Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 927

Mu Xianxu walked out of the lounge alone and walked step by step to the direction of the elevator.


The elevator door in front of me was suddenly opened.

"I can't watch it any more. My sister is waiting for me to deliver Jiejiu soup."

Mu Xianxu's figure suddenly froze and looked straight ahead.

Jiang Rao pushes a dining car out of the elevator, and a waiter follows her, persuading her, "Miss Jiang, just send me the soup. The clown king is playing well. You can go back and have a look."

"No, I'll finish what my sister told me."

Jiang Rao is as serious as a student, pushing the dining car forward.

The corridor of the hotel was wide and quiet, and the sound of footsteps could not be seen on the thick carpet.

For several years, this is the first time that Jiang Rao is getting closer to him. Mu Xianxu stands there, her eyes almost greedily depicting her appearance, and all her memories rush up——

"Mr. mu, you are the master of the family. I'm just a little actor. I can't afford your stamp collecting game."

"Mr. mu, don't give me any more presents. Don't you listen to others? I'm a famous socialite in entertainment circle. Don't you feel dirty?"

"Why did you hit the producer? For people like me, it's normal to accompany wine, and it's normal for other people to use their hands and feet. "

"Don't move. I'll give you medicine."

"Xianxu, I give up. I want to be with you."

"I wish you were an ordinary person, Xianxu."

"What are you doing? I didn't really let you abandon your family. Anyway, you are still young. The herdsmen won't force you to get married. We steal every year."

"Mu Xianxu, if you let me go, I will never talk about my child's father! I'm far away from your herdsmen! You let me go! You let me go

"Mu Xianxu, it's me. Please stop pretending to be respectable in front of me. I look disgusted!"


Memory is like a sudden flood, constantly pouring down.

He can't forget the hatred that she saw him last, which was painful to the bone marrow. That look accompanied him in prison for several years. Every night, he was repeatedly twisted by the same picture.

All of a sudden, people are in front of us. Mu Xianxu clenches the bag on his shoulder and even holds his breath. Like a slow camera, Jiang Rao pushes the dining car out slowly, with a wisp of hair hanging on one side of her cheek. Her once beautiful face is now pure, and her eyes are clean and bright. She smiles and serves

I don't want to talk.

Seems to feel too burning eyes, Jiang Rao slowly raised his head to look forward, on the mu Xianxu's eyes, smile instantly congealed in the face.

Everything is fixed.

"Ah --"

When Jiang Rao screams, everyone in the rest room is still fighting. Hearing the sound, Lin Yi runs out.

As soon as she went out, she saw Jiang Rao squatting on the ground with her head in her arms. Her eyes were full of panic. Her face was so pale that she didn't have any blood color at all. Her whole body was shaking, forming a most defensive posture to protect herself.

The waiter stands there with a helpless face. Mu Xianxu's bag is thrown on the ground. People squat on the ground to pull Jiang Rao. But as soon as he gets close, Jiang Rao screams in fear and tries to fight him with her hands.

Mu Xianxu squatted there and let her fight. Several blood marks were drawn on his face. He still didn't hide. His eyes were covered with blood.

"Rao Rao!"

Lin Yi rushed over anxiously.

"Elder sister..." Jiang Rao cried out in fear and rushed toward Lin Yi. People hid behind her, grabbed her clothes with both hands, and looked at mu Xianxu in horror. But she only looked at her once and then looked back. Her lips trembled and her voice trembled, "no

Want... Don't... "

What don't you want?

No one understands.

"Rao Rao, are you ok?"

Lin Yi worried to pull Jiang Rao's hand, suddenly his hand fell, Jiang Rao closed his eyes, people fell to the ground, Lin Yi did not have time to help, people fell to the ground, Jiang Rao has passed out beside her.

Lin Yi was shocked to see Jiang Rao like this. She thought Jiang Rao had forgotten everything. She didn't expect that meeting mu Xianxu again would have such a great impact on Jiang Rao.

"Are you all right?"

In the cold year, he rushed over and pulled Lin Yi up from the ground.Lin Yi shakes his head, gets up and sits on the ground. He holds Jiang Rao in his arms and holds her tightly.

Jiang Rao is just over frightened, and she doesn't have a big problem.

Lin Yi was relieved to hear such an answer.

She looks at Jiang Rao sleeping on the bed, bends down to tuck in the quilt, then turns away, turns off the light and closes the door, leaving Jiang Rao the most secure space.

Lin Yi stood at the door for a while, pursed her lips for a while, and walked out with firm eyes.

Outside the door of the hotel, in the shadow where the light can't shine, mu Xianxu stands beside the flower bed with his bag on his back, stiff as a sculpture, standing in the wind.

Lin Yi walked over to him, mu Xianxu looked at her and asked anxiously, "how's Rao Rao?"

"I'm scared. I'm asleep. It depends on how she wakes up. " Lin Yi stood in front of him and said.

Mu Xianxu stood there, his eyebrows in the shadow were not clear enough, so he asked, "why? Didn't she forget all about it? "

Why did Jiang Rao react so much when she saw him.

The wind was cool at night.

The gate of the hotel is also decorated with flowers arch to celebrate the wedding. Light and shadow are put on the hotel building, and fireworks are exploded over and over again, which is luxurious and romantic.

"Before, I found that Rao would occasionally remember the past. Old Mr. Li Jianyi said that Rao was mentally impaired. Some of her memories were confused and some were sealed up." Lin Yi said that he didn't hide it from mu Xianxu.

"What does that mean?"

Mu Xianxu is puzzled.

Lin Yi looked at him. There was no expression on his face, but his eyes had deep meaning. The words were cold. "It means that Rao Rao may recover her memory."

Smell speech, mu Xianxu has a moment of ecstasy, can see Lin Yi's indifferent face, that kind of joy suddenly sink down, "what do you want to say?"

He could see that Lin Yi had something to say to him.

"With her ability now, she can't afford so many terrible memories, she can't handle them, she can't digest them." Lin Yi stood in front of him and said word by word, "so I want to ask you not to disturb her and stimulate her to remember."

Jiang Rao once saw mu Xianxu like this. She didn't dare to think how she would become after more times.


The bag on mu Xianxu's shoulder hung down and pressed heavily on his hand.

"I know that you were in prison for your father to protect Rao Rao. I also believe that you have been living in repentance these years." Lin Yi said.

From the initial hatred of Mu Xianxu, to the fact that mu Xianxu secretly cares about Jiang Rao in recent years, and that he really repents in prison, she has no negative emotions towards him. However, for her, protecting Jiang Rao is the most important thing.