Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 917

Mu Xiaxi looked at her in amazement.


"The man in yinghannian, I don't believe he can make breakfast for me happily after last night." Lin Yi said, "so I can only find this one explanation."

It's strange that Ying Hannian is jealous and treats her so well. It's not normal.

But after seeing Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi's reaction to the breakfast, she seems to understand.

"What's the purpose of the second brother?"

Bai Shuya asked.

Well, why provoke them“ If I guess correctly, he just wants to let your internal contradictions continue to escalate, so that you can remember that this bar party is uncomfortable, and if you don't participate in it after that, naturally you won't invite me to it again. " Lin Yi says what he wants


Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi show a strange look——

"You said that the second brother didn't make breakfast for you because he was gentle and considerate, but because we didn't take you to that kind of party anymore?"

Bai Shuya asked, "it's impossible. Just say it directly?"

"He may want to put an end to our thoughts at one time. He thinks it's useless to just say it, and he also wants to teach us a lesson." Lin Yi said, "for example, we need to know that this will lead to domestic unrest. We need to reflect deeply."

Strictly speaking, it's Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi.

Ying Hannian didn't blame her at all.

Bai Shuya's scalp began to feel numb. "How could the second brother's plot be so deep? Lin Yi, do you think too much? "

Lin Yi didn't speak, but just gave them a deep smile.

It should be cold years of mind, than she thought only deep will not shallow.

Mu Xiaxi felt her arm with a smile. "Don't laugh, Lin Yi. I've got goose bumps with your smile."

Looking at the bowl of porridge in front of Lin Yi, the mood is wrong.

If Lin Yi didn't tell her, she and Bai Shuya would not have a good face when they went back. She just thought that since Jiang Qixing didn't believe she would protect herself, she would marry later. She didn't want to get a license today.

But now when Lin Yi said this, she fell into a kind of inexplicable fear corresponding to the cold years.

"So, don't take this contradiction seriously. Explain it clearly. Internal harmony is OK. A bowl of porridge doesn't mean anything." Lin Yi said with a smile, do not want them to go back to have a quarrel.

"You're right. I'll call Xianguang right now."

Bai Shuya stood up, and Mu Xiaxi also stood up.

They walked out a few steps and came back again. They stood looking at her with deep sympathy in their eyes


Lin Yi is sitting at the dining table. The sunlight falls on her pale shirt from the window. They almost choke her.

"Lin Yi, I think you are really smart. You can see through such a complicated person as the second brother." Mu Xiaxi looked at her seriously and said.


Her eyes are not like praise, but sympathy.

She almost engraved the sentence "Lin Yi, you should be a poor person in cold years" on her forehead.

Lin Yimo.

Bai Shuya came up and patted her on the shoulder, solemnly said, "Lin Yi, you don't want to go if there are heterosexuals in the future, I will help the second brother supervise you."

She wants to surrender to her second brother in exchange for peace in her family.


That's enough.

She's helping them. What the hell are they

Lin Yi helplessly helped her forehead.


The sun shines on this city of land and money, and there will always be some minor adjustments in the busy life. There was a sudden knock on the door of the president's office at the right temperature. Ying Hannian, who was working in the office, raised his voice. Mu Xianguang and Jiang Qixing came in from the outside. Their footsteps were very loud. Their faces were black and heavy. They opened their chairs and sat down at their desks

Come on.

The pulling of the chair is a little big.

Ying Hannian is sitting on a comfortable black leather chair. He wears a dark shirt with straight lines, a slightly loose collar and a tie on the armrest of the chair.

He doesn't like to wear too restrictive clothes, which affects his work efficiency.

He turned over a document in his hand, didn't raise his head, and his voice was cold. "I don't think I asked you to come in.""Brother Han, we have private affairs with you."

Jiang Qixing's voice is not high.

"He said

Ying Hannian still did not look at them and turned to another document. Jiang Qixing opens his mouth, but he can't say it. He can't question Ying Hannian. Mu Xianguang can't see it. He knocks his hand on the edge of his desk and asks angrily, "I ask you, did you mean to make our husband and wife quarrel about last night

How about a stand


Ying Hannian didn't even think about it. He signed his name on the file, then threw the file aside and began to watch the trend of the stock market on the computer.



He just admitted it?

Mu Xianguang and Jiang Qixing were stunned. They both had silly eyes. For a moment, they didn't know how to answer.

When the light outside the window tilted a few degrees, mu Xianguang said angrily, "how can you do that? My wife and I have known each other for a long time. I've never been so fierce with her. Are you too... "

"Pa --"

Ying Hannian picked up a piece of paper and threw it on his face.


Mu Xianguang's face hurt when he was beaten. He angrily took it down. As soon as he opened it, Jiang Qixing leaned over to see that it was full of information about the owner of the bar, which said how many people, rich family members and his wife had been led by this man.

"If they didn't go out from the herdsmen, do you know what happened last night?"

Ying Hannian asked coldly.

Because the herdsman is high enough, even if there are all dirty means below, they dare not show it clearly.

If it's just a small family, it won last night.

Mu Xianguang was stunned. He thought he was criticizing Bai Shuya and immediately defended his wife. "She didn't know that the bar owner was introduced to her by a friend of hers. What she said to me yesterday was not a college student she found herself."

His wife is fine. If she knew this, she would not take Lin Yi and Xia Xi.

Wen Yan, Ying Hannian gave a low sneer, looked up at them from behind the computer, and said in a low voice, "so, this proves that not all the dirty things in this society can be blocked for her."


Mu Xianguang and Jiang Qixing are speechless and look at Ying Hannian.

What is he trying to say?

"Qixing, how many years have you been following me, and there are few dirty things in and out of the circle?"

Ying Hannian's black eyes fiercely looked at Jiang Qixing, "how many dirty things are hidden under the bright packaging, yes, the herdsman is tall enough, and he doesn't dare to touch those who have a little look, but can you guarantee that Mu Xiaxi won't encounter them all his life?"

"So, brother Han, you want us to break up, just to teach them a lesson?" Jiang Qixing asked, but there was no doubt about the cold year.