Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1449

"I'm nervous about something." "White tea did not mean to say," but I am a man of two generations, very calm


Look at her as she sees fit.

White tea was looked at, shoulder down, frank way, "well, a little, I can't say why, is nervous."

He took her hand in the scene, held her hand in the palm of his hand, and asked in a low voice, "is it because I proposed my engagement so suddenly that you can't accept it?"

"Not either."

White tea shook her head, "two people in love, the normal steps are to go to this section."

She didn't think that when there was no occasion, white tea would come to this section with what kind of people, so she had nothing to accept.

She really doesn't know what she's panicking about. Is she uncertain about the future? No confidence in the situation? It doesn't seem to be.

When the scene turned her body, let her face to themselves, black eyes deep looking at her, as if from her eyes into her heart.

White tea is not too arrogant when he stares at her. She greets him and asks, "can you accept the scenery?"

When the scene smile, as if she asked a more ridiculous question, "I mention, you say?"

He couldn't accept it. He offered to do something.

"But how can you be sure it's me? You have to bring me to your family. In fact, we have only been together for one year, and the time of reunion is not long. " She said, looking at him unintelligibly.

How could he mention engagement and meeting parents so quickly.

In the last life, he never let her see his family, but in this life, his pace is like catching up.

"You're not me, how sure I am that you don't know."

When it comes to context, words are stressed.


The white tea was dumb and didn't know what to say.

When the scene, holding her shoulders, still want to say something, knock on the door suddenly rang out, his eyes swept a touch of irritability, quickly erased by him, he got up, "you sit for a while."


Bai Cha nodded and was relieved. Looking at his eyes just now, she seemed to ask a very problematic question. He was a little angry.

"Come in."

When the scene, go to the desk to sit down, cold mouth. A man in a suit came in with a document in his hand. As soon as he came in, his eyes turned straight. Finally, his eyes fell on white tea as he wished. When he saw her sitting there baking small appliances and holding a special cup for the occasion, her face suddenly looked wonderful

It seems to be saying that my trip is worth it.

Behind him, several staff members came in with the same expression.


White tea holding the cup, seeing this, had to give them a faint smile.

Seeing this, the group of people quickly bowed to her, flattering to the extreme.

"What are you looking at?"

When the scene, cold eyes at the door.

Everyone immediately put away their eyes, the leading man immediately came to the scene with the document in his hand, "Mr. Ying, this is the report you want, I have sorted it out, and the data have been done."

When it comes to the situation, I'll take a look at it, and then I'll talk to them about some data in the report, all of which are professional terms that outsiders can't understand.

White tea drinking coffee to see the office appearance when the scene, his voice calmly pointed out the problems in the data, orderly, elegant and noble, but his face is not too happy.

When the leading man stood there listening, he sweated at the tip of his nose, bent his straight back a little bit, and looked at the scene with a worried face, for fear that he would hit the document on his head

Bai Cha sat there with some emotion. It seemed that he was still telling her some irrelevant problems in her study when she was on the scene yesterday. Today, he has planned strategies, He's a general on the battlefield.

She suddenly understood that no matter in the past or in this life, she had never stepped into the real life.

From this moment on, she really met the occasion. The scene in front of her is no longer just the lazy boy in the white shirt she recalled on campus, no longer just the gentle man who shared a sweet potato with her in the courtyard, just like a magic cube. She has never seen so two sides, to this point

It's just a moment in front of her

It's just a time when there's one more thing in the company, She had never seen one side of her family.

"Bang."In response to the scene, he threw the document on the table and glared coldly at the people in front of him, "are you here to work or to be a gossip reporter? The report is sent to me before it is sorted out. I have to revise it for you, don't I? "

How could he not understand why these people rushed the documents to him.

"I'm sorry, but always."

A group of people bowed their heads.

"Mr. Ying, only three data are wrong." The leading man said boldly.

"Three data, only one?" When the scene, a sneer, "you each wrong three data, I do not have to open this company, back to sit down to see you discuss gossip OK?"

As soon as he said this, the air pressure around him dropped. Even the white tea outside felt that the group of people regretted and were in a state of great fear. The next moment, she looked at the scene and said coldly, "since your department has so much time, sort out the reports of the first half of the year and last year, and make a correct report

Bill, give it to my desk tomorrow morning. "


A group of people drooped their heads, and two women were about to cry.

Bai Cha feels their despair. Now they have to leave work at dusk and hand it in tomorrow morning. Isn't this department going to work all night tonight? Maybe we don't have to sleep all night.

White tea thought about it, straightened her spine, and said solemnly, "well, aren't you busy tomorrow morning?"

Everyone's eyes brush toward her, she immediately feel pressure.

When the scene is on fire, Wen Yan turns her eyes and looks at Bai cha. She is serious and calm. He pretends not to understand and asks, "what's the matter with me tomorrow morning?"


The wording of white tea is very strict, which does not let people imagine.

Everyone looked at her steadily, and then at the scene.

When the scene, sitting there, hand turned a pen, fixed to see for a long time white tea, and then jaw head, "OK, I understand."


Huh? What do you understand?

White tea Zheng Zheng, when the scene to face his staff, a face straight way, "tomorrow morning I want to accompany my fiancee, your report after work to hand in."


White tea froze all over.


A group of people standing in the office were all wide eyed.

Sure enough, there are eight trigrams! fiancée!

The young president, who is cold and ruthless, has never been in love, so he has a fiancee? As expected, they don't take women to the company casually. The area is fiancee