Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1304

White tea feels a little chilly by touching her neck.

Now the readers are terrible.

Fortunately, I didn't know she was chabai.

She followed all the way, like a perverted stalker. Suddenly, she was photographed behind her, and Bai Cha almost jumped up.

When she looked back, she saw Zhou Chunxi standing behind her in his school uniform and looking at her with a smile. Her facial features were very beautiful and her eyes were all shining. "What are you doing with white tea?"

It turned out to be cabbage.

Give her a fright.

"I'll go to the dormitory." White tea stood up straight, reached out to pinch Zhou Chunxi's face, "after a year, how can't you see fat?"

"You have a lot of flesh on your face."

Zhou Chunxi went to pinch her face with a smile.

"I dare say I'm fat. I'm looking for you."

White tea backhand fight, two people play noisily all the way into the dormitory.

Bai Cha is an expert in tidying up. She solves her problem by dividing five into two. Zhou Chunxi is still struggling with her quilt cover. She used to help.

They held the four corners of the quilt and unfolded.

"By the way, Bai Cha, you know, Wan Cheng is in love." Zhou Chunxi said suddenly.

"True or false?" "White tea is stunned," he that five big three thick also some people look up to? "

Zhou Chunxi smiles shyly, "during the winter vacation, Wan Cheng is not always thinking about going out to play, but you have no time to delay all the time. He plays basketball in the basketball hall every day. He is liked by the boss's daughter over there, and the woman pursues the man."

"I'll go..."

White tea's eyes are wide open.

"I heard Ling Yu say that the girl is not from our school." Zhou Chunxi pulled the quilt and said, "I always thought that Ling Yu must be the first one to fall in love with us. He talked about asking for a girlfriend every day, but he didn't expect that Wan Cheng took the lead."

White tea low smile, "then I'm not the same, I always thought you and the scene to talk about, you talk about your efficiency, Wancheng all hook up with sister, you still have no progress."

The emperor is not in a hurry to die.

Wen Yan, Zhou Chunxi's eyes stiff, then shy to bow his head, "you always take this joke."

"I'm anxious for you. Well, by the way, did Ye Hua still come to pester you?"

White tea put the quilt on Zhou Chunxi's bed. At the mention of Ye Hua, Zhou Chunxi bowed his head dejectedly, "he asked about my home address, and would wait downstairs in my community, but I listen to you, basically don't go out, go out is to take my parents' car, he didn't dare to face my parents

It's a mess. "

Hearing this, Bai Cha's face changed, "is he abnormal?"

Actually tailed to the downstairs of other people's community.

Zhou Chunxi tidied up his desk, "forget it, anyway, I don't go out of home or school, he can't help me."


Bai Cha turns her eyes and looks at Zhou Chunxi. Her brows are locked. She feels more and more that the child's accident may have something to do with Ye Hua's metamorphosis

Seeing that white tea's face was not good-looking, Zhou Chunxi comforted her, "well, I will pay attention to safety."


White tea nodded, in addition to let her pay attention, there is no better way.

Two people clean up the dormitory, white tea wipe the glass, casual chat, "after a winter vacation, there are other new things?"

As Zhou Chunxi tidied up his desk, he said, "well... I came to school two days ago to talk about the dance troupe. I met the old class. The old class said that our examination papers this semester will be more than twice as many as last semester. Is this something new?"

"... just at the beginning of school, can you say something that doesn't tie your heart?"

White tea makes your scalp numb.

Last semester's papers are going crazy. How many times?

Zhou Chunxi laughed, suddenly thought of something, eyes dim, and then forced out a smile, "there is another thing, I listen to the old class said, when the scene has decided to go to a famous foreign school, like a senior one when people have planned."

Study abroad? When Bai Cha thinks about it, she really heard Mu Jingluo, her cousin at Yingjing, say that when Yingjing was planning to study abroad with Zhou Chunxi, it was only because Zhou Chunxi refused him, and then both of them stayed at home, and none of them was able to go abroad

To become a nation.

She stopped cleaning the glass and turned her eyes to look at Zhou Chunxi. She only saw her smile reluctantly and said, "why, can't you give up on him?""Stop talking nonsense."

Zhou Chunxi's voice was low.

"I can't bear to go with him. I'm sure people are looking forward to it." White tea ceremony, anyway, when the scene was originally planned to go with her.

"Again... He won't expect me to go."

In a low voice, Zhou Chunxi clenched his lips.


As they chatted, Zhou Chunxi was called away by the dance troupe. Bai Cha left behind and cleaned up the dormitory inside and outside before leaving for the teaching building.

She lowered her head and stepped on the stairs step by step. Suddenly, a new pair of shoes appeared.

White tea to the right to avoid, that pair of shoes and block in front of her, school pants pants hot straight, this angle can see is a pair of long legs.


She avoided to the left, and the man blocked her again, just like a posture of not letting her go up.


Bai Cha looked up angrily and saw that she stood straight in front of her, with one hand in her pants pocket, staring down at her with a smile embedded in her eyes.

"It's you." White tea received vexed idea, "block my way to do what?"

I haven't seen you for a long time after Chinese New Year. How can I feel that I've grown up again.

Has he broken 190? Tut Tut, he is as fierce as a tiger. He is fierce when he is a minor.

"I haven't had breakfast yet. You go to buy soybean milk, which you gave me before." When the scene, low eyes looking at her way, word overbearing, but he said it was very natural, as if for granted.

White tea Leng for a while, just dig out a little bit about the memory of soymilk from the head, "you command me to command so justifiably? Go by yourself. "

"I haven't recovered from my foot injury."

When the scene, low eyes look at their own feet.

"It's not that I hurt my bones. I haven't been well for so many days?"

Bai Cha was surprised. She looked down and didn't see anything. She squatted down to study his feet and lifted up her trousers to check.

Isn't it all swollen?

When the scene did not expect her to suddenly come out, there are students passing by, looking at this scene, eyes are all strange.

"White tea."

Awkwardly, he bent down to pick her up, grabbed her and walked upstairs to the front of the music classroom, where no students passed.

White tea quickly took away her hand, stepped aside and looked at him inexplicably, "what are you doing? You're taking advantage of me? "

"I didn't say anything about you when you lifted my pants, but you'd tell the villain first."

When the scene, standing in the sun, helplessly looking at her“ What is lifting pants? I just want to see if your feet are swollen or not. It's easy for people to misunderstand you and ruin my innocence. " White tea pointed to him, a firm appearance, trying to get rid of him.