Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 868

He frowned. He didn't know why yinghannian was like this. If he really wanted to stay close to Lianjia and betray yinghannian, he would not have come back last year.

"Sister Lian Yin, I don't care about it."

Mu Xianguang said, no matter what, he didn't want to make a estrangement with Ying Hannian.


Lianyin sat there, looking even worse.

At the charity dinner, she saw that Lin Yi was not an ordinary town girl. Today, she found out that Ying Hannian was the most difficult person.

She put down the cup in her hand, barely holding a smile, "envy light, what age, it's not what we say, we have to see the meaning of two people, you can't bear to break up their sister's marriage, right?"


Mu Xianguang was silent.

Lian Hao saw that they said it like this and stood up quickly, "I really like Xia Xi. I have no other purpose for her, really."

Up to now, Lin Yi has to follow Ying Hannian's way of thinking and ask, "then why do you pursue Xia Xi now? Don't you always like her? "

The shares given to Mu Xiaxi were just a while ago. In addition to the original shares held by their brothers and sisters, although they could not shake the whole group, the right to speak was enough to make people have all kinds of ideas.

She also wants to know if Lian's family is coming for this.


Lian Hao said, frowning and looking down at Mu Xiaxi. Mu Xiaxi sat there in silence, as if the discussion was not about her marriage. Until Lian Hao looked at her, she said, "Lin Yi, I think cousin Lian Hao and cousin Lian Yin really didn't mean to intervene in the Mu family,

Cousin Lian Hao, it was only after the charity dinner that I got closer. "

"Xia Xi..."

Lian Hao wants to stop her.

Mu Xia Xi squeezed out a smile, "it's OK. It's all my family. There's nothing I can't say."


Lin Yi suddenly remembered that Mu Xiaxi had disappeared for some time in the middle of the charity dinner.

"Xia Xi, what happened that night?" Lin Yi asked.

"Well." Mu Xiaxi said faintly, "that night, my fourth sister-in-law asked me to go upstairs. She wanted to introduce me to her cousin Wang Zichang. I didn't agree. I didn't expect that Wang Zichang had come to the hotel and made all kinds of advances to me. If I didn't want to, he just..."

She said it lightly, but in the end she couldn't go on.

Jiang Qixing stood at the door, staring at Mu Xiaxi's thin back, his eyes turned red instantly.

That night, by the park lake, she was angry with him and crying.

It turned out that she met Wang Zichang that night.

No wonder she said he couldn't protect her for life.

i see.

Jiang Qixing held his fist to the death, and the blood trickled down from between his fingers, dropping on the floor.


Lin Yi listen to face also white, subconsciously grasp should cold year's hand, be should cold year anti grasp.

How could

She was there that night, and she let Mu Xiaxi encounter this kind of thing.

Mu Xia Xi continued, "fortunately, cousin Lian Hao was there. He saved me. My cousin worried that I had a shadow, so he often came to eat and chat with me."

And then they came together?

Lian Hao sat down, reached out and patted Mu Xiaxi on the back, and said, "Xiaxi is afraid that you are worried and wants to hide it. I also want to make such a big noise at the banquet. I don't know what it will be like, so I didn't mention it."

"Wang Tiantian! Wang Zichang

Mu Xianguang gritted his teeth and roared out, smashing the chopsticks in his hand.

"It turns out that the Wang family brought Wang Tiantian back from abroad just to get in touch with Xia Xi and Wang Zichang." Lin Yi understood.

"Wang Zichang's reputation has been rotten for a long time. Who dares to marry his daughter to Xia Xi in the imperial city? Are they crazy?" Bai Shuya was also extremely angry.

The Wang family wanted to be a bully and forced the herdsmen to marry.

Lian Yin was also surprised and said, "there are other things like this. The Wang family is too reckless. Xia Xi is not only the sixth miss of the Mu family, but also the watch miss of our Lian family. I will never let them go."

“……”Lin Yi pursed her lips. She didn't realize that Wang Tian didn't repent all the way. She knew that she would not answer the door to save people.

"Mr. Ying, I'm sincere to Xia Xi. I really didn't think about half of the benefits."

Lian Hao looks at Ying Hannian sincerely.

Lin Yi turns his eyes and looks at Ying Hannian. He sits there with a cold face. There is such a sudden story that he doesn't speak any more.

Lianyin knew that she had the upper hand again and said with a smile, "Mr. Ying, Xia Xi is also your sister. It's natural for you to be nervous. Now the misunderstanding is solved. I think we can talk about the details of the marriage."

Lianyin was determined to get married and dealt with it smoothly.

Ying Hannian sat there, pale, looking up at mu Xianguang, "she's your sister, you decide."

This is no longer an objection.

Mu Xianguang nodded.

Lin Yi stood up from the desk, "you talk first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Said, she turned and stopped, "Xia Xi, your lipstick is gone, go to make up."

Mu Xiaxi answered a "good" nod, stood up and walked out two steps. Yu Guangzhong saw a pool of blood on the floor at the door, her heart beat hard, her face turned white, she didn't stay and left quickly.

They stand in the bathroom and Mu Xiaxi puts lipstick on the mirror.

Lin Yiyi looks at her quietly. On Mu Xiaxi's face, she can't see the joy of falling in love or the sadness

"Xia Xi, do you like Lian Hao?"

Lin Yi asked directly, without any beating around the bush.


Mu Xiaxi put on lipstick and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were dull and numb. "My brother hopes that I can fall in love and find some happiness of my own."

"I'm not asking your brother now, I'm asking you." Lin Yi looked at her in the mirror and asked, "Lian Hao saved you. Are you in love with him?"


"Xia Xi, if you think I'm a friend, please don't hide it from me."

Lin Yi said seriously.

Mu Xiaxi stood there, smelling the words. She put down her lipstick and looked down at the water flowing in the sink. "Lin Yi, sooner or later, I'll get married. It's the same to marry anyone. But if I marry cousin Lian Hao, my brother can rest assured."

"But you don't love him, do you?" Lin Yi said, "do you have someone you like in your heart?"

Lin Yi's every word goes straight to her life. Originally, she thought it would be nice for the two to forget each other in the world, but she couldn't help seeing Jiang Qixing and Ying Hannian trying to destroy their marriage

Let her have a try. Mu Xia Xi's eyes shook, "No."