Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1460

They don't want to break up their daughter and Jing. They just think it's not appropriate to talk about the engagement now. They must put it down. Besides, many people don't necessarily get married when they fall in love.

But at this meeting, Jiang Qian was entangled by Lin Mu to say such a sentence. Although it was similar to Bai Langyan's, the implied meaning was much different, which was clear and definite.

After that, it would be embarrassing for the Bai family to go back.

When he comes to the scene, he hears the words and signs. When he finds that the couple of Bai family don't know the background of his family, he guesses that everything will get out of control. This is the best situation he can win. At least the couple of Bai family didn't insist on not talking about the engagement.

As soon as Lin Mu heard the play, he immediately climbed up, "how long was that night? How about a month? "


Jiang Qian is dumb, but she is forced to retreat by Lin Mu.

Seeing this, Lin Yicai slowly reprimanded his daughter, "well, Xiaomu, are you helping your brother talk about marriage or forcing marriage? Go back quickly."


Lin Mu spits out his tongue and skillfully retreats.

As soon as Lin Mu left, Jiang Xi breathed a sigh of relief. If she was entangled again, she would be forced to say a few months later. What else would she say? All previous efforts have been wasted.

After dinner, Lin Yi wants to keep them for a visit, but Bai Langyan insists that he has something else to do and should go first.

He was afraid to stay, because Jiang Xi was so soft that he could answer the wedding on the spot. Maybe even the wedding day could be decided.

In order not to muddle along and hand over his daughter like this, Bai Langyan also insists on being rude. In this way, Lin Yi and others can't say anything and send them away with a smile.


They were driven back to Bai Langyan's apartment building when the occasion came.

After Bai Langyan took Jiang Xi's hand and came down, he took a look at Bai Cha on the co pilot's seat. "Cha Cha, you can come in with me. I have something to say to you."

Both parents have just met and it's normal to talk to each other.

When she got out of the car and stood there, she was dignified and talented. Jiang Xi sighed. She had never thought that a child like this could be raised by a wealthy family.

When Bai Langyan looked at Yingjing, he didn't know how to open his mouth. He calmly said, "uncle, aunt, I won't go in. Today my family is all here. I'll go back and get together with them."

This is to leave time for the Bai family to discuss.

When Bai Langyan appreciated the situation, he nodded, "OK, I won't leave you. Be careful on your way back."

"All right."

When the scene jaw head, lift eyes when deeply look at the side of the white tea, eyes light.

Knowing that he was not at ease, Bai Cha gave him a faint smile. She would speak well in front of her parents.

When it comes to the occasion, I return to the car and drive away.

Seeing his car go far away, Bai chacai and his parents walked in. Along the way, the three members of the family didn't make a sound. Bai Langyan pressed the elevator and opened the door to let them in.

Bai Cha is the first time to live in Bai Langyan's apartment. It's a comfortable two bedroom apartment. It's not gorgeous enough, but it's better to be clean and bright.

As soon as she got home, Jiang Xi threw away her bag and sat down on the cloth sofa, pressing her temple with her hand and saying, "it's home."

It's like going out for a trip and coming back tired to pieces.

Bai Langyan sat down on the one-man sofa beside him, frowning slightly. He reached out to touch the cigarette. After thinking about it, he just sat there and said nothing.

White tea stood there looking at them, feeling a little heavy, but also love them.

In fact, it's only four hours before and after going to Ying's home and eating. In these four hours, white tea has not said a few words. The real pressure is not on her, but on her parents.

She turned and went into the small kitchen, found Bai Langyan's tea, made two cups of tea and put them on the tea table.

Jiang Xi looked at her, forced to smile and said gently, "what are you doing standing up, not tired?"

"I'm fine." White tea smile, "I'm sorry, Dad, mom, did not tell you in advance should be home background."

"When I heard what you said to Jingshi, you just thought that we knew it. It's not your fault." Bai Langyan said, and looked at her quickly and disapprovingly, "but how dare you talk to someone from that family..."

In the middle of the conversation, Bai Langyan stopped again for fear of hurting her."It's OK, Dad. You can say whatever you want. There are only three of us here."

White tea laughs a way, these two people stay in today should the home of the cramped restraint, she all see in the eye, go home to have to release.

"When did you know?" Jiangxi asked her.

"I've known his family for a long time, but I haven't contacted him." White tea way, "I was also surprised today, did not think his family would be so big."

Jiang Xi nodded, deeply thought, "I live to this age, have never seen such a family."

Bai Langyan sat there, touched the cigarette case again, and said for a long time, "since you let me say it, you have to have a certain tolerance."


White tea nodded in silence.

"Today, if it wasn't for your mother's later words, I would have thought about the engagement. It would be too big for me." Bai langyanming clearly put the words to her.

Not surprisingly, Bai Cha stood there with her fingers clenched and her long eyelashes closed. She looked very calm. "I know."“ Cha Cha, I don't mean you can't catch up with people like that. You are very smart. You have a career you like at a young age and can make money. Your mother and I are proud of you. But just because we know you, you are a novelist behind closed doors

Life is simple, you are not suitable for that kind of complex family Bai Langyan said solemnly, "of course, it's also because we don't have enough background to be parents. We can't let you grow up in a higher environment, and you can't fit in now."


Bai Cha looked at him, "I never felt bad growing up in such a family. I didn't like the complicated environment."

Hearing this, Bai Langyan's face slowed down and he was very pleased.

But her next sentence made Bai Langyan's face coagulate, "but when I like Jing, I want to be with him. At present, I don't want to separate."

Bai Langyan helped his forehead, and his head ached faintly.

"Tea tea, when you like the scenery, you have to adapt to the complex environment." Jiangxi said, "where's the red envelope you got?"

White tea takes out three thick red envelopes from the bag and hands them over. Jiang Qian took it over and opened it. There was a thick stack of money in it. "When I left, I was looking at Mu Jingluo's mother who wanted to take a beautiful box for you. Half of it was taken out. When Jing Shi suddenly gave Mu Jingluo a look, the child said with a smile," Mom, you should also give me a red envelope. My big uncle and aunt gave you a red envelope. You're not too rude. "