Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 915

"Is it?"

Should cold year pick pick eyebrow, "but can't, Lin Yi likes to play with you very much, I can't bear to call her down, that only let you push off work."

Is that so?

Jiang Rao looks at Lin Yi with a simple face, "sister, why don't you play with me less? When I'm done, I'll come to you, OK?"


Lin Yi helped his forehead and gave up talking completely.

In response to the cold year, this is to kill one by one with a soft knife.

"Your sister loves you the most, of course." Ying Hannian heard Jiang Rao's words and said with satisfaction, "I'll send you back."

"Well, thank you, brother."

Jiang Rao nodded cleverly.

One by one, after all the exits, there are only two of them and a group of male college students.

Lin Yi looked at Ying Hannian, facing her dark eyes, which made her heart tremble. He held her in his arms, printed her forehead on his thin lips, and said, "it's your turn, my regiment."

He gave a low smile.


When Lin Yi heard the cold hair standing upright, she bit her lip and said, "if you do this, I will have no friends."“ What did I do? " Ying Hannian raised his eyebrows and asked, "did I ask them not to look for you? Did I roar like mu Xianguang? Like Jiang Qixing, I pull you to leave directly, not to continue

Have you played yet? "

He did not have.

How good he is.


Lin Yi said, but he simply shut up.

"I know that during your pregnancy, you are confined to food, clothing, housing and transportation. It's rare for you to come out to play. Of course, you have to have a good time. I don't know how to be considerate like Xianguang and Qixing." Ying Hannian hugged her and patted her shoulder with his palm. His face was very close to her, and every word poured into her blood. His breath gently brushed her skin. "But they're gone, so I'm the only one left to accompany you. Do you mind?


Lin Yigang wanted to speak. Ying Hannian's eyes glanced out, and his voice suddenly cooled down. "Where are you going?"

When she raised her eyes, she saw that the group of college students were trying to leave the battlefield quietly, and they were all standing in the same place.

"Keep dancing until this time tomorrow." Ying Hannian opened his mouth coldly, his eyes swept around them, and finally fell on a young boy in white T, "you come out, you lead the dance."


The white T boy was so scared that he swallowed.

"Why, I should ask you not to move in the cold year?" Should cold year ask, the voice is smiling, the eye is cold.


White T boy had to stand forward.

How can they not know yinghannian? Who dares to offend yinghannian.


When Ying Hannian raised his voice, the music and the lights restarted, the white t-boy rigidly began to lead the dance, and a group of people behind him also began to dance with him, which was like a zombie group dance.

It's terrible to think about it at this time tomorrow.

DJ It's a Duka. It's the sound of death.

As the colorful lights fall down, Lin Yi looks at the group of college students dancing innocently and depressed. While listening to the boring music, the man beside him sneers with disdain. Suddenly, he is not happy.

She sank her face, stood up and said faintly, "if you like watching dancing, just keep watching. I'll go back."

Then, her hand was grabbed back by Ying Hannian, and she fell back on the sofa. Ying Hannian gave her the first cold face tonight, "why, it's OK to dance with male college students, but it's not OK to dance with me?"

"You know what kind of person I am, and you know if I'm going to play too much."

Lin Yi looked at him coldly.


In the light of chaos, Ying's eyes look gloomy.

"You're just looking for trouble. It's a cold year." Lin Yi shakes off his hand and stands up again. Then he is held back by Ying Hannian. Ying Hannian presses her on the back of the sofa, lowers her head, locks her soft lips, forcefully and crazily pries open her lips, curls everything and hooks her

She vented her discontent.

A group of dancing college students were stunned.

Lin Yi opens his eyes wide in shock and pushes his chest. Ying Hannian grabs her hands and presses them back, biting her lips.As soon as Lin Yi was in pain, she didn't pay any attention to him or resist. She let him kiss her with a cold face. She couldn't resist. His eyes darkened, and the kiss became no longer strong, which meant to admit defeat.

He pressed his voice to her lips and said, "I'm just jealous

The tone is helpless.

His voice was not worth mentioning in the noisy music, but it fell into her ears very clearly.


Lin Yi's eyelashes trembled.

"I know that everything about you is useless. I will still be jealous of that occasion and that picture." Ying Hannian opened her lips and said that her black eyes were so deep that they seemed to swallow her up in this night. He asked for advice modestly, "what should I do?"


"My sin?"


"My fault, eh?" He asked in a low voice, the ending rising slightly with pain.

On his eyes, Lin Yi's heart immediately softened, think about just like that picture, in fact, should cold years appear, she is still guilty.

If she was in the position of yinghannian, she couldn't help thinking more.

She leaned against the back of the sofa and said, "I didn't know Shuya would bring us here to play."

Yes, she started selling her teammates.

"Well, that's why she deserves to be yelled at by mu Xianguang."

Should be cold year jaw first.

"I didn't expect that Xia Xi and Jiang Rao encouraged me to go up." She said.

"Well, they're not right."

Should be cold again jaw first.

"I just want to dance. I don't think that boy will come up. I'm not dancing with him. I'm just fighting. We don't have any physical contact." Lin Yi continued.

"Well, I know you're the best."

Should be cold years hook lips, thin lips kiss her side face, close your eyes to smell the aroma of her body.

"So you accept my explanation?" Lin Yi asked. Ying Hannian closed his eyes and said, "of course, I believe everything you say. I can't bear to kill you."

Ying Hannian just played that game, she was not happy, but he is now like this, but her heart seems to be rubbed, say nothing bad, even want to follow him unconditionally.

"If there are such misunderstandings in the future, I won't take part in them. I will tell you if I take part in them, OK?"

Lin Yi is a soft man, but not a hard man, so he began to make a self-examination.


Ying Hannian opens his eyes with satisfaction, and stares at her deeply with a smile.

"So we're going home now?"

Lin Yi asked.

"No, watch the dance." Be firm in the cold years.


I've been talking together for a long time, but I'm still jealous. Lin Yi is helpless. Ying Hannian kisses her gently on her lips and hugs her with a smile. She continues to watch the messy dance of college students.