Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 912

Suddenly, I miss the time when I practiced dancing every day in school.

Now her bones are almost hard.

"By the way, Lin Yi can dance." Mu Xiaxi looked at her enviously.

Before the herdsmen, they could never mention dancing, so they could not learn it themselves. However, they envied the girls who could dance, just like Lin Yi, who was soft and flexible, and had a good temperament.

"Haven't I seen Lin Yi dance, either?" Bai Shuya looks at Lin Yi, "why don't you dance for you?"

"Ah, now? I haven't danced for a long time

Lin Yi has some stage fright.

"Jump, jump, sister. I'll jump with you." Jiang Rao is eager to try the tunnel.


Lin Yi was a little moved by them, and said with a smile, "well, I'll go up and have a try."

She took Jiang Rao's hand and stood up. She put the juice aside. Bai Shuya ordered people to let the boys out of the dance floor. DJ asked him what music he was giving.


Follow the lead.

Lin Yi leads Jiang Rao to the center of the dance floor. The colorful lights fall on the two tall girls. The stage rises slowly under her feet. She listens to the music, which is a typical dynamic rhythm of the whole scene.

Jazz is just right.

She and Jiang Rao look at each other, step on the foot, white smoke, with the rhythm accurately open handsome action.

Step on the right spot.

pretty good.

Lin Yi slowly regained his original feeling of practicing dance. Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi cheered, stood up and walked to the center of the boys, waving their arms with the rhythm.


Compared with the carnival here, the night of the herdsman's house is particularly quiet.

There is a mahjong table in the side hall. The housekeeper sits in front of the table and looks around silently at the three men who are against him. Ying Hannian, mu Xianguang and Jiang Qixing wipe the cold sweat on their heads and throw out a card that can play Hu.

What is it called

In the evening, he ordered his subordinates to do their work and was ready to go back to bed. Suddenly, he was pulled to play mahjong by the third young master who was shouting boring.

They are short of one in three. Playing mahjong is also a leisure activity. It doesn't matter if you bring him to make up for it. The problem is that the atmosphere is eerie. In the whole side hall, except that the third young master and Jiang Qixing occasionally smoke two cigarettes to ignite the fire, and the crisp sound of mahjong thrown on the table, there is only one

There's no sound.

One by one, they are calm, just playing cards, without a word.

He is an old man with presbyopic glasses and has to go to see what cards they play. In this way, he is slow and receives the coldness of the others.

Scared him in a cold sweat, Hu also dare not Hu, also do not look at the card just out.

Anyway, he played casually. He didn't worry about losing and losing. As time went by, the housekeeper once again braved himself to look at the three people. It seemed that Jiang Qixing was in a better mood. Although he had no words and no expression, he would smile from time to time. He didn't know what to laugh at. He was very happy

It's scary.

Second young master and third young master's are smelly, pure smelly.


Ying Hannian suddenly threw out a piece of mahjong, and his black eyes looked coldly at Jiang Qixing, "you've been laughing all night, have you had spring?"

"That's what's funny!"


Mu Xianguang glared at him with hatred. It was a good time to sleep with his wife. As a result, he lost his sister and didn't have his wife all night.

"My people use you to say?"

Should cold year's eye knife immediately toward Mu Xian light cast.

I don't know who's going to propose a single night.


Mu Xianguang is holding his breath in his heart. Who said Jiang Qixing made spring first?


When Jiang Qixing saw that they were like this, he didn't fight with them. He regained his expressionless face, but he couldn't keep fighting, and the corners of his lips were raised unconsciously. The hard man was completely soft.

The smile glared over the lamp on the top.


The housekeeper did not speak in silence, and slowly shrunk up, hoping to turn himself into a transparent person.

After lap after lap, mu Xianguang, who has lost badly, looks at the clock on the wall. It's two o'clock in the morning. He finally can't hold on and takes out his mobile phone to call Bai Shuya.Bai Shuya specifically explained that she didn't have to look for them tonight.

But now it's two o'clock, and it's time to play enough.

Unable to get through, the electronic female voice came out of his mobile phone, without amplifying, but it still seemed very loud in this dead and silent side hall. It was so pathetic

"It's off."

Mu Xian light green face, is not to go out to play, it is necessary to shut down?

Not believing in evil, he called Mu Xiaxi and Lin Yi one by one and turned them off.

Now, even Ying's face is blue.

Jiang Qixing frowned anxiously.

The room became even more lifeless.


The housekeeper silently holds the mahjong in his hand, sad from the heart, want to have a holiday, want to go home.

"They are all women. Is it dangerous to go out like this?" Jiang Qixing is nervous about what happened before. He doesn't care if they go out to play, but he's worried about their accident“ No, my wife. I understand that her single party is a group of women sitting together to eat and drink, talking about this gossip, right and wrong. There is no danger. Besides, there are bodyguards with her. " Mu Xianguang said, a little annoyed“

But whose gossips are so chatty that they haven't come back yet. "

"Maybe some people close their wives too tightly, causing rebellious psychology. Of course, they don't want to come back if they can go out, which also affects her."

Ying Hannian throws a mahjong at will, with a cold voice.

"... are you talking about me?" Mu Xianguang looks at him.


"Oh." That's fine.

"I mean the one who lost his sister and ran away with his wife."


Mu Xianguang feels it. Since his wife proposed to stay up all night, Ying Hannian has a great opinion on him.

Jiang Qixing hung up the phone and said, "I called the bodyguards and said they had a good time and nothing happened."

His tone was very relaxed, and two cold eyes came back.

Ying Hannian was very upset. He didn't cover up his unhappiness. He didn't let go of any of his subordinates. He even killed all three parties and piled up a pile of chips in front of him. He didn't change his good face.

The whole side hall seems to be frozen.

Mu Xianguang kept looking at the clock on the wall, "if you don't return it, is it so fun?"

The housekeeper shuddered and yawned. He could not help but ask in a low voice, "if you are really worried, why don't you go and have a look?"

I don't know what an old man is doing here.

"No look."

Should cold year cold voice way, that woman leaves of time much happy, still expect him to pick her up eagerly?

"I don't look either."

Mu Xianguang said that he promised his wife that he would not take care of their party.

Five minutes later - three people sitting in the car, sitting in the back seat of Jiang Qixing hang up the phone, looking at the two men in front, "the bodyguards have been told, they won't disclose the location of the party."