Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 930

Clown Wang is her favorite cartoon character recently. She is a legendary character. She is very handsome when she takes off her mask.

In front of the clown is a clown King dress, golden mask handsome to explosion.

"Well." The clown answered softly, "do you want a balloon?"


Jiang Rao looks up at the balloons in his hand. Some of them are difficult to choose. They all look good. Which one to choose.

Looking at her indecision, the clown chuckled, pulled out three balloons and gently handed them to her.

Jiang Rao took over, all of her favorite colors, immediately smile very happy, showing white teeth, "I want these three."

With that, she led the three balloons back, and the assistant stood by and scanned the code to pay.

The clown stands there, not paying attention to whether the money has arrived or not. His body turns around with Jiang Rao's departure, watching her back. His eyes behind the mask are lonely and gloomy.

Lin Yi sits on the seat, Jiang Rao runs over with a smile and hands the balloon to Lin Yi, "this one is for my sister, this one is for little star, and the rest one is for myself."

"Thank you."

Lin Yi smiles and thanks.

The director over there shouts to be ready again. Lin Yi doesn't disturb their filming any more, and leaves after saying goodbye to Jiang Rao.

After a few steps, she looked back and saw Jiang Rao reluctantly give the balloon to her assistant. Then she went to her filming position and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, she was already in the play.

Such Jiang Rao, such a life, no one can say bad, right?

Lin Yi let go and left without looking back.


Should be cold years to take Lin Yi out for a week, because she is still breast-feeding, baby is sure to take.

So as soon as she went out, she took a lot of small and big bags, almost all of which were baby products. She and Ying Hannian had very little luggage.

Sitting on the private plane back to s City, Lin Yi looks out of the window at the clouds close to her hand. She also has some unreal feelings. She turns her eyes to Ying Hannian sitting beside her and asks, "are we really out?"

"It's the same thing you said when you were released from prison."

Ying Hannian reaches for her face.

"I just can't believe it." It was not easy for him to squeeze out a week. She sat beside him and asked, "where shall we stay when we get back to s city?"

"It's up to you. You can live at home. The villas on the mountain have already been repaired."

There are no requirements for where to live in cold years.

"Then live in half." Lin Yi said, no tangle, "where is our second stop?"

"Not the first stop?"

Should be cold years pick eyebrows.

"Do you still need to ask?" She's not stupid.

Ying Hannian low eyes staring at her, thin lips hook up a touch of radian, "my family is smart."


It's obvious. Okay.

That's enough to praise her.

As soon as they got off the plane, they went to the cemetery nonstop. There were tombstones of Lin Yi's mother and Ying Hannian's mother.

The original nameless stele has now been printed with photos, engraved with names, written on the date of birth, written down the date of death.

After Ying Hannian took the position of Mu's decision-maker, the nameless stele here had a name. He no longer had to be careful of the absurdity.

Every word on it was written by Ying Hannian himself, and the craftsman carved it according to his handwriting.

Ying Yongxi in the photo still stays in her most beautiful and young face.

In front of the tombstone, there is a bunch of dried flowers. Ying Qing, Ying's grandmother in cold years, occasionally flies here and sets up a clothes tomb for her husband.

The meeting of Ying family and Lin family here is another sense of perfection.

Ying Hannian squats in front of the tombstone, carefully removes the grass in front of the tombstone, and wipes the tombstone again and again.

Lin Yi pushed the stroller to stop in front of his mother's tombstone, pointed to the photo above and said, "little star, look, this is grandma. Does grandma look good?" Xiaojing is sitting in the baby carriage, white tender hands are holding the bell toy, shaking jingle, smell words, he seems to understand, stop noisy, open a pair of big eyes to look at the picture on the tombstone, and then giggle, saliva again

Come down.

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing and reached out to wipe off his saliva.Lin Yi recognized Xiaojing one by one when she was pushing a baby stroller. Xiaojing was always very serious when she looked in the direction she pointed.

"Although you can't see them, you should remember that their love for you is no less than that of your parents, you know?" Lin Yi stopped beside the cart and said to Xiaojing, "our little star is loved by many people."

"Ding Ding Ding Ding"

Xiao Jing rang the bell when he was in the car. He couldn't see his teeth when he was laughing. He was so excited that he couldn't be trapped by his seat belt.

"You understand again, don't you? I'll make you happy."

Lin Yi nodded his little nose. She turned her eyes and saw that Ying Hannian had wiped his grandfather's tombstone. There was no expression on his face. Her black eyes were too deep to see what he was thinking.

Lin Yi walked forward, took out some tissue from the tissue bag, and then helped to wipe them together.

Ying Hannian took a deep look at her with a smile in his eyes.

They wiped all the tombstones of Heying and Lin Youqin and presented them with flowers. Lin Yi stood up and knocked on his neck wearily. Suddenly, his face changed, "little star!"

After wiping for so long, I didn't hear the sound of shaking the bell in Xiaojing.

It was eerily quiet. Lin Yixin panics and turns back to see that Xiaojing is still sitting in the cart, tied by the safety belt, and his two legs are pedaling around bored. The bell is thrown away, and a bag of tissue that Lin Yi put beside him has been put away

All out

The paper napkins were thrown all over the floor like snowflakes and piled all over his body, Almost buried the little one.

She clearly remembered that the tissue bag was at his feet. How could he reach it? With little feet? So wild.

Seeing her and Ying Hannian look at it, the little guy shakes the tissue on his body, grabs the tissue with pride, tears it and throws it away. His eyes will be as bright as they want. It seems that he is saying, look, I can really play.


Lin Yi's relief was full of helplessness. "I can't spare a second. I really don't know who I am like."

Ying Hannian stood beside her and gave her a faint glance. "It's not me anyway. I was very quiet and clever when I was a child."

It's not related.

Lin Yi looked at him and said, "are you clever enough to sell fake cigarettes and perfume?"

She also knows something about his brilliant history.

"That's right. It's not clever to know how to do business and support a family at a young age?" Ying Hannian has a strong sense of truth. When it comes to crooked theories, they are all set by set.

"That's very clever." Lin Yi looks at the tissue all over the floor with a headache. This little scene really inherits Ying Hannian's "dexterity" and is not afraid of it. What's more, she is afraid of it