Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 923

But it's good to have a time like today. He belongs to her and her baby all day and doesn't have to work.

Mu Xianguang managed to coax Bai Shuya. He thought of several counter offensives. They were all blocked by Ying Hannian's four or two thousand dollars, but they were also punished by evil.

One day, everyone had a good time.

At night, people enter the hotel to prepare for dinner.

After dinner, when the little demon king, who has been busy all day, falls asleep, Lin Yi returns him to the baby sitter and walks into the rest room.

Mu Xianguang is asking Jiang Qixing for Kung Fu, while Mu Xiaxi and Bai Shuya ask Jiang Rao about the fun of acting.

In the distance, Lin Guanting and Mu Lan stood at the window, not knowing what they were looking at.

The other close guests left after dinner.

Lin Yi glanced and found Ying Hannian on the sofa. She went over and sat down close to his arms. "I'm so tired. The baby is sleeping."

After catching the sand and kicking off the toys several times, the little guy finally fell asleep.

It's not easy.

When an adult got married, he was so excited that he didn't sleep much. It was too tossing.

She felt that everyone was not enough to deal with a small treasure.

"Hard work."

Ying Hannian took her into his arms, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and put his hand on her shoulder.

"It's very late." Bai Shuya sat on the sofa and took a look at his mobile phone. He and Lin Yi looked at each other. "It's time for us to go too, and leave time for the newlyweds?"

Others have not said anything, mu Xianguang immediately said, "don't worry, I also arranged a wedding show, how can I go."


He still has a show?

Lin Yi was shocked. Since the Lianjia incident was solved, this mu Xianguang has been holding back. Is it all breaking out today?


Mu Xiaxi begs for mercy.

"I have to test Jiang Qixing again. If he doesn't pass the test, he won't want to enter the bridal chamber!"

Mu Xianguang had drunk some wine at dinner. It would be gone with the wind. After the cold year was over, what was he afraid of? He looked at the cold year and said, "do you want to stay? You are also brother Xia Xi. Can't you just be partial to Jiang Qixing? "

Jiang Qixing looks at Ying Hannian, and his silent eyes are silently sending out a distress signal at the moment.

Ying Hannian is sitting there with Lin Yi in his arms. When he hears the words, his thin lips are filled with a touch of radian and he says, "let him make trouble. After all, he is a person who will soon be promoted to another place. There are not so many programs for him in the Pacific."


Mu Xianguang's back was dripping with cold sweat.

He's not going to be in charge in the Pacific in the cold years, is he? Who does he care? Are you a good general?

Lin Yi looks at mu Xianguang's struggling posture, which is that she doesn't want to die. It's really funny. Suddenly, her mobile phone shakes. She takes it out to have a look. Her eyes gradually calm down, and her smile is fixed in the corner of her mouth.


Ying Hannian always pays attention to her.

Lin Yi sat up straight in his arms, put down his mobile phone and looked at the crowd solemnly. "The program will wait a little longer. I have something to tell you."

Hearing this, everyone looked at him. Mulan and Lin Guanting also came.

Lin Yi's face was solemn. It was obvious that there was something important.

"Jiang Rao, go and see if the desserts in the hotel are ready. It's on the third floor." Lin Yi looks to one side and says Jiang Rao, who is watching the script.

Jiang Rao looked up at her and was stunned. She didn't ask why she let herself go. She said with a smile, "good."

With that, Jiang Rao stood up and left.

Ying Hannian sat up straight with his black eyes toward Lin Yi. His face was cold and his voice was indifferent. "He's back?"

There was a sudden sound in the quiet lounge.

Lin Yi looks at Ying Hannian unexpectedly. She can't hide anything from him. She nods.

"Who's back?"

Mu Xia Xi asked in a puzzled way.

Lin Yi took out his cell phone, dialed a number and said to the other side, "come on, the lounge on the 15th floor of the hotel."

Three minutes later, the door of the lounge was opened from the outside. They looked up and saw a long lost figure standing there. He was wearing casual clothes of ordinary materials. His clothes were white and old. He was carrying a canvas bag on one shoulder. He stood there with his eyes slightly down. After a long time, he raised his head,Look straight ahead.

"Four... Five brothers?"

Mu Xiaxi, dressed in a red toasting suit, stood up from the sofa in shock and looked at the man standing at the door.

The man at the door was mu Xianxu, the third son of Sanfang, Ying Hannian's half brother, and Mu's fifth son, who went to prison for his father's debt.

Except for Ying Hannian and Lin Yi, the rest of the people were surprised. Mu Xiaxi's voice is in a trance. It's no wonder that she is in a trance. After several years in prison, mu Xianxu's appearance has changed a lot. In the past, mu Xianxu was a playboy, a young master who was well-dressed and had good hair

The type is full of coquettishness.

But now mu Xianxu is a lot darker. His skin is the color of wheat, and even his face is much colder and harder. He is still an inch.

I saw him at his grandfather's funeral. At that time, mu Xianxu became a lot. Now he is more and more.

But for the facial features, she suspected that she would not recognize them.

"Xia Xi." Mu Xianxu looked at Mu Xiaxi and gave her a smile. "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

Mu Xia Xi opened his mouth and didn't know what to say except "thank you".

In my memory, when I was a child, my fifth brother often took her to play with me, but later... Mu Xianxu stood there, and everyone looked at him. He stretched out his hand to loosen the backpack on his shoulder. His hands had already become rough, his nails were very short, and there was no white edge to see. It was not like the hands of a young shepherd, I'm afraid it's far away from home

He is in a hundred times better state than any other.

"What's going on?"

Mu Xianguang stood there, not asking mu Xianxu, but turning to ask Lin Yi.

"He was released early."

Lin Yi explained.

The six-year sentence has been released ahead of time. How much will he have to do to make up for his mistakes? Mu Xianguang looks at mu Xianxu unexpectedly. In fact, in the family, mu Xianguang has always been indifferent to his brothers. When Sanfang stepped on the face of Dafang and Erfang, he was particularly embarrassed. Mu Xianquan always sneers at mu Xianxu. Mu Xianxu is just a child

It's a party outside, but it's a three room stand.

Therefore, it's hard for him to have much affection for this brother. Strictly speaking, it's far less than the friendship established when Ying Hannian worked for him.

"He was released today. He wants to congratulate Xia Xi and Jiang Qixing on their wedding." Lin Yi once again explained that mu Xianxu was a herdsman, but as soon as he got out of prison, the first person he contacted was her.

"Why don't you come earlier?" Mu Xia Xi was stunned. He went up and pulled mu Xianxu over. "Five brothers, sit down."