Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 464

Anyone would be cold.

After two years, mu Ziliang finally made up his mind“ It seems that it is a good thing that the food base was not built in s city at the beginning, otherwise it would be a headache to leave such a rotten project. " Lin Guanting sighed, thinking that at the beginning, all the people in s city were busy working for a food base, but at last they didn't

When it was completed, many people were lost.

Now, it's not a bad thing at all.

"Yes, sometimes what seems bad is not necessarily bad." Lin Yi said with a smile.

After dinner, Lin Yi got up and left, washed his hands and came out to see Jiang Qixing standing outside.

Jiang Qixing looked at her, "Miss Lin, I don't know how to analyze the situation. Can you analyze it for me?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi looked at him and said with a gentle smile, "are you worried about yinghannian?"

They stood by the stairs. Jiang Qixing nodded, and his eyes were engraved with concern. "I haven't seen mu Ziliang since brother Han took him away last time. Is it good news to hear such news about the imperial city?"

"It's not that you can't analyze it. You're just too worried about him."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

For Jiang Qixing, yinghannian is almost everything to him. He doesn't understand it, but is used to obeying and following.

"That's good news?" Jiang Qixing asked.

Lin Yi nodded, "of course, any official news of Mu's family has deep meaning. Mu Ziliang's health is not very good, and the news he sends now represents the future direction of the whole Mu's family."

Mu Xianfeng's suspension is just the beginning.

Mu Ziliang will support Ying Hannian and accumulate people's support for him.

Smell speech, Jiang Qixing can't help but sigh with relief, "Miss Lin, you are smart, I believe what you say, as long as brother Han can be obedient."

With that, Jiang Qixing showed a rare smile and turned to leave.

Lin Yi looked at his back, some emotion, raised his feet to go upstairs.

As soon as he got back to his room, the phone came. Lin Yi picked up his mobile phone. When he saw Ying Hannian's number, he couldn't help smiling and put it in his ear. "Hello?"

"What are you doing?"

Ying Hannian's low magnetic voice rang out in her ear through the earphone.

"I just came back to my room and talked with Jiang Qixing downstairs before. He was worried about you."

When Lin Yi thought of Jiang Qixing's back, he didn't feel very good. He seemed to see himself cheated by a kind lie.

Up to now, she still agrees with Ying Hannian's choice in that situation, but the people who are concealed in the drum are always painful, which can't be denied.

After a while, Ying Hannian's voice said, "when it's over, I'll have a good chat with him and make it clear."


Lin Yi nodded subconsciously, then reflected that he couldn't see it and couldn't help laughing.

After taking power and separating Dafang from the herdsmen, Mu Xianfeng was no longer the opponent of Ying Hannian, and he didn't need to push anyone away, because his wings were enough to protect everyone.

"Tuan Tuan, I'll take you all."

Ying Hannian is over there. His tone is seldom serious.

Lin Yi didn't feel that way when she heard that. She walked to her bed and said, "how do you feel that Jiang Qixing and I are big and small wives?"

And I'll take you all

Smell speech, should cold year some proud, "finally admit you are my wife?"? Don't worry, you will always be the main room. "


She's a metaphor.

Lin Yi is beside the bed and ignores him. What's the main room? Does he plan to raise the outside room?

"Wife?" Ying Hannian called her in a low voice.

"..." she was silent.

"Tuan Tuan." Compromise should be made in cold years.

"..." she was still silent.

"Miss, my miss, is that all right? Take care of me. "

The sound was pathetic.

Lin Yi sat there with a taut face and ignored him. I don't know why. Listening to the tone of his defeat, I felt quite cool.

Ying Hannian breathed a breath on his mobile phone and gave up completely, "OK, miss, you are not the main room, I am your male pet, OK?""Puff"

Lin Yi didn't hold on and laughed.

Does he have a bottom line

"At last I laughed." Ying Hannian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "come on, open the video and let me see you."

It's really annoying.

Lin Yi took a look at the time and said, "no, I'm going to take a bath right now. I'll take a video after taking a bath."

"Is there a better time than video now?"

Ying Hannian immediately said that the sexy voice exudes an ambiguous taste.

Lin Yimo, it's too late to say anything. Ying Hannian has hung up and lost a video communication.

She wanted to get through. Ying Hannian's handsome face appeared on the screen of her mobile phone. Others leaned on the head of the bed at will, wearing a shirt and no tie. She looked like a ruffian.

When he saw her, his eyes lit up. "Go, take a bath, and bring your cell phone into the bathroom."


Lin Yi stares at him, "can you have a proper shape?"

Who can think of a man who is fighting hard in the family's internal struggle. This virtue is in private.

Ying Hannian immediately sat upright on the bed, deliberately distorting her words, "is that right enough?"


"Come on, I'm ready."

We should sit more straight in the cold year.

Who cares if you are ready

Lin Yi wants to climb in along the mobile phone and hit him. The camera shakes. She sees a triangle rice ball pillow on his bed. She can't help being stunned. "Is this pillow still there?"

It's been two years.

Being seen by her, Ying Hannian didn't cover up. He picked up the rice ball pillow and put it in his arms. He stared at her with a pair of deep eyes. "Of course, I have to be here. Otherwise, how do you think I survived these two years?"


Lin Yi didn't understand what he meant.

"Every time I think of you, I have to think of it as you to solve some... Physiological problems." Ying Hannian raised his eyebrows and was too handsome.

"Physiological problems?"

Lin Yi looks surprised. What is solving physiological problems? And think of the pillow as her?

Does he

It can't be true?

But he does have such color, just want to let her take the mobile phone into the bathroom, how this man so... Obscene.

Lin Yi looked at the pillow in his arms, suddenly uncomfortable, full of disgust, suddenly, Ying Hannian leaned forward, face directly attached to the mobile phone, black eyes staring at her, said with a smile, "Tuan Tuan, what's your expression?"


Lin Yi's eyes became more and more uncomfortable.

Suddenly, there is a flash of camera. Ying Hannian is walking with a pillow in her arms. The next moment, the picture of the restaurant appears on her mobile phone screen. Under the bright light, a slender hand put the lovely triangle rice ball pillow on the dining chair.