Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1356

White tea Leng for a while, just sit to Jiang Tang's side, bow a way, "originally still have this matter."

She didn't know Wan Cheng and Ling Yu had approached her.

"How can you sell a house?" Jiang Tang looked at her and asked.

At night, the street lights in the school are still on, quietly guarding the flowers and trees here.

Bai Cha sat there, looking up at the playground in the distance, and said, "I don't know, old class, do you remember what happened to me then?"

"How can I forget." Jiang Tang face solemn up, with guilt, "my students encounter this kind of thing, I take care of is not good."

"No, you are very good. You are the best teacher I have ever met."

White tea said with a smile.

After her incident happened in those years, Jiang Tang accompanied her almost all the way, including fighting a lawsuit, and Jiang Tang showed up every time. Recalling later, Bai Chadao said, "after Xu An'an was sentenced, my aunt, Xu An'an's aunt, took Xu an's parents to come to harass my parents every once in a while, and talked in my neighborhood. My parents couldn't bear it

He moved when he got married. "

"It turns out that they don't pursue their own poor education, but they put all the blame on you. Xu an an has such an ending that parents have to bear a large part of the responsibility."

Jiang Tang was very indignant, and suddenly said, "that's why you changed the number? Then you can tell me. I won't talk nonsense. In your eyes, Lao ban is so untrustworthy? "

"Not so." White tea's smile is a little dry, "at that time, I felt that I had to cut off everything before and start all over again."

"Cut off? I don't like to hear that. Your past is all bad, so why don't you order something good? I'm not good in your old class, either? "

Jiang Tang frowned and was very upset.

"What Ben said was, I was wrong. I was wrong." White tea looked at him, "how about I kneel down for you now? Do you want to plead guilty? "“ Come on, I believe your bullshit? If you really know your mistake, I can't see you now. It's been several years Jiang Tang said, without waiting for white tea to speak, he was relieved. "But it's better for you to come back and have a look


He sighed, the dim light fell on them, and white tea sat there with her head down, listening to this very unpleasant.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Jiang Tang sighed to himself, "do you know that although you have been in the shift for only one year, I have a deep impression on you."

"Is it?"

White tea smiles“ You are brave for a just cause, kind and generous, and you have a lot of cleverness. When you think about it, you can't even cope with the situation. Remember, at that time, you were going to participate in the debate contest. I went to see you several times, and you choked when you met the situation

Let's talk. " Looking back on the past, Jiang Tang couldn't help laughing.

White tea's smile is a little stiff.

That name was mentioned inadvertently.

Like a continuous needle, pierced into her skin, often pain into the heart.

"Yes, I don't remember much." She whispered.

Jiang Tang looked at her and saw that she didn't want to mention the past, so he asked, "by the way, you should have graduated from University, have you worked?"

"Well, I'm writing a novel and writing a screenplay. I can support myself."

White tea is authentic.

"Are you really a writer?" Jiang Tang looked at her by accident, obviously remembering that her manuscript was read by the radio station.

"It's about romance novels, not writers."

"What's wrong with romance novels? What's wrong with the inferiority of romance novels?"

Jiang Tang is still so protective of his students, and his students do everything well.

I haven't experienced the feeling of being protected by the teacher for several years. Bai Cha suddenly felt that she was back to the third year of senior high school.

Jiang Tang raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder and said happily, "all the children I taught are promising. It's good."

Everyone is promising.

Smell speech, white tea some apologetic ground looks to him, "everybody comes back to see you?"? I'm only coming now. "

If she was not caught by the security guard, she just wanted to have a sneak look at the campus.

"It's not, but I came here today." Jiang Tang said with a smile, "it's a coincidence that you came back to me on the same day."

The expression on Bai Cha's face was frozen. "When it comes to scenery... In s city?""Yes."

When it comes to Yingjing, Jiang Tang can't stop his pride. "Have you seen the news about ant nest technology? It's amazing. "

"... well."

I saw it.

It's never a thing in the pool when it comes to scenery. Everyone knows that.

Jiang Tang said with a smile, "to tell you the truth, I have been away from school for several years. Now I am still famous by him. When the parents of the students see me, they say, are you the teacher in charge of the class? Ha ha

White tea accompanied by a smile, "he came back, must have brought you a lot of thank you Teacher gift?"

"Well, the most important thank you gift is to help our school strengthen security."

Jiang Tang said, pointing to the direction of the fence, "that's the one who stopped you. It's also the alarm system that he made when the scene came. Today, he came here specially to strengthen it. As a result, you ran into it, proving that the system is really sensitive."


White tea has a pale face.

With her in such a mess today, what's the credit for the occasion?

Shit. She scolded in her heart. As Jiang Tang said, his smile suddenly disappeared and sighed, "to be honest, I'm not surprised how much he has achieved when he meets the scene. He's the kind of person who has the talent to be smart but not to be blind... I just don't know why,

Seeing him today, I think he has changed a lot. "

Finally, Jiang Tang turned his eyes to see her, "well, more than you."

White tea black line, "he also decayed?"

"No, the child is as handsome as you are." Jiangtang is very serious.


White tea lifts the table in my heart.

"It hasn't changed, and its achievements are getting bigger and bigger. It's not supposed to be like that." Jiang Tang didn't know what to think of. He felt a little melancholy.

Recalling what she saw on TV, Bai Cha said, "people who have achieved so much since they were young will surely have some changes. They will become better and better."

It is impossible for mortals to catch up easily.

"Getting better and better?" Jiang Tang frowned, "it doesn't look like it."

"People are at that height. Isn't it getting better and better? Is it getting worse and worse?"

White tea laughs a way.

Jiang Tang sat there, pondering for a long time, but didn't come up with a specific description. He could only say, "forget it, don't say this. Let's go. I'll take you to school at night."


Bai Cha stood up, followed Jiang Tang, and walked along every road that she could never be more familiar with