Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 953

With that, muxianquan came forward and hugged him, regardless of his wet clothes, "brother, you've finally come back, our brothers are finally reunited!"

Seeing muxianquan again, muxianxu's heart is not without feeling.

This is his closest relative.

Mu Xianxu stood in place for a few seconds, reached out and hugged Mu Xianquan, and the two brothers hugged each other tightly.

After a long time, they let go. Mu Xianquan put the flower in his hand in front of the tombstone and stood there quietly staring at the photo on the tombstone. "Xianxu, do you know how miserable his mother died?"

"When I was in prison, Lin Yi said something to me."

Mu Xianxu.

"Lin Yi?" Mu Xianquan sneered, "who is she? She is the woman of the cold year! How can she tell you the truth


Mu Xianxu's eyes darkened. "She's not a bad person."

Jiang Rao can have today thanks to her“ She's not a bad person. Who else is? " Mu Xianquan roared out excitedly, "I tell you the truth. The truth is that Ying Hannian set up a bureau to let our father strangle our mother! It's because of the cold years that we can't go back to the herdsman's house without our parents



"We three rooms fall to today's situation, all thanks to him should cold year and Lin Yi give!"

The heavy rain kept hitting the surface of the umbrella.

Indistinct, can hear dull thunder.

It's hard to hear thunder in this season. It's raining heavily, but the whole world is still depressed.

Two brothers stand in front of Gu ruo's tombstone. Mu Xianquan is filled with righteous indignation. Mu Xianxu laughs bitterly, "brother, do you really worship them? If there were no grudges between father and mother for so many years, would they come to this stage? "


Muxianquan punches muxianxu, and muxianxu retreats“ What the hell are you talking about? " Mu Xianquan held an umbrella in one hand and pointed to the picture on the tombstone and roared, "mother's tomb is here. What do you say? Ying Hannian is the enemy of our three rooms. How can you speak for him? Parents are

Have you been raised for nothing? " Mu Xianxu touched the corner of his mouth, smelled the words, laughed bitterly, and his eyes were red. "Am I not enough? I killed my own child! I'll go to jail for them! How can I repay this kindness? What else am I going to do

"The degree is the end?"

Over the years, he has not a day not to regret what he did.

He doesn't want to be wrong again!

"You --"

Mu Xianquan, exhausted, raised his fist and tried to hit him again. A few seconds later, he put it down again, unwilling to kick in the air, "Xianxu, do you hate your father and mother?"

"People are dead. What's the point of saying that?"

He had no chance to ask his mother if he regretted it.

"I admit that it's unfair to you that your parents want you to go to prison, but they are our parents after all. They brought us up and taught us knowledge..." Mu Xianquan said slowly, choking in his throat. "Xianxu, you can't always remember those bad things. You forget that we used to have dinner together as a family, and my mother brought us vegetables, My father taught us how to deal with the world, and my family once did

Happy, isn't it? "

Such a picture, mu Xianxu did not remember.

But it's all over.

Three rooms, like a broken glass, can't go back.

Mu Xianxu closes his eyes painfully. If it's not for Jiang Rao, he really doesn't know why he still exists in this world.

Seeing that he was moved, Mu Xianquan said with grief, "Xianxu, how can our third room be today? How can one of our brothers go to jail and the other live like a fugitive

"Brother, what are you trying to say?"

Mu Xianxu opens his eyes and asks, instead of looking at Mu Xianquan, he just stares at Gu ruo's photo on the tombstone.


"You have never been such a sentimental person, but you have said so much today. In the middle of the night, how can you worship my mother with me so coincidentally." Mu Xianxu said, "just tell me what you have."“ Well, then I won't beat around the bush with you. " Mu Xianquan turned to look at him and reached for his arm. "Xianxu, help my brother. Yinghannian is killing me. Find someone to put me under house arrest abroad. Do you know how hard it is for me to run back to China

will you come? I have had enough of it! I don't want to live like this any more! ""What do you want me to do?"

Mu Xianxu asked directly. Mu Xianquan stood there, silent for a moment, and said, "I know you can stay, and you can stay with Jiang Rao. Jiang Rao is Lin Yi's best friend. You can get along with Lin Yi through her. Lin Yi is very popular in yinghannian, as long as Lin Yi is a good friend

In a word, you can go back to the herdsman and the group at any time. "

"You want me to do it for you?"

Mu Xianxu understood“ I envy you Mu Xianquan patted him on the shoulder and said in a sad tone, "I don't have to take revenge, but I won't be pinched by Ying Hannian all my life, will I? I'm your brother. Do you want to see me stay abroad all my life and I can't go back to China after I die?


Mu Xianxu is silent.

"Why don't you go back to the herdsman's house and help me say good things in front of Ying Hannian and let him put me in China? Can you do that? " Mu Xianquan advised him with great care.

Mu Xianxu stood in front of the tombstone for a long time and said, "brother, I'm sorry."

Mu Xianquan saw that he didn't get any oil and salt. He almost wanted to hit him again. Finally, he held back and yelled, "Xianxu, we are brothers!"

Mu Xianxu looked at him, his eyes were red, but also clear. "If you just want to come back, you can ask for yinghannian by yourself. You just see that I have no intention of revenge. In other words, you still want to deal with yinghannian."


Mu Xianquan is dumb.

"You can't escape back to China alone. Who is behind you? Wang family? Or care for the family? "

Mu Xianxu said bitterly, "forget it, I don't want to know. I don't want to know your plan. I should return it to my parents. I've already paid it back. Now I just want to live my own life."


Mu Xianquan was surprised to see him.

In the past, mu Xianxu was the best person to control at home. He was a playboy who only knew how to soak women. He didn't know much about it and cared less about it. He would do whatever he and his parents wanted him to do, and he would never resist.

Today, he actually said such a thorough view of everything.

"I won't tell anyone that you are in China now, but that's all I can do."

Mu Xianxu said lightly, then turned and left. After walking out for a while, he slowly turned back and looked at muxianquan, who was still standing in the same place. "Brother, some things can't go back. The Mu family is no longer the head of the four families, and you are no longer the favorite young master of the Mu family. You have been depressed. Why are you becoming more and more unwilling now?"