of white, Wang Tiantian was suddenly thrown to the ground by bodyguards pouring out from the edge of the rooftop.

She cried bitterly, trying to resist, but was pressed to death by the bodyguard, eating a mouthful of snow water, embarrassed to the extreme.

Jiang Rao is standing there with the roof guardrail. She has never seen this kind of formation. She looks at Wang Tiantian with fear, and looks at Lin Yi like asking for help. "Sister, I can't move my legs, I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid. I'm coming. Don't move."Lin Yi walked quickly towards Jiang Rao.

She saw that Jiang Rao had a bomb tied around her waist. Since she had remote control, she should not explode casually. Just be careful and take it down.

Mu Xianxu, who rushed up from the stairs, stood at the door of the rooftop and looked at him from a distance. His eyes were red and his breath was trembling. Just as he wanted to go, his body was severely hit from behind.

He turned his eyes and saw Ying Hannian, who was only wearing a thin shirt, standing there with a pale face, shouting hysterically, "don't go there! There's a problem! "

The roar broke the snowy night.

Lin Yi is only a few steps away from Jiang Rao. Hearing the words, he stops and turns back subconsciously. His hair is lost in his eyes. He just looks at Ying Hannian running here crazily.

The first reaction in her mind was that there was something wrong with Jiang Rao's bomb.

Jiang Rao stood there stupidly.

The bodyguard is pulling Wang Tiantian up and preparing to escort her. Wang Tiantian stands there and looks at Ying Hannian, then looks at Lin Yi. Her eyes change and her feet move.

Lin Yi stood, and Yu Guangzhong felt that Wang Tiantian seemed to raise her leg and kick herself. Almost reflexively, he kicked her first and grabbed Wang Tiantian's arm. "What's the matter? What else do you have? "

The bodyguard relaxed when he saw Lin Yi's grip.

Wang Tiantian was directly dragged by Lin Yi.

Then Lin Yi found that everything was out of his control.

Wang Tiantian was kicked by her. She was dragged over and pulled. However, Wang Tiantian still rushed to the guardrail with uncontrollable force. Wang Tiantian cried out in horror, "ah --"

The force that rushed out was too fierce for Lin Yi to grasp. She watched Wang Tiantian's arm slip out of her hand.

She caught only a cloud of air.

Just listen to the sound of "bang", the old guardrail is broken. Wang Tiantian sees that she is about to fall down. Her mind is blank and grabs at random. She catches Jiang Rao standing on one side.

Jiang Rao has been scared by Wang Tiantian for a long time. She screams at Wang Tiantian and thinks that Wang Tiantian wants to do something. She not only doesn't pull her, but also beats her desperately and pushes people out.

All of a sudden, Wang Tiantian fell off the roof and couldn't even stop her. Her shrill scream broke the night sky.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yi watched the scene in shock.

Jiang Rao is afraid to walk to Lin Yi. When she steps on something, she will follow her.

"Jiang Rao!" Without thinking, Lin Yi rushed to pull her. When she took a step, her feet slipped. As soon as the world turned around, people rushed out of control