Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 946

Mr. Ying, good dream.

She said in her heart.


That night, Lin Yi didn't go to bed until her hair was dry. She lay there and quietly looked at Xiaojing's tender face for more than an hour before she fell asleep.

The next morning, a dim light came into the room and fell faintly on the floor through the curtains.

A bird's call sounded out of the window.

Lin Yi fell asleep. Unconsciously, she leaned aside and fell into a warm arms. A familiar arm was around her waist. She closed her eyes at ease.

After a bird call.

Lin Yi opened her eyes, and her eyes moved down stiffly. The man's hand was on her waist. She turned over from the bed and looked at Ying Hannian, who was not supposed to be in this room, holding herself, eyes closed, eyelashes very long, brushing a light shadow, and his whole face was clearly outlined by his high nose, with no facial features


Lin Yi has a question mark in his mind.

Ying Hannian moved, reached out and fished her into his arms, long eyelashes moved.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and tried to keep calm. He asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Ying Hannian didn't know whether he was awake or not. His eyes were still closed. He fumbled under the pillow for two times, fumbled for a small box, and said in a bleary voice, "Ann's anti-theft level is too high. It took me two hours."


Lin Yi opened the box. There were a lot of small tools in it. Needless to think, they must be used to pry the lock.

Is this man poisonous? He spent two hours in the middle of the night picking the lock.

And she didn't hear a sound, was she sleeping too much, or was his voice too light?

Just thinking about it, Ying Hannian suddenly reached out and fished her into his arms, hugged her tightly, closed his eyes and muttered silently, "I won't play with you in the future, Tuan Tuan."

The low murmur is tinged with unspeakable sexuality.

Lin Yi felt that the nerves in his body were severely stirred up. Before he said anything, he listened to him again, "in the future, you can only play, no matter how you play."


Whatever you do.

Who's three years pregnant?

Lin Yi closed the box, put it aside, leaned in his arms and said in a low voice, "OK, have a good sleep."

He must not have slept well last night.

"Well." Ying Hannian answered with his eyes closed.

Lin Yi turned around in his arms and wanted to see his son. As soon as he saw it, he saw that it was empty and there was no trace of Xiaojing.

She was so scared that she sat up. Ying Hannian was awakened by her big reaction and opened her eyes bleakly, "what's the matter?"

Then he would straighten his long legs and sit up.

"Don't move!"

Lin Yi stopped him with some excitement.


Ying Hannian was so drunk that her head was clear and her legs were still.

Lin Yi climbed over and carefully picked up Xiaojing, who had been sleeping at Ying Hannian's feet. "Fortunately, you almost kicked her out."


Ying Hannian sat up from the bed and said, "am I that terrible? I'll close my legs when I come across something."

"I'm afraid you can't stop it."

She didn't know his strength.


Ying Hannian was almost alone last night. He didn't refute Lin Yi. He just looked at the little guy who was still sleeping in Lin Yi's room and said, "blame him for his poor sleep."


Lin Yi took a silent look at him. He asked a child who would turn over soon to have a good sleep.

"Sleep with me a little longer."

Ying Hannian held out his hand to her.

Lin Yi looked at the deep blue under his eyes and felt a little distressed, so he carefully put aside xiaojingshi. In yinghannian, he lay down and adjusted to the most comfortable position, with his head resting on his arm.

Ying Hannian hugs her tightly, and they close their eyes. Lin Yi slowly cultivates some sleepiness again. As soon as he is about to fall asleep, he hears a cry of "wow".

She and Ying Hannian opened their eyes at the same time, completely awake.

……When Xiaojing wakes up, she doesn't sleep and wants to hug excitedly.

Lin Yi and Ying were sleepless in the cold years, so they got up and walked along the mountain road with Xiaojing. The sun was hanging in the East, slowly opening the fog in the mountains, revealing the original appearance of the mountains, vast and magnificent.

They walk together, pushing Xiaojing along the road they once walked together.

Xiaojing occasionally yells on the road, which makes the whole peaceful mountain full of vitality.

Lin Yi likes this kind of time very much. It seems that time slows down.

"In the cold year, when we are old, shall we come back to live here?" Lin Yi suddenly thought, "it's very quiet here, and the scenery is good. As long as I don't look down, I like it very much."

People who are afraid of heights can't afford to be hurt.

"So soon you want to grow old with me?" Should be cold years hook lips, walk slowly in her side.

"Don't you want to?" Lin Yi looked at him, "if you don't want to, I can find someone else."

"You try."

"Find my primary school monitor. He's really nice." Lin Yi said on purpose.

"Look for it." Should be cold years picked pick eyebrows, the attitude of light, "find a kill a, find two kill a pair."


You are brilliant.

Lin Yi lowers his head and kicks his foot with the toe of his shoe. Ying Hannian holds her in his arms with a low voice. "When we get old, I'll take you back to live for a long time. I'll plant flowers, fish, draw and play chess with you."

Surrounded by mountains in the clouds, near by his whisper.

Lin Yi listened and drew a beautiful picture in her mind. She nodded with a smile, "OK."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa --"

The scene in the cart suddenly called.

Lin Yi bent down and looked at Xiaojing with excited eyes. Under the guardrail beside the concrete road, a small red flower appeared in the rocks. It was gorgeous and swaying in the wind, but it didn't fall down. It had a strong vitality.

Lin Yi squatted down and watched quietly with her son for a while.

It's really beautiful to have a red flower in the vast mountains.

It's nice to have three of them.


But in the next few days, there will be no such warmth. Ying Hannian and Lin Yi go to the school where she stayed to check her student files. Some of them can see the clues, and some can't even see the clues.

All kinds of signs show that if it is not a coincidence, it is a large invisible net approaching them.

Who it is, what it is doing, and what its purpose is... Everything is unknown.

After a week's investigation, in the cold year, the dispatched man secretly investigated, and then returned to the city with Lin Yi and Xiao Jing.

Although the latter half of the holiday is to do business, but Lin Yi or bought a lot of gifts to everyone. Bai Shuya was moved to tears when she saw them coming back. Lin Yi scratched among the gifts on the sofa for a while, took out two exquisite gift boxes and handed them to her.