Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1330

White tea is too lazy to scold him, eyes turned, suddenly a turning forward.

Ye Hua immediately catches up with him. "Little electric donkey wants to get rid of me. Is it fantastic?"

The white tea pours out a smiling face to him, "isn't it?"


Ye Hua's hair bristled with her sad smile. He heard the sound of a police whistle. He raised his eyes and saw several traffic policemen on duty at the intersection in front of him.

Suddenly, his face is gray, the traffic police have been very friendly to point at him and waved to him.


Bai Cha smiles at him and drives his electric donkey away.

"White tea! You can't run away

In desperation, Ye Hua can only make white tea and put a cruel word, but still can not avoid the fate of being stopped by the traffic police.

After eating white tea, Ye Hua goes back to the billiards hall with a ticket and smashes her helmet on the table.

A group of attendants immediately gathered around, "brother Hua, what's the matter? Who has upset you again? "

"White tea!"

Ye Hua gnashes her teeth and starts to drink a bottle of water.

The name of white tea has been known to everyone in Yehua circle. It's a legend that a girl won Yehua by fighting for a bomb.

I didn't expect that this white tea would offend Ye Hua again. A valet immediately turned around and called, "Xu An'an, are you still a success? Brother Hua asked you to trouble white tea. How did you do it? It's no use at all


Smell speech, just want to slip away of Xu An'an rigidly stand there, quickly tunnel, "Hua elder brother, you don't worry, I have thought of a way."

Ye Hua is pouring water and looking at it coldly“ I found that Bai Cha wrote novels on the Internet, but it is said that her family didn't know. I was going to tell her parents through my aunt that she would be skinned by her parents when she wrote novels in senior three! " Xu An'an said, trying his best to give advice


Ye Hua frowned and took down the water bottle. "Are you sick? Someone else has a hobby, writing a novel also provokes you? "


Xu an an's face was muddled.

"I'll tell you." Ye Hua pointed at her, with a threatening tone, "from today on, if you dare to trouble white tea, don't blame me for killing you!"


All the members of the team were confused.

Boss, isn't this the trouble you asked Xu an to find white tea?

"Brother Hua, you are..." a valet boldly asked.

"I have a crush on her!" Ye Hua sat down on the ball table and looked at a group of them in an evil way. "Zhou Chunxi is a past tense. You guys use your brains to see how to get white tea to me!"


Xu An'an stood there, trying to kill Ye Hua by carrying the fire extinguisher beside the wall.

He's always looking for her opposite star to be his girlfriend?

Since she was in Jinhua before, she hated that Zhou Chunxi could walk beside her when she was in the scene. Later, she got another white tea. She also helped these two women when she was in the scene, which made her transfer to the third high school. Her heart has been holding a fire, she knows that Ye Hua is the third high school bully, anything dare to do, the background seems to be quite strong, and Ye Hua has been quite against the scene when the reputation, so she relied on this mountain, want to stir up

Water, use birch to deal with the situation.

In this way, she not only retaliates, but also sees two sides of the situation.

As a result, she finally provoked Ye Hua to take over the debate, but ye Hua fell in love with Zhou Chunxi and asked her to help chase people.

She thinks that it's OK. It's better for Ye Hua to spoil Zhou Chunxi. She doesn't want this broken shoe when she looks at the scene... However, Ye Hua has changed her partner again.

Now, things are getting more and more chaotic.

White tea is favored by Ye Hua. Isn't that a way for Zhou Chunxi to survive?

Damn it, that bitch must try her best to meet the occasion

With this thought, Xu an was even more angry. He really wanted to beat Ye Hua to death. I don't know how this man's brain grows. One of them hasn't got it yet, so he went to stare at the other.


Night fell.

Baicha takes the time to choose the house she wants to rent, and then goes back to upup.

After looking at the house for several hours, Bai Cha didn't even eat dinner. As soon as he went back, he fell on the sofa and soon fell asleep.In the dark, light slowly appeared.

The picture in front of her is like a layer of gauze, like a layer of fog, which leads her to

Upup shop is in front of us. It's a little different. The shop is decorated more magnificently. The Bumblebee standing at the door is replaced by a planet man. A blue mechanical head protrudes from a giant UFO like an eggshell and says "welcome to upup".

Such upup is familiar, but strange.

Bai Cha feels that her legs are a little out of control. She is guided to walk in. Some guests come out one by one. She also sees Xu An'an and his friends.

In front of the milk tea bar, everyone is busy and greets the guests with a smile. When they see her, they automatically ignore her, just like they don't know her.

White tea wants to talk, but can't make a sound.

She could only stand there and look at the busy business in the shop. She thought that she was really a winner in life when the business was so good. How much did she have to earn.

Just thinking about it, suddenly there was no one around.

All the smiling teenagers in the card seat disappeared, and even the colleagues on the bar disappeared.

The sound of the door came out.

The lights were off and it was dark.


She was surprised, very inexplicable, one foot is automatically go upstairs, from the dark to the light.

In the long corridor, a figure staggers forward, wearing a white shirt and trousers, one hand holding the wall, walking unsteadily, like a drunk.

White tea catch up, found that it is Ye Hua, his face flushed, eyes blurred, big sweat from his head out.


Why is he in upup? Didn't he just go to bars and billiards?

White tea is very inexplicable. Ye Hua pushes open the door of a conference room, staggers into it, sits on a chair, and keeps pulling at the collar, as if breathing is not very smooth. "Water, give me water..."

Looking at him so pitiful, she went up to pour water for him, raised her hand and passed through the cup.

She can't touch anything. Bai Cha frowned. Suddenly, she heard a sound of footsteps coming from the outside. When she went out, she saw Zhou Chunxi coming up from the downstairs with a smile on his face. He was still wearing his school uniform. As she walked, she raised her voice, "when is the scene? When it comes to the occasion? Where are you? I'm here.



White tea can't make a sound.

Chou Chun hee couldn't see her either. He walked straight past her. When he saw a light on in a meeting room, Chou Chun hee fixed his eyes and walked over with a smile. White tea standing in place, suddenly aware of what, a shudder swam the whole body, turned his head and cried out, "don't go in!"