Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 908


Mu Xiaxi walked forward with his head down.

Jiang Qixing took her to the best hotel in s city and ordered a presidential suite without any hesitation to accompany her into the elevator.

She kept her head down and didn't speak, and he was not good at finding topics, so they didn't talk all the way.

The silence in the elevator stifled him.

Go to the door, Jiang Qixing opened the door for her, did not step into the half step, just give her the room card, "you sleep for a while, have a good rest, call me if you have something."


Mu Xiaxi can't hide her loss. She takes the room card in a low voice and looks at the pair of shoes on his feet. They are stained with dust from the construction site, but she can't look bad when they are on his feet.

But what about pleasing the eye?

She gave a wry smile and said, "I'll go back to the imperial city when I wake up. I won't say goodbye to you if you are so busy."

Hearing the words, Jiang Qixing's eyes froze, and after a while he made a voice from his mouth, "Oh."

Mu Xiaxi went inside and closed the door. Suddenly, the door was blocked by a big palm, which made her heart jump wildly.

She tried to look at the man in front of her calmly. Jiang Qixing stood at the door and looked at her deeply. "Don't do such stupid things again in the future. It's not worth it for me."

How can she trade her marriage for a threatening video.

Fortunately, it's OK. If something happens to her, it's useless for him to die a hundred times.


Mu Xia Xi looked at him steadily.

"What's more, there are too many unstable factors in your way, and it's easy to have an accident. Let me know if you have anything." Jiang Qixing added, "or brother Han, there must be other solutions."


Do you think she's too busy?

Mu Xiaxi stood there, nodded, said "I know" and closed the door without hesitation.


The sound was loud.

Jiang Qixing stood outside the door, his face almost fell by the door. Mu Xiaxi walks into the bedroom, falls down on the bed and tosses it over and over without sleepiness. She thinks of Jiang Qixing's figure waiting silently behind her day by day, Jiang Qixing's hot lips after getting drunk that night, and Jiang Qixing's pressing his hand on the Buddha stone

He was so devout that he thought of his red eyes when he drove into the villa regardless of everything

He and she, I think I have the same feeling.

They should be the most distant people in the world, but they also become the closest people in their hearts because of the events of the previous generation, because he and she share the same pain,

Then he

Is it because she married? But Ying Hannian gave her medicine. She pretended to be seriously ill. Lian Hao never touched her once. Strictly speaking, it was not a normal marriage.

It's just a game of mutual design.

However, she was married.

Mu Xiaxi couldn't sleep when he was lying on the bed. He wanted to rush out to find Jiang Qixing again. But she was afraid when she thought of his wooden expression. He didn't have the courage, so why did she press step by step.

Still can't sleep.

Mu Xiaxi counted a hundred sheep, but still couldn't sleep. She sat up from the bed and decided to leave s city first to save her imagination.

She tidied up her clothes, put on her shoes and went out. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Jiang Qixing standing close to the wall like a door god, biting a cigarette in her mouth, and the sparks were burning out.

His back was slightly bent and his eyes were low. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing her coming out, he was obviously stunned and took the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Why are you still here?"

Mu Xiaxi looked at him in amazement.

Didn't he leave?

"I'll wait for you to wake up and take you back to the imperial city." She is now like this, how can he trust her to go back alone.

He's here waiting for her to wake up?

Mu Xia Xi stared at him, "then why didn't you just come in with me?"

He didn't say a word.

"I'm too dirty. Besides, smoking inside affects your sleep." Jiang Qixing then asked, "what do you come out to do? Are you hungry? I'll buy you what I want to eat."


Mu Xiaxi stood at the door, quietly reflecting on his words.too dirty?

Affect sleep?

Her eyes fell on his shoes. When she thought about his reaction in the office, she suddenly understood what he was thinking. She was not laughing or laughing. Was that too much for him or too much for her?

She reluctantly leaned to the door, raised her eyes and looked at Jiang Qixing, deeply watching his eyes.

His eyes are particularly good-looking, very silent, but even the corner of the arc are just long in her heart.


Jiang Qixing is not at ease when she stares at him.

"Jiang Qixing." She spoke out.

"I'm here."

He stood up straight.

"Do you think married women are worthless?" Mu Xia Xi stares at his eyes to ask a way.

"Of course not!" Jiang Qixing immediately said, frowning, as if to be displeased by her saying such a thing, "you are brother Han's sister and the sixth lady of the herdsman. You are above everything else. You can never be worthless. Don't think so."

"I'm not the sixth lady of the herdsman."

She took off the backpack on her shoulder and took out her ID card from inside. There were two words clearly written on it: Xia Xi.


Jiang Qixing's eyes stagnated, his lips moved, and he didn't say what he wanted to say.

This wood

Mu Xiaxi clenched her lips so tightly that they were almost broken. Jiang Qixing didn't speak. She gave up and gave up the childish idea of waiting for him to speak first. She asked, "do you remember the words under the Buddha stone, do you dare?"

"How dare you?"

Jiang Qixing recalled the conversation that day. Did he mention the topic of dare?

"Is your waist healed?"

Mu Xia Xi asked again in a helpless tone.

"All right." Jiang Qixing didn't understand how her topic could jump so fast. He answered unconsciously. Suddenly, he raised his eyes and looked at her with shock. "How do you know I have a wound on my waist?"

There was a wound on his waist. He went to beat Wang Zichang that night and was beaten by Wang Zichang's bodyguards.

How could she know?


Mu Xiaxi looked at him in silence.


Jiang Qixing stood in front of her and looked at her eyes. Some pictures of dreams flashed in front of her eyes. Isn't that a dream.

How is that possible?

How dare he

The burning cigarette burns his fingertips. Jiang Qixing hisses and looks down at his hand. Suddenly, his collar is held by a small hand that looks at him. He looks at the person in front of him with shock.

Mu Xia Xi held the collar in front of him, thought about his feet, raised his head and kissed his lips.

Soft touch.

The body temperature is close to each other.

Her lips confused all his thoughts. Jiang Qixing stood there straight, her fingers burned by the smoke again and again, but she didn't throw them away. She pressed his lips, gently kissing, gently testing, long eyelashes trembling, and looked at his eyes with a hook that could not be said, "now, remember?"