Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 804


Lin Yi was stunned, and her voice

The old lady's voice is not pleasant, very sandy, very astringent, unlike the voice of normal people.

Yingqing was so shocked that he said, "can you speak? You're not dumb! You've been lying to me! "“ Well, you even filled me with medicine for a week, and I vomited every night. I was not dumb, but my voice was like this. " The old lady touched her neck and said with emotion, "for decades, I have forgotten how to speak and practice

All night. "

"You're really scheming!"

Yingqing hate anger, should be cold year system can't do, can only stare at her, this kind of anger with confusion.

"You've been a doorkeeper for decades, and your attitude is getting higher and higher." The old lady squeezed her chin slowly, "but don't forget your real identity. You are just a fisherman who was sold by her parents in a small fishing village."

Hearing this, always calm Ying Qing seems to be torn a skin, anxious, hysterical roar out, "you talk nonsense! Sheffield! Do it! Do it for me! Don't let go of any of them. I want them all to die here! "


Ying Xuefei sat there and looked at the scene in shock. She didn't move. She couldn't believe it and asked, "what's going on?"

"Don't you do it yet?" Ying Qing stares at his subordinates and then stares at Ying Xuefei, "what are you hesitating about? I've raised you for nothing for so many years, haven't I? "

"I --"

Ying Xuefei hesitates.

Yingqing simply took out the beryl ring, held it in his hand and raised it, "don't you carry out the order?"

They all look at each other. They all look at Ying Xuefei and wait to see her action. Ying Xuefei is in agony. But looking at the ring, she still makes an action to grab Gu Ming's gun

"It's not enough to boast for so many years with a fake ring?"

The old lady gave a cool smile.

"What are you talking about?"

Ying Qing stares at her angrily.

"I gave you this ring."

The old lady said in an astringent voice. She stood up and looked at Ying Xuefei, and then at the faces of those strange yingmen subordinates. "They are all faces I don't know. Who can tell me how to distinguish the authenticity of the owner's ring?"

What's the difference?

Yingqing has been in charge of yingmen since she was young. For decades, who would have the courage to distinguish the authenticity of the owner's ring?

See no one to speak, the old lady's line of sight fell in should be Xuefei, light tunnel, "you come out to answer."

"..." faces as like as two peas, and should not be refused. Standing up, "the door is a pillar of the world. The stone used is the beryl. The gem is the highest purity in the world. Only one can not be duplicated. The Latin word of Chii Chuseiji is also a copy.

It's a unique technology. In addition, the ring is the key to the door vault. "

Only the householder who answers the door can open the vault.


Said the old lady.

Ying Xuefei frowned, "it's impossible. Every member of yingmen knows that."“ Beryl ring is as like as two peas, but two, but I made it, the one I gave you, it is exactly the same as it is, but it can not open the Treasury. The old lady said and looked at Ying Xuefei again, "look at the sample

You are very trusted. Have you ever seen the vault opened? "


Ying Xuefei stood there. She thought it was wrong when she heard the front. When she was asked a question, she couldn't speak. She just looked at Ying Qing.

Naturally, the answer is No.

She had never seen the vault open.

Looking at Yingqing's ugly face, she couldn't help saying, "yingmen has always been full of money, and there is no place to use it in the Treasury."

"That's it." The old lady spoke lightly, but she had a kind of lofty bearing. She turned and walked towards the wall behind the platform. The high wall was carved with the statue of the Virgin Mary. Every stroke was like flowing clouds and water. The carving was vivid, and the wall was still beautiful

Decorated with lots of champagne roses.

The old lady looked at the face of the statue of the virgin.

Ying Hannian throws Ying Qing back on the sofa, turns his eyes and looks at his own person, "take a chair."

A female bodyguard immediately carried a chair to the front and helped the old lady step on it. The old lady raised her hand and caressed one of the eyes of the statue of the virgin. With a sound, the wall carved with the statue of the virgin began to loosen and move to the side.Another wall inside. In the middle of the wall, there is a hollowed out area. Inside, there is a safe. The safe is not the current password box. It doesn't use electricity. The password lock on it is like a compass. It has expanded numbers and letters. It's easy to see


The old lady stood on it, turned the combination lock left and right, turned it several times, opened the safe, and took out a small velvet box from inside.

The old lady took the box and helped the female bodyguard down.


Ying Qing sat there staring at her with hatred. She had already guessed what was in her hand. Her face was almost twisted with hatred. "You've really hidden deep enough!"

The old lady ignored her and took out a ring from the box. It was a real beryl ring with dark green.

As soon as the ring came out, all the people below were shocked. Ying Xuefei looked at it in disbelief.

"This is the beryl ring inherited by yingmen. It can open the Treasury." The old lady stood there and slowly put the ring on her thumb. Her eyes looked down calmly. "I'm Yingqing. I'm your master."

She stood there, thin and white, but her bearing was irresistible.

There was no sound at the bottom.

"Don't listen to her!" Yingqing roared hysterically, "Xuefei! Sheffield! I brought you up. You killed them! Kill them all

She was in a rage.

She's hysterical.


Ying Xuefei stood there stiffly.

Ying Hannian stood aside, his black eyes locked the old lady's face, and his voice came out from her throat, "who are you?"

Word by word.

Lin Yi stood and looked at them. In fact, Ying Hannian had already guessed it. He just wanted to get a positive answer.


This is his real grandmother.

Smelling speech, the old lady slowly turned her head and looked at him. The wrinkles around her eyes trembled and she squeezed out a smile with great difficulty. "I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your mother."


Ying Hannian stood there, breathing deeper and deeper.

"Don't worry. I'll give you an explanation when I solve the problem of answering the door."

So she said.


Ying Hannian looked at her and her eyes.

He hasn't seen such a look for years“ Go down and sit for a while in the cold year. "