Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 920

Mu Xianguang began to take the lead in shouting, "kneel down! Cold year! Kneel down! Cold year! Kneel down

This rhythm brings

A group of people followed suit, completely surrounded Ying Hannian and Lin Yi. Lin Yi was holding a bouquet and stepping on the soft sand. Everyone made her feel helpless. She looked at the tall man in front of her and felt a little expectation.

Few women can resist a romantic wedding scene.

It's false to say that there's no idea, especially when I heard Mu Xiaxi and Jiang Qixing say so touching love vows in the church.

Ying Hannian stood there, loosened his collar, turned his eyes and looked at those who cried the loudest. There was a threat in his eyes and pointed to them one by one. "You can play with me, but I will repay you. You'd better be prepared."

He likes to count others, but he doesn't like to be counted.

They should not be allowed to rebel one by one.


Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi were scared back. In fact, they haven't lived through the fear of being dominated by Ying Hannian, but mu Xianguang can't swallow this tone. He must take revenge and drag them both together. He also forces Jiang Qixing, who is vacillating, as his eldest brother, to drag everyone away

Come to your side.

He's not stupid either. It's hard for him to play in winter, but it's normal to make noise at the wedding, isn't it? No matter how crazy Ying Hannian was, he had to give Jiang Qixing some thin noodles.

Moreover, they are still fighting in the name of marriage proposal. If Ying Hannian agrees, then they can see Ying Hannian kneel down and live in vain; If Ying Hannian doesn't agree, it's better. Lin Yi will definitely be upset.

Lin Yi is not happy

That should be the cold years of the Houzhai restless ah, how happy.

Mu Xianguang looked at the two girls all retreated, leaving him alone with the quiet eyes of the cold year.

Ying Hannian's eyes are full of murderous spirit.

Mu Xianguang couldn't stand it any more. He stroked his sleeve and said, "why, don't you want to kneel? Lin Yi, you should watch it. He doesn't want to propose to you. "

Lin Yi stood there, knowing that mu Xianguang was joking, but his eyes still couldn't help dimming. His fingers clenched the flowers more forcefully, and he forced to smile, "don't make a fuss. Ying Hannian and I have been planning to get married for a long time. What should we do in this period?"

It's all formalism. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.

Her such a sentence, the eyes of the people nearby are all disappointed, even look at Lin Yi's eyes are with sympathy.


This scene completely falls into Ying Hannian's eyes. Ying Hannian stares at her farfetched smile and kills mu Xianguang 800 times in her heart.

Damn it.

Should cold year vomit tone, pull tie again, sink a voice way, "go, kneel to kneel!"

It was calculated once.


Hearing the words, Lin Yi looked at him in amazement. Ying Hannian was staring at her. The sun was shining through the corner of his eyes. His eyes were extremely dark. His eyes locked her eyes deeply. His shoulders slowly lowered and one leg bent down.

Lin Yi's nose is sour.

It's really strange. In fact, their wedding has been written on the itinerary, but when he lowered his body, her eyes got wet inexplicably, and she didn't know what she was moving.

But soon, her feeling was broken.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Mu Xianguang stops.

As soon as the words were over, a group of maids ran out and quickly placed a circle of pink candles between Ying Hannian and Lin Yi. The candles were put with the words "love" and the fire power swayed gently in the air.

The crowd gathered around and tried not to let the candle be extinguished by the wind.

Mu Xianguang took out his mobile phone, got ready for shooting, and then looked at Ying Hannian, "come on, kneel! Don't kneel down and put out the fire

"You don't have to..."

Lin Yi felt a little distressed for the cold years.

But the people around them are basically young people, who love to be lively. In addition, they are at the wedding scene. No matter what they are, they are very excited under the rhythm of Mu Xianguang.

The sun was dazzling in the blue sky.

Ying Hannian stood there, glancing at the candles, grinding his teeth, turning his eyes to Mu Xianguang, "I remember you."

Word by word, cold to the bone.

"On your knees!"Mu Xianguang's fingers need to press the shooting button at any time.

Ying Hannian took a look at Lin Yi, who was a little worried. He lowered his body slowly. His trousers were wrinkled. He bent down on one leg and knelt down on one knee. His lower knee could not touch the ground and could stop above the candle flame.

Lin Yi looks at all feel hot for him, should cold year looks at her, thin lip hook hook, signal she is OK.

He stretched out his hand to her, withstanding the rising fire and the heat of the air, "Lin Yi, marry me."

All of a sudden, he didn't have so many sweet words.

Lin Yi felt sorry for him kneeling like this. As soon as he was about to agree, he heard mu Xianguang rush to say, "is that it? Second brother, don't you have to make a 500 word vow first? "


Should cold year chilly look past.

Mu Xianguang shook out a thick stack of paper from his pocket, "come on, I know you're not prepared. I've prepared a paragraph. Let's have a sense of ceremony and read it. Otherwise, I'm too sorry for Lin Yi."


Referring to Lin Yi, Ying Hannian didn't say anything. He reached for the paper and looked at the dense words on it, one after another, "are these 500 words?"

"Five thousand."

"..." Ying Hannian glared at him, "do you know that there is a lack of a supervisor in Africa now?"

"It's OK. Today you propose and let me be the director in the ocean."

Mu Xianguang has completely let go, there is a dead pig is not afraid of hot water posture.

Anyway, we've done everything. We can't make it one last time.

"Yes." Ying Hannian gave him a stab, put his eyes back on the pile of paper in his hand, and began to read, "Lin Yi, I fell in love with you from the first time I met you. S city is the place where we met. S city is a beautiful city with few factories

There is little pollution, the air is particularly fresh, there are many green plants on the roadside, and people's pace of life is very slow, but maybe because of this, S city's GDP is not going up. "

What's all this?

Lin Yi was very speechless and didn't know what to say.

Next to a circle of people are holding a smile, vaguely unable to hold down the meaning.

Mu Xianguang's hand holding the mobile phone was even more shaking.

Heaven pity see, should cold year also one day plant in his hand.

Salted fish is turning over.

"According to the survey, the GDP of s city has been in the lower reaches of domestic cities in recent years, and the Lin family, as the richest man in S City, has driven the economic development, but obviously..."

Ying Hannian read every word along with the words on the paper. His voice was low and magnetic. He felt the scalding heat on his knee and threw away the paper in his hand. "Mu Xianguang, Is this a pledge of allegiance or an economic survey report of s city? "

"Oh, don't throw it. What do you read when you throw it?"

Mu Xianguang asked, his voice trembled with laughter“ I'll ask for it myself