Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 866

"Of course, it's between Lian Hao and Xia Xi. I didn't expect that they would get along so well. I think we can make friends."

The voice of Lianyin on the phone is very pleasant.


Lin Yi really didn't respond.

Lian Yin explained, "Mrs. Ying, you probably don't know that although Lian Hao and Xia Xi are cousins, they are not related by blood."

This Lin Yi knows, but at this moment she just realizes the meaning of Lianyin words, "you mean, Xia Xi is in love with Lian San Shao?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud bang.

Lin Yi raised his eyes and saw Jiang Qixing standing at the door. The door was half open, and a pot of green pineapple was broken on the ground. The soil hit the ground. His hands were stiff in the air, and his eyes were stiff. His face was as white as paper.

That kind of look, it's hard to describe.

Ying Hannian leans on the cradle and looks coldly at Jiang Qixing.

The next second, Jiang Qixing reaction, voice dumb dry, "I immediately clean up."

With that, the man turned and ran to get the cleaning tools. Lin Yi stood in the same place, listening to Lian Yin on his mobile phone and said, "yes, Lian Hao has been following the devil recently. He just wants to marry Xia Xi. I think it's a good thing. Xia Xi is also our family. When his aunt died, what better way to marry back to Lian's home

What is more complete? "

Her aunt refers to Lian man, Mu Xiaxi's mother.

"I'm sorry, even miss, I don't know much about this. Besides, I can't decide Xia Xi's marriage."

Lin Yi didn't know the whole story, so he simply pushed it first.

"Mrs. Ying, I'm sure I'll talk to you about this. Mr. Ying dotes on you, and miss Mu Si trusts you. Although you haven't got the right to manage the internal affairs, your status can't be ignored. It's the most direct thing to talk to you." Lianyin can be seen clearly.

That's a tall hat.

"Miss Lian praised me."

Lin Yi frowns slightly. How can she manage Xia Xi's marriage.

Seeing her refusal, Lianyin was obviously dissatisfied, but said with a smile, "well, I'll be the host. Let's have dinner together. Let's sit down and have a good chat."

Even the family and mu Xianguang, Mu Xiaxi are close friends. How can she refuse a meal.

"Not bad."

Lin Yi didn't refuse any more. He hung up the phone and frowned tightly.

How can Lian Hao and Mu Xiaxi be related?

Jiang Qixing

She is thinking, Jiang Qixing has returned to the office, with a broom to clean up the mess on the ground.

"What's the matter?" Ying Hannian sits down at his desk and sweeps Lin Yi with his black eyes.

"For no reason, Lian Yin asked me to talk about the marriage between Lian Hao and Xia Xi."

Lin Yi said, took a look at Jiang Qixing, who was cleaning up. Without saying more, he called Mu Xiaxi, "Xiaxi."

"Lin Yi?" Mu Xiaxi's tone sounds normal. "Have you received the clothes I bought for Xiaoxing?"

Mu Xiaxi didn't want to go back to Mu's house. Just like Mu Lan, he even sent some small clothes directly.

"Yes, thank you."

Lin Yi said with a smile. After a pause, she pursed her lips and said, "Xia Xi, there's something I need you to make up your mind."


Mu Xiaxi was stunned.

"Well, Lian Yin and Lian Hao want to invite me to dinner with Ying Hannian, your brother and sister-in-law, and aunt an. Do you think we should agree?" Lin Yi asked, she did not directly ask Mu Xiaxi and Lian Hao what is going on.

After her question, Mu Xiaxi was silent.

Lin Yi sees Jiang Qixing stooping to pick up the broken flowerpot in Yu Guangzhong. For a long time, Lin Yi thinks Mu Xiaxi has hung up the phone and is about to check it. Then she hears Mu Xiaxi say, "promise. Let's have a good time together."

There is a sense of compromise in the tone.

"You promise?"

Lin Yi was shocked.


The flowerpot fell to the ground again.

Lin Yi raised her eyes and saw Jiang Qixing standing there, blood gurgling out of her hands, dripping on the floor.

He stood there with his head down, motionless, unable to see his expression."Well." Mu Xiaxi said at the end of the phone, "Lin Yi, I'll tell you something when I have dinner. If I still have a job, I'll hang up first."

With that, Mu Xiaxi hung up.

Lin Yi stood there with a mobile phone, confused by the sudden incident, and her eyes fell on Jiang Qixing.

Jiang Qixing turned to leave. Ying Hannian called him in a cold voice, "come back to me!"


Jiang Qixing returns and stands at Ying Hannian's desk with his injured hand. Ying Hannian picks up a package of tissue in front of him and throws it into his hand. He asks coldly, "what's the situation? Don't you follow Mu Xiaxi all the time? "

When it comes to Mu Xiaxi's commuting time, Jiang Qixing is gone.

Usually it's his turn to rest, and he won't appear in front of him.

Jiang Qixing lowered his head to catch the tissue, tone can not hear the ups and downs, "Lian Hao recently is in pursuit of miss six, dating for some time, miss six also have a good impression on him."

Miss six.

Lin Yi looked at him in amazement, "you know? How can you... "

Why don't you say it all the time.

Jiang Qixing suddenly looked up at her with such eyes that Lin Yi's words suddenly couldn't go on.

She got it. What did he say? What can he say?

He knew better than anyone how deep the gap between him and Mu Xiaxi was.

"Brother Han, Miss Lin, I'll go out and bandage the wound first. I'll send someone in to clean it up."

Jiang Qixing bowed his head and turned to leave without looking back.


Lin Yi stood in the same place, looking at Jiang Qixing's back, frowning and sighing.

Jiang Qixing's eyes just now, if you want to use accurate words to describe it, are probably silent despair, no resistance, no resistance

"How sure are you that you can spoil the marriage?"

Ying Hannian's voice fell into her ears.

Lin Yi looked at him in surprise, "what do you want to do?"

Should be cold years to the door of the wolf, cold tunnel, "let him develop, he can drive himself crazy."

Since the Wanquan lake, Jiang Qixing desperate to find Mu Xiaxi, this person has already begun to fall into the magic barrier.

Lin Yi knew that he was worried about Jiang Qixing.

She sat down on the edge of the electric cradle. When she reached out to touch Xiaojing, the little guy grabbed her finger and looked at her with wide eyes. Her black eyes were very clean. She looked at her son and said, "how about this time? If Xia Xi and Jiang Qixing can't come out, will they be single all their lives? Besides, I don't know what Xia Xi means to Jiang Qixing, if she doesn't have that idea

Why should we spoil her marriage They don't have that qualification.