Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 972

"You scared me to death. The doctor said you had a 40 degree fever."

Jiang Rao said in an exaggerated tone.

"Why are you here, without filming?" Mu Xianxu asked, a voice scared himself, hoarse terrible voice.

"I'm worried about you. If I can't make a good play, I'll ask for leave."

Jiang Rao said, her eyes are as red as rabbit's,.




Mu Xianxu felt soft at the bottom of his heart. He raised his hand and rubbed her hair. Her hair was very good, and it was very comfortable to stick to his palm,

Jiang Rao lay on the edge of the hospital bed and looked at him. She felt very guilty and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know you hit people because you were sick. You didn't mean to, I'm still angry with you. I'm sorry. "

When you're sick?

Mu Xianxu was stunned for a moment, and then thought that it was the agent who told her.

He wanted to tell her that he didn't beat people because he was sick, he was jealous, because she would not protect herself

But he can't say this. Before, Jiang Rao knew all the dirty things in the entertainment industry. She didn't know what it was to be jealous.

Half lying in bed, he looked at her with a wry smile. "Don't apologize. I don't blame you."

"It's very kind of you, clown king."

Jiang Rao's emotions come and go quickly. She is happy to hear him say that. She cleverly rubs her head against his palm twice, just like a kitten.

Mu Xianxu looks at her, and her chest seems to have been opened, painful and sour.

"Shall I peel the apple for you?" She asked.

"I can also peel apples. It's amazing."

Mu Xianxu said with a smile.

"I'm very good!"

Jiang Rao nodded, picked up an apple and began to peel it.

Mu Xianxu was a little worried about her, so he watched her peel the apple and reminded her to cut it slowly from time to time, for fear that she would scratch her fingers. Until Jiang Rao cut the apple piece by piece into the plate, his fingers were still safe, so he was relieved.

"I'll feed you."

Jiang Rao picked up a toothpick, fixed an apple and fed it into his mouth. She looked at the mask on his face and suddenly asked, "it's not delicious for you to wear the mask, right? I'll take it off for you?"

"No way." Mu Xianxu refused.


"Because I want to be the clown king, be your clown king, take it off."

Mu Xianxu said with a smile.

Jiang Rao looked at him blankly and thought that he might like to be the clown king, so she didn't persuade him any more. Fortunately, the clown King's mask has a big mouth and his smile is grinning, so it's no big problem to eat some apples.

So, Jiang Rao will use a toothpick to send the apple to his lips, in order to facilitate feeding, she almost all lie on the bed.

Mu Xianxu didn't refuse any more. He stared at her deeply. He bit the apple and ate it slowly.

Looking at his familiar face, he suddenly remembered that one morning, she was lying on her body like this, wearing sexy suspender pajamas, with an apple in her red lips, and vaguely put it into his mouth

He had many women, he also knew Jiang Rao had experienced many, but during that time, he found the feeling of love in her.

It's a simple feeling of love.

Time seems to reappear.

Mu Xianxu heard his chest beating violently. He slowly swallowed the apple in his mouth, and then said hoarsely, "it's not sweet."

"Ah, isn't it sweet?"

Jiang Rao was surprised. She fixed an apple with a toothpick, bit it and frowned, "it's very sweet."

"Yes? Maybe your piece is sweet. " Mu Xianxu said, "let me have a look."

"But I bit this one."


Jiang Rao had to feed him the remaining half of the apple. Mu Xianxu chewed it slowly and said with a smile, "it's really sweet."

"Yes, I said it was sweet."

Jiang Rao feeds him again. As a result, he even feeds two pieces. Mu Xianxu starts to say that it's not sweet again. Jiang Rao is very puzzled, and directly lowers her head to bite a piece from the plate to taste it. Mu Xianxu on the bed suddenly raises her neck, raises the bottom of the mask, and involuntarily holds half of the apple she hasn't eaten completely. Her dry lips stick to her mouthRed lips.

The soft touch made his whole body burn, and his blood went against him.

Time seems to be still.

Mu Xianxu stuck to her red lips, slowly unwilling to get up, began to kiss, teeth grabbed the apple in her mouth.

Jiang Rao was lying on him with her eyes wide open. She couldn't see him clearly. She only saw a touch of gold. The tip of her tongue was warm. She was shocked. She quickly shrank back and sat down on the chair beside her, covering her mouth tightly.

"Why do you kiss me?"

Jiang Rao asked in a stuffy voice.


Mu Xianxu did not answer the rhetorical question.


I don't think so.

But the agent said she didn't have to do kissing, and they weren't acting. Besides acting, she had only seen

"You can't kiss me, only brother can kiss sister."

Jiang Rao is serious. She wanted to kiss her sister before. Her brother taught her that she could not.

Mu Xianxu stared at her deeply, lured her with a low voice, "what if I were your brother?"

He used her logic.

But Jiang Rao couldn't follow the logic. She shook her head in confusion. "You're not my brother, you're the clown king."


"Don't kiss me again. It's wrong." Jiang Rao still shakes her head. In Mu Xianxu's disappointed eyes, she takes up her mobile phone and looks at the time. Her eyes suddenly light up again. "Ah, the clown king is going to start broadcasting."

With that, she began to look all over the room for the remote control.

When they found it, they turned on the TV, and people sat there watching cartoons, no longer in charge of Mu Xianxu.

Mu Xianxu is half lying on the bed, watching her focus on watching TV. What happened just now can't cause waves in her heart.

At this moment, mu Xianxu wanted to hold her shoulder and ask her, do you really forget all those beautiful past? Even if I can't remember, can I give him a little love? Just a little bit.

He couldn't ask.

He dropped his shoulders feebly.

He forced himself to sit up and watch the cartoon with her, but the cartoon was always played over and over again, and he almost recited the lines.

Mu Xianxu turned his head and saw a magazine on the head of the bed. He picked it up and flipped through it, and saw a report.

The title is shocking——

[with the great progress of medicine, mental impairment can be recovered by operation! Complete recovery!]

Mu Xianxu sat there and read the whole content word for word. What was growing in his heart.

He suddenly remembered that Lin Yi had warned him that he should only accompany Jiang Rao and not think about anything else. At that time, he thought that she was worried, and he really thought that as long as he could be with Jiang Rao.