Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1451

She opened her hand, dropped the button and flicked it twice on the floor.

The closed blinds darkened the whole office like a lonely night.

She is a city in the night, watching her general in silence and submission.

I don't know when, his hand caught her, ten fingers twisted, twisted her pain.

A drop of sweat from his good-looking jaw, rolled to her eyebrow, hot her consciousness blurred up, only sink in the endless heat wave.

Just in the company downstairs white tea feel too cold, this will, she felt that the temperature of the air conditioning is too high.

It's too hot.


The temperature of the air conditioner has been turned down.

Bai Cha opened her eyes in a trance, threw the paper towel aside, took back her leg on the armrest of the sofa, and then buried her head in her neck and took a hard breath.


Bai Cha raised her hands, which were too weak to be tossed, and hugged him on the back. Her face was too hot. What did she do in his company?

"It's still hard."

He said stiffly, breathing on her extremely sensitive skin at the moment.

At the thought of what he had just said in the heat wave, Bai Cha's whole head was about to explode. She slipped her hand to his waist and pinched him fiercely. "Enough, young people should know how to control."

"Oh." At this time, there was no sense of aggression and danger just now. She was so obedient that she kissed her ear and asked, "does it still hurt?"

"Shut up."

White tea black line.

"Then I'll keep up with my life..."

"Suicide again."

White tea simply want to die, ask, where so many strange questions.

"..." she was obedient to the scene and didn't ask any more. She was lying down on the sofa with her arms tightly around her soft arms. Her eyes were slowly fading from the bloody red and returning to the dark, but still could not calm down. What was still boiling, just being ignored by him

Well suppressed.

White tea is aching all over, and even lazy to move. She just rests in his arms.

After a long time, she closed her eyes and almost went to sleep in a trance. She heard a very low voice when she met the scene, "don't let me see you look at me like that again."

"I'm not so good." White tea keeps a little consciousness, she feels very innocent, but she doesn't do it. She really doesn't understand some emotions. As a result, she offends the young master. Once she offends, she has to pay for it

It's too late.

Office, too casual.

The bedroom of the villa is big, comfortable and quiet. It's exciting that there's just a knock on the door.

When the scene will hold her more tightly, head down in her lip bite, eyes rolling fire, "no matter how I am so upset, you really how time is to want my life?"


Who's up and down, big brother!

How annoying the beginner's studious and clumsy posture is, she doesn't have to say much about it! I heard my aunt say that my father and my mother didn't know how many times they had been robbed before they got together. They had been born and died. If they couldn't get through one time, there would be no me. So, I don't like suffering, I just like it

I'm happy with everything

White tea listened in silence“ I don't know what's on your mind. You say you don't know either. OK, I believe it. " He said, "let's put those down first and go on smoothly. We have a lifetime to find out and understand, and then solve them more perfectly

How about it? "

He said that. Can she say no?

White tea nodded and leaned closer to him, "OK."

It's good to be obedient.

When she closed her eyes and was ready to squint for a while, her lips fell down again. She curled up and thought for a moment whether to greet him with a kiss.


In the morning, Bai Cha took a bath, put on the clothes that Jiang Xi had prepared for her, and pulled off all the labels on the clothes.

She stood in front of the floor mirror, with a very young face, clean, dressed up, neither coquettish, nor pure, just like the ordinary elders.

White tea stood in front of the mirror for a long time, then reached out to open a box, in which there was a brooch with half wings, full diamond ornament, feather tip and a yellow treasure ornament, which was very beautiful and elegant.This was given to her by Lin Mu before. She said it was from "aunt".

Bai Cha pinned the brooch to her body and looked at it. It matched her very well.

Don't finish the brooch, white tea went to the hanger, took off the coat to put on, suddenly someone from behind to hold up, firmly around her waist, she was surprised, "you walk how no sound."

"Yes, you are thinking too much. What are you thinking about?"

When the scene put chin on her shoulder, side face to see her, voice low magnetic, hard to hide a trace of joy.

Today is the day to see his parents. He is in a good mood.

"Nothing. Let's go."

White tea smiles.

When the scene, eyes a deep, turned her body, holding her face to kiss down, toss deep, more kiss more can't open, for a long time, he forced himself to leave that wipe beautiful, eyes color deep fierce, "come back to deal with you."

Someone has really tasted the benefits of meat.

White tea wanted to pretend that she didn't understand, but the rapid popularity of her ears betrayed her. She pinched her earlobe with a smile and said, "don't you like to put an experienced one? Why don't you do it now? "

He lost a lot of interest.


Bai Cha stares at him. It's nonsense. She used to know that he could keep it, but now... He can't keep it if he doesn't keep it. She can't get out of bed if she keeps it.

When the scene, the radian of lips deeper, picked up the coat to unfold, personally good for her to put on, "come on, let's go to your parents."


Bai Cha nodded and was led out by him.

In the living room downstairs, Lin Mu sat idly flipping through the magazines. When he saw them coming down, his eyes brightened, and then he regretted again. For a moment, his expression was very rich.

"Master, have you gone to see your parents?" Lin Mu stood up and asked, ah, she really wanted to go with her. It's a pity

White tea stopped and looked at her with a smile, "let's go, together."

"Eh?" Lin Mu was stunned, not excited, but shrank back, "master, you go to see your parents, what am I going to do? I'll wait for you here."“ You are my apprentice. You are my family White tea said, eyes flashed a touch of cunning, "today is to see parents, but from another point of view, it can be regarded as two families before marriage, to investigate each other's family, as a family member, you can't help me to investigate?

"Ah?" Lin Mu was even more stunned. He rubbed his hands and said, "well, the family circumstances at the time of the scene... Should we still get together?"