Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 944

The decision was made in the cold year.


Lin Yi was stunned for a moment.

"You're right. There's really nothing to study about your primary school files, but it's hard to say about your middle school, high school and university files." Should cold year cold voice say.

"You mean they'll go through all the places I've been since I was a kid?"

Lin Yi looked at him and frowned.

"Just go and have a look."

"All right."

Lin Yi knew that he would not be relieved if he didn't look, and it was hard to say anything more. She stood up from the ground, walked up to him and took his hand. "Then we'll talk about it after we have checked everything. Don't think too much now. Go, go out with me and blow the wind."

Ying Hannian sat there, staring at her with dark eyes, holding her with his slender five fingers, holding her tightly, standing up and following her away.

The villa at the top of the mountain has a huge balcony. You can see the mountains and the hazy fog. The beauty you can enjoy here is dangerous.

Lin Yi went to the center of the balcony and looked up at the mountain under the night. "I remember when I first came here, I thought it was very beautiful, but the beauty was too high and the danger was suffocating."

"I think you were quite horizontal at that time. You didn't blink when you poked yourself."

Ying Hannian came forward from behind and leaned on the balcony guardrail. She glanced at her with black eyes and evil spirit, and her thin lips curved.

Her mention of those memories eased his tension a lot.

"The first time I said it wasn't that one."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

Smell speech, should the eye color of cold year one deep, "past life?"


Lin Yi nodded.

"Tell me the details." Ying Hannian held out his hand to her. Lin Yi didn't go in the past. She just stood in the same place, with her hands behind her. She stood on tiptoe and pointed out one dance step after another. She was very casual. She lowered her head and said faintly, "at that time, I was so desperate. I bet all my bets on you. I'm sorry

I wish you could help me. I ran up the road from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain by myself. "

Her voice is very light, there is no pain in the mood, as if just saying that today's wind is very strong.

"You can forget me from the past."

Ying Hannian said in a deep voice that her eyes followed the dance steps at her feet all the time“ Don't forget, that's the most unforgettable memory for me. You taught me a lot in my previous life. " Lin Yi stopped dancing and looked up at him with a smile. "You let me know that if I want to survive, I can't rely on others, I have to rely on myself



In the cold year, the steep ridge behind him.

"For me in my previous life, it's not my own incompetence to end up like that. In this life, even without you, I will find my own way to survive."

She lived a lifetime, fragile two words already far away from her.

Hearing this, Ying Hannian stood up straight. Her black eyes locked her eyes. Her face was cold and her voice was cold. "Tuan Tuan, I don't like you to say that."

What do you mean without him?

Why is there no him. Lin Yi looked at his cold face, walked a few steps lightly, came to him, grasped his hand, and said with a smile, "I just want to tell you that no matter it's a big net or countless big nets, I'm not afraid. I've been dead once

I didn't get knocked down so easily. Besides, I still have you


Ying Hannian stares at her.

"I'm invincible now. It's a cold year."

Lin Yi laughs.

"After a long time, are you relieving me?" Ying Hannian understood what she meant. The string in her body was slightly loose, "but I still don't want to hear that kind of words again."

"Yes, I see."

Lin Yi simply agreed to come down and took his hand to the balcony guardrail. She looked down, dark and unreal.

But below that is the cliff, the abyss.

Every time Lin Yi stood at this place and looked down, she could not help but panic. She shouldered her fear and looked down, "do you remember what you said to me here?"


Ying Hannian clenched her hand.

"At that time, I vaguely felt that you had a big thing to do. I knew that you would become the decision-maker of the Mu group, but I didn't know why. You told me at that time that if you lost, you would jump from here."Lin Yi turned his eyes and looked at his resolute and handsome side face. He said with a faint smile, "you have climbed up the terrible cliff of the Mu group and become the peak. I really don't know what else can defeat you?"

So, a little bit of small things, really should not let him become so impatient.

Ying Hannian certainly understood what she meant, but she didn't understand it. It was just that it was too hard for him to get her. He fought all his life to get her and exchange all his blood for the present day. He didn't want to lose it. Once he lost it, it would be more than crazy for him.

He can perfectly deal with anyone's attack on him, but as for her, it's not normal that he doesn't get out of control.

Lin Yi looked at him with a smile, trying to make him relax and spend the week happily.

"I'll take another oath here."

Ying Hannian stares at her and says suddenly.


Lin Yi looks at him in a puzzled way.

Ying Hannian pulled her hand, pulled her to stand face to face with herself, and put up three fingers, "I, Ying Hannian, will protect you all my life, and won't let you suffer any harm. If I can't do it, I will jump down from here!"


Lin Yi looked at him blankly, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he said, "are you crazy?"

"Tuan Tuan, I don't swear easily." Ying Hannian stares at her and says that he wants her to know that he will escort her with his life all his life.

She knows.

She knows all about it.

Lin Yi took out his hand to cover his mouth and did not turn over. His shoulders trembled slightly, and his long black hair moved with him, as if he were crying.

"Need to be so moved?"

Ying Hannian glared at her. He usually said that, but he just made an oath this time. How could he cry?

He stretched out his hand to pull her, and Lin Yi hid his hand. Seeing that he could not avoid it, he simply squatted down, put his hands around him, and sobbed.


Are you crying like this?

Ying Hannian was so distressed that he squatted down and patted her on the back. "Well, what's good to cry about? You like to listen to it. I can swear to you every day."

"You don't understand." Lin Yi refused to look up and choked. "I've been dreaming of getting close to her since I started learning idol dance. I don't want to win the Black Diamond Award. I know I can't get it."



What the hell is it“ As like as two peas, you can swear today. You made the first oath to be an idol, and you made a nearly identical oath. I feel closer to the idol and I am happy. "Lin Yi's head is choking and crying is even worse.