Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 906

"Mu Xiaxi, are you not dead?"

Lian Hao's eyes widened in shock. After he was driven out of Lian's house, he rushed to several small cities. Before Lian's house was calculated, he quickly sold the houses in some small cities for money.

Today, he just came to s city and met Mu Xiaxi.


Mu Xiaxi stood on the side of the road and looked at him in amazement.

Four eyes relative, Lian Hao's eyes turned, suddenly understand, even the old man was rinsed.

Mu Xiaxi quickly turns around and runs to the construction site. Seeing that she wants to run, Lian Hao is stunned and pushes the door open to chase her.

Soon, she was caught by Lian Hao. Lian Hao took off her mask. When she saw her face, she was angry from her heart and yelled angrily, "you played me so hard. Do you dare to play me like this?"

"You let me go!"

Mu Xiaxi struggles hard, and the rear leader is held by Lian Hao. She can hardly breathe. She looks up at the tall building and shouts, "Jiang Qixing!"

Save her. Jiang Qixing has already found the movement on the side of the road. Instead of going up the stairs, he grabs the wall and jumps to the next floor. Without waiting to stand still, he jumps to the next floor again. His black clothes are flying in the wind, and there is no guardrail outside. His action is just like that

Play with your life.

Mu Xiaxi was startled and looked at the figure in horror.

Lian Hao also saw Jiang Qixing.

"Want to save people? Ah

He pulled Mu Xiaxi to the side of the car, stuffed her into the back seat, and drove away quickly.

"Lian Hao, what do you want to do?"

Mu Xiaxi gets up from the back seat and rushes forward to catch Lian Hao.

Lian Hao was caught driving around. He broke Mu Xiaxi's hand and stepped on the accelerator to death. "What do I want to do? Mu Xiaxi, you made me fall into this field, you can't return me? "

"What can I give you back? You will harm my heart first. I'm just protecting myself."

Mu Xiaxi said excitedly, "stop the car for me, stop the car!"

Lian Hao naturally doesn't listen to her. He glances in the rearview mirror and sees that Jiang Qixing has rushed to the road, probably looking for a car. He steps on the gas regardless.

The car tilted around and hit the roadside guardrail several times.

Mu Xiaxi was crazy to stop him. He was hit in the car and had a bad headache.

Lian Hao's house is not far from here. He drives the car to the villa, abandons the car, grabs Mu Xiaxi into the villa, throws people to the ground, and locks all the doors and windows inside.

Mu Xiaxi fell to the ground, and his whole body seemed to be crushed.

She sat up from the ground, her long hair was scattered and her forehead was blue. She watched Lian Hao lock the door and window angrily and push a sofa against the door.

"Jiang Qixing will come to save me. It's useless for you to do this."

She looked at him.

Lian Hao suddenly turns his head and stares at her madly. Mu Xia Xi shrinks back.

Her life is probably a carved destiny. She is so comfortable in the front and full of frustrations in the back. When she comes to s City, she even meets Lian Hao.

"Save you?" Lian Hao sneered, pointed at her and said, "I tell you, no one can save you!"


Mu Xiaxi no longer talks.

Lian Hao stood there, took out his mobile phone and called his assistant, "you hurry to check for me, whether the joint stock transfer between Lian and Mu has been completed, and whether there is room for maneuver." With that, Lian Hao squatted down in front of her step by step. His eyes were hysterical. He grabbed her collar and pulled her to the front of him. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mu Xiaxi, I tell you, if the two shares of Lian Mu have not been successfully handed over, what will happen

You still have life to live. I'll take you to Lian's house and expose your conspiracy! "

In this way, my father will certainly reuse him.


Mu Xiaxi was strangled in pain and stretched out his hand to resist. Lian Hao immediately slapped her in the face.

"If it's too late, I'll kill you. Anyway, I'll kill people who are legally dead! No one can convict me

Lian Hao said with a strong hatred.


Mu Xiaxi looked at him with blood in his mouth and asked, "who was the first one to do evil? Who first wanted to harm our brothers and sisters and our herdsmen? You and Lian Yin are both responsible for falling into this field. ""Pa!"

Lian Hao slaps her in the face again. Mu Xiaxi is beaten to the ground. Lian Hao grabs her back and stares at her fiercely. "I didn't see that you can say that. Say, go on."


Mu Xiaxi sat on the ground, exhausted no energy, opened his mouth and vomited blood on his face, "it's too late for you to let me go now, otherwise Jiang Qixing won't let you go, and my brothers won't let you go."


Lian Hao's face was sprayed with blood, and he was almost mad. He put out his hand and wiped his face, and the blood color was in his eyes.

Mu Xiaxi has a beautiful and angry face in her blurred vision. Her clothes are pulled open by him, revealing a large area of dazzling white skin. Her clavicle is exquisite and small, and her chest rises and falls

"I almost forgot that we haven't had a good sleep yet."

Lian Hao suddenly has a mind, the color Mi Mi ground looks at her.

In fact, she is very beautiful. He thought she was going to die and didn't want to sleep with a terminally ill patient.

"What do you want to do?"

Mu Xiaxi panicked.

"Dry, you, ah."

Lian Hao said word by word, holding her hand, lowering her head and biting her neck.

"You let me go!"

Mu Xiaxi cried out in panic and tried to push him. Lian Hao threw her on the floor. "I know you slept with Jiang Qixing. Just in time, you come to compare. Who is more powerful between me and him?"

"Get out of here!"

Mu Xiaxi shouts that her voice is hoarse, and when her chest clothes are completely opened, she feels boundless despair.

Jiang Qixing.

Jiang Qixing... The fierce engine start-up suddenly sounded outside, more and more loud. Lian Hao raised his face from Mu Xiaxi. As soon as he turned his head, he heard a loud bang. The door was knocked open in front of him, and the dark heavy motorcycle jumped from outside

And get up and fly in.

Mu Xiaxi looks at the man in the car in a daze, and his eyes meet in the air.

She saw that his eyes were red.

What happened later, Mu Xiaxi was in a trance, like having a dream.

Jiang Qixing fell from the sky and the heavy motorcycle ran straight into the stairs.

How many times has Lian Hao been beaten? Mu Xiaxi has no time to worry.

Her mind was full of red and deep eyes.

Until Lian Hao fell to the ground motionless, a man's coat fell on her body, she raised her eyes, the man stood in front of her, eyes deeply staring at her, he heavily panted, lips slightly open, but there is no word.

"..." she looked at him without blinking, closed her tight coat, and her mouth was full of blood.