Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 941

Lin Yi's eyes flashed a touch of embarrassment, stretched out his hand and pinned his hair behind his ears, "activities were very popular at that time, I know it's not strange."

"It's not strange to know, but after more than ten years, it's strange that you can still remember so clearly."

Ying Hannian didn't believe her.


Lin Yi looked at him calmly, trying not to show his abnormality.

I really don't want to say that I have done such an idiotic thing.

Ying Hannian looked at her face and couldn't see anything in her clear and calm eyes. Suddenly, he gave an evil smile, "I remember. At that time, the boss said that someone had packed ten freezers, right?"


Why are you such a thief!

Lin Yi can't explain, can only hate to look at him, "the boss said?"

"I seem to have asked for leave that day."

This kind of detail should be cold year also can't remember clearly, he laughingly looked at Lin Yi, "ten freezers, Miss Lin's hand is really different."“ Unscrupulous businessman Lin Yi sits in the back and skilfully raises her leg to kick him. Ying Hannian reaches out her hand and easily holds her wrist. She looks down at the white part of her black jeans. Her legs are straight and thin. She sits like this

If you want more kicks, you'll get more kicks.

Ying Hannian's eyes darken.

"Let go of me."

Lin Yi gave a few kicks but didn't move.

Ying Hannian holds her feet tightly. He lowers his head, and the tip of his nose slowly approaches her feet. He suddenly hears a "giggle". He looks back at the excited face of Xiaojing.

The little guy sat there, his big eyes staring at him, his little butt began to bump again, and his two little hands were raised high, dancing.

Tut, I forgot to have a light bulb.

Should cold year disappoint ground to let go of Lin Yi's foot, "calculate, restrict level movement to return to room to do again."

"What are you talking about? My son is still here."

What do you call that.

Lin Yi quickly recovered his feet.

"It's OK. He doesn't understand." When Ying Hannian took a look at Xiaojing, he hooked his lips and smirked, "right, small light bulb?"

"Ah, wow, wow."

The little guy clapped his hands excitedly, and his mouth drooled.


What kind of dialogue.

Lin Yi took out a paper towel to wipe his mouth for the little guy. As he was wiping, Ying Hannian's disappointed voice came in front of him. "So, we missed it again."

In the stationery shop, she missed the first place. In the ice cream shop, he asked for leave and missed the meeting with her.

"There's nothing to be disappointed about."

Lin Yi is helpless. It happened many years ago.

"No way." Ying Hannian reluctantly looked back at her with deep black eyes. "From today on, we'll go to every place where we may meet. S city is big and small. I don't believe we haven't met before."

"What's so easy to find? Anyway, we don't remember. Are you free?"

"Yes, I have a lot of leisure during my vacation."


Unable to refute.

But why did she accompany him to do such a boring thing.

Lin Yi wanted to persuade him to forget it. Ying Hannian had already opened the door and got out of the car. "Let's go and visit your primary school first. I have inspected it at the beginning. The family income of the students in this primary school is generally good. I haven't come here less. Maybe you have met me."


He is not only a pupil, but also a pupil in a school

What did they do wrong?

Lin Yisheng is pulled out of the car by Ying Hannian. She really doesn't want to find any fragments of their intersection. She's afraid that what she finds out is the history of blood and tears.

In the end, she found that her own history of blood and tears is all set by Ying Hannian, which has a great impact on their husband and wife's feelings. Maybe they can't wait for seven years.

With this in mind, Lin Yi was dragged into primary school by Ying Hannian.

Once again stepping into the campus, Lin Yi can't help but feel some emotion, thinking that she can't remember. Seeing the familiar woods and playground, she will still think of every bit.

Originally, I just wanted to stroll around, but I didn't expect that the leaders of yinghannian school recognized that there were many more leaders accompanying them and taking photos for them.They took photos in many parts of the campus when they were holding a small scene, which impressed her deeply.

After a while, they were welcomed into an activity room, which was very open, with many students' photos pasted on the white wall.

Lin Yi walked over and looked at the childish faces above. Generations of students came out from here.

Suddenly, Lin Yi saw her picture in the middle. She was standing under a tree, wearing a school uniform and knitting her hair which is not out of date now. She looked at the camera with pride. She was stunned. Then she took out her mobile phone and drew a picture of her and Ying Hannian holding her son. She leaned on his arm. He held the child in one hand and looked at the camera with a smile. The background behind her was a big tree, a tree in the distance

The school wall is very similar to the background of the photos on the wall.

By mistake, I took a picture in the same place.

Lin Yi looks at her young self in the picture on the wall and a family of three on the screen of her mobile phone. There is a slight wave in her heart.

It's a wonderful feeling.

It's like the little girl in the picture has grown up all of a sudden.

"So you've started to lose weight by this time." Ying Hannian, who was pushing Xiaojing, suddenly appeared behind Lin Yi. His eyes were staring at the girl in the picture on the wall, and his eyebrows were twisted. "It's not cute when I was a child."

It's so good to be chubby. It rolls when you walk.


Linyi black line.

Can we not mention her figure when she was a child?

"I always thought you were fat enough to lose weight." Ying Hannian looked at her up and down, "Tuan Tuan, I have an idea."

"I don't want to hear it."

It must not be a good thing.

Ying Hannian naturally ignored what she said and said, "anyway, I don't plan to have a daughter, or I'll take you back to your pregnancy?"

Lin Yi turns Mou to gouge out her one eye, "you this what special hobby?"

"To tell you the truth, I want to raise a little fat man." She as like as two peas.

"... in the cold year, let's have a cold war for an hour."

I can't talk any more.

Does he know how hard it is for her to lose weight? He even wants to raise her back, dreaming! Delusion!

"Is this Lin Yi?"

An elderly leader came over and looked at the pictures on the wall and laughed happily. "I'm very impressed by Xiao Lin Yi. She dances very well. She goes to every art performance and has won several awards for the school." Smell speech, Lin Yi can't help laughing, "I thought teacher Huang only remember a arrogant little girl."