Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 802

"OK, I'll give you some water. Can you take a bath by yourself?" Lin Yi asked.

The old lady nodded silently.

"Be careful, don't wrestle. I'll send someone to wait here. If you have anything, just take it and make some noise, will you?" Lin Yi said that he was very considerate.

The old lady nodded with a smile, reached out and patted her hand.

Lin Yi put the bath water for the old lady and gave her a set of clean clothes before she left.

As she walked forward, she met Ying Xuefei, who was escorted out. Gu Ming was in a wheelchair, and their faces were not good-looking.

"Lin Yi." Seeing her, Gu Ming yelled, with a worried look on his brow, "how are you? I heard you were in a coma yesterday

He wanted to see her, but he couldn't see her when he was stopped in cold years.

That's a good idea.

"I'm fine." Lin Yi walks towards them, and her eyes fall on Ying Xuefei.

Ying Xuefei didn't change her clothes all night. She was still wearing that white wedding dress. When she saw her, she asked, "where's the old lady? What do you want to do? The old lady is old and in poor health. Don't fool around. "

Lin Yi stood in front of her and said faintly, "if so many of us were buried in the sea yesterday, would you ask the old lady why we came here in vain?"


It should be stopped by Xuefei.

Gu Ming sat on one side and sneered, "where can she ask? She is a woman devil who kills people without blinking an eye. Do you know what is right and wrong, good and evil?"

Smell speech, Ying Xuefei can't help but sneer and look at Gu Ming sarcastically, "I don't say that under the master's hand, but all of you who care for your family are worthy of death, including you."

"Say one more damn thing!"

Gu Ming struggles to get up from his wheelchair and stares at Ying Xuefei, hoping to kill her.

"Which word is wrong? If you look after your family, you'll all die hard! "

Ying Xuefei raises her chin and looks at Gu Ming coldly. If it wasn't for her complicated wedding dress, she would have hit Gu Ming.

Lin Yi saw that they guessed that they had quarreled with each other from yesterday to now. It was a blood feud.

"Pull them away and go to the front."

Lin Yi said to Jiang Qixing, who was beside him. He didn't want to pay any attention and walked forward.

In the castle hall, which was originally set up as a wedding hall, the banquet is now divided into two opposite sides. On one side, there are people in the cold years, on the other side, there are people in the youth. There are also people outside the castle, so they are in a stalemate, just waiting for the trigger.

There are two European style sofas on the parsonage stage full of champagne roses.

Ying Qing sits beside her, with two bodyguards holding guns standing beside her. She has no fear on her face. She is elegant and clean. Even her silver hair is exquisite. Only a few coughs occasionally reveal that she is ill.

Ying Hannian sits on the other side, with one leg crossed and ankle exposed. He is playing with the symbol of the host, the ring of beryl. When Lin Yi went in, he heard Ying Qing smile, "it's my good grandson. It's really wise. This ring is the inheritance symbol of the yingmen family leader, but it's a fake one. Before I can't tell your loyalty, I'll love you again

I can't give the answer to the door to you. "


It turns out that even the rings are fake.

Lin Yi finds a seat at random below and sits down. Ying Xuefei is a little excited when she sees Ying Qing. She wants to be pressed down by the bodyguard“ Do you hurt me? " Ying Hannian sneered and turned the ring around at his fingertips. His voice was low. "Last night, I stood by the sea and suddenly thought of a problem. I sent someone back to do blood identification. According to the time, the result should have come out yesterday, but there was one in China

I haven't heard from you. Where did you say this man went? "

Yingqing looked at him, face if frost tunnel, "how do I know?"

"This man should have been buried in the sea."

Should cold year analysis, suddenly stop playing hands, black eyes gloomy sweep to Ying Qing, "old lady, you move the hand, why?"


Lin Yi sat down and listened, showing astonishment.

Is the person sent home dead?

That doesn't mean

Ying Qing sneered coldly, "what do you want to say? I'm not your grandmother. In this way, you'll kill me more righteously, won't you?"


Ying Hannian looks at her coldly“ I said yesterday, you can kill if you want. If you feel that the trend is changing, your grandmother is happy, you can do it Yingqing coldly said, "let go, I won't let you go. If you want to find a way out, please help yourself and answer the whole doorAll the people will regard you as the master of defection and pester you for life. "

Yingmen is not only a yingmen base, but also a yingmen branch.

No matter how powerful they are, they have to lose their skin.

As they said this, mu Xianguang and his wife came in with Mu Xiaxi, followed by Mu Xianquan and his wife. They probably heard that they were negotiating here, so they came to have a look. Their faces were very white, which was a symptom of blood loss.

Seeing Mu Xiaxi, Jiang Qixing, standing beside Lin Yi, straightens up, walks towards her and reaches for her.


Mu Xia Xi hung a pair of dark eyes, and his body was stiff.

Jiang Qixing carefully supported her and sat down on one side. The herdsmen also sat down and watched the negotiation.

They all know very well that they can only escape from this place if the negotiations in yinghannian are successful.

When Ying Qing saw the herdsmen coming in one by one, he could not help sneering, "Han, you are so confused. You have to save these herdsmen."

"Who are you?"

Ying Hannian sat there, black eyes sharp to see her, word by word said, "you are not my grandmother."

Ying Qing sat there, his face unchanged, calmly said, "of course I'm your grandmother, Han. Don't give yourself an excuse to kill me. You have only two ways now."


Ying Hannian thin lips pursed, did not interrupt her.

"First of all, you have killed the herdsmen, your charming girlfriend and your subordinates to prove your loyalty and stay as the host of the house. I guarantee that you can leave a strong color in the whole world."


The audience was quiet, only the voice of Yingqing was heard. Yingqing continued in a clear way, "second, you killed me and left yingmen. I can also promise you that after you return home, it will be revealed that you will avenge your mother, kill all four families, and pester yingmen up and down

All your life, until the moment you die. "

Lin Yi frowned.

Ying Xuefei is silent.

Gu Ming frowned. It turned out that the old woman wanted to plant her family's account on Ying Hannian. Before that, did he misunderstand Ying Hannian all the time? After listening to these words, mu Xianguang understood what had happened and wanted to say something, but he was still silent, and Bai Shuya held his arm.