Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1247

The strawberries are still fresh.

But this cup of milk tea is too expensive.

Soon, a cup of milk tea will see the end.


As soon as the money was in place, liver transplantation was soon scheduled.

On the day of the operation, Bai Cha specially accompanied Ling Yu to ask for leave and rushed to the hospital.

Ling Yu was so nervous that he sat there rubbing his hands.

Ling's mother lay there, holding white tea's hand firmly with tears in her eyes, "I'm really not worth it, but you can rest assured that my aunt will get better and return the money to you."

"Well, I'm waiting to collect it."

Bai Cha smiles brightly and reaches for her arm.

"Why didn't you come to inform the operation? Didn't you say you would enter the operating room at nine?"

Ling Yu kept turning his watch.

Just then, a nurse pushed the operation bed outside. Seeing this, Ling Yu rushed to hold Ling's mother. Bai Cha rolled up her sleeves to help, but she couldn't do anything.

"I'll do it, I'll do it!"

A rough young voice suddenly came.

Bai Cha and Ling Yu turn their heads in amazement, and see Wan Cheng running in, followed by Zhou Chunxi who carries two bags of fruit.

Wan Cheng comes forward and lifts Ling's mother's legs. Together with Ling Yu, they move Ling's mother, who is thin and weak, to the operation bed.

"How could you..."

Ling Yu looked at them in shock.

"Are you crazy? If you didn't tell us such a big thing, we wouldn't know it if it wasn't for brother Shi's words!" Wan Cheng Chong Ling Yu raised his fist, "you wait, Auntie a good, I'll beat you."


Ling Yu looks at Bai Cha suspiciously. Bai Cha shakes her head to show her innocence.

It's not what she said.

It's none of her business how you know when you're in a situation“ Hello, aunt. I'm Zhou Chunxi, Ling Yu's classmate. " Zhou Chunxi walked up to Ling's mother and politely introduced herself, "you can rest assured that you will have an operation. An aunt downstairs works as a nurse in this hospital. She is very professional and has been appraised as an excellent nurse,

I've already made an agreement with her that she will take good care of your next recovery period. "

Hearing this, Ling's mother was moved to tears again and held her hand tightly. "It's so good that Xiaoyu has a group of friends like you. It's so good..."

A few people are saying, outside suddenly came a sharp voice, "Yo, little rabbit can ah, actually let you borrow so much money for surgery."

The middle-aged woman, who was dressed brilliantly, came in from the outside. It was Ling Yu's stepmother.

Ling Yu's father followed him with an embarrassed face and kept his head down.

"How dare you come?"

At the sight of them, Ling Yu was furious.


Ling's mother coughed excitedly.

"Oh, what a pity. Why are you so thin? Can you resist a knife on the operating bed? " The middle-aged woman said to Ling's mother with a smile.

"Get the hell out of here!"

Ling Yu rushes up to beat people, and is called by Ling's mother weakly.

Wan Cheng and Zhou Chunxi are inexplicable.

Without saying a word, Bai Cha took a picture of the middle-aged woman on her mobile phone and said coldly, "come on, let's go on, I'll take a picture of you and give it to the media. Let's see what the arrogance of Xiao San now looks like!"

"Are you sick? Who asked you to do it! "

The middle-aged woman angrily put out her finger and poked it at her.

Wan Cheng and Ling Yu see that they are going to rush up. The woman's wrist has been pushed away step by step.

Wearing a casual suit when the scene, cold face standing there, black eyes coldly looking at her, "you point to a try."


The young man in front of him was not very old, but he was very imposing. In addition, two other young men were standing there, like a wall.

The middle-aged woman unconsciously took a step back, and then looked at Bai Cha, who was still patting her with her mobile phone. She said, "a group of psychoses, OK, little bunnies, I'll see how your mother can get out of the operating bed alive without Dr. Wang."

With that, the woman turned and pulled her husband away.

Ling father from beginning to end only left a helpless look to his son.

"What's wrong, Dr. Wang?" Ling Yu was stunned and looked at the nurse.The nurse said awkwardly, "Dr. Wang has a sudden acute gastroenteritis today, so he can't operate, so he changed to Dr. Zhang."

"Why do you want to change the chief surgeon temporarily?" Ling Yu's eyes widened in amazement. He couldn't accept it and said, "Dr. Wang has been following up my mother's illness. When she went to the operating table, did you tell me to replace her? Who is Dr. Zhang? Does he understand my mother's condition? "


The nurse was embarrassed and speechless.

They all looked at each other with angry faces.

It's hard to raise money, but it's not easy.

Ling's mother was lying there, closing her eyes in despair, and her tears were running down.

"It's the dog couple! They must have done it! bitch! I killed her Ling Yu jumped up and was about to run out. He was stopped by Yingjing.

Ling Yu struggled desperately, "brother, don't stop me, I must kill that pair of dog men and women!"

"Then you go and kill me. I'll introduce someone to my aunt."

When the scene is relaxed, light tunnel, turn the eyes to see outside the ward, "Dr. Li."

Ling Yu was stunned.

Everyone was stunned. The middle-aged man in the white coat walked in with a smile, holding a pile of documents in his hand. When the scene came, he led him to the bed of Ling's mother's operation. "Aunt, this is Dr. Li Hengli. He has studied your case for a week, and he will do another examination for you

If there is no problem, the operation will be carried out as usual. Dr. Li is in charge of the operation. I will go to the hospital to communicate with him immediately. "


Ling's mother was stunned to see her son's classmate bring a strange doctor with a blank face.

"Brother Shi..."

Ling Yu is also inexplicable. Can you call a doctor temporarily?

One side of the little nurse suddenly whispered, quickly covered his mouth, looked at the middle-aged man in a white coat in disbelief, "Li Heng, are you really Mr. Li Heng?"

White tea there also quickly found Li Heng's name, read out in a low voice, "liver top authority, Mr. Li Jianyi's Apprentice."

Maybe some people don't know Li Heng, but no one in China knows Li Jianyi, who is a medical saint.

When I heard that the person in front of me was Li Jianyi's apprentice, everyone's eyes were full of spirit.

Ling Yu was overjoyed and rushed to Ling's mother, "Mom, you can be saved!"


Ling's mother is also very excited.

In the afternoon, Ling's mother was finally pushed into the operating room.

Bai Cha and Zhou Chunxi are sitting in the corridor outside the operating room.

Ling Yu walked around anxiously all the time and couldn't sit still.

When the scene against the side of the wall, wearing headphones, one hand inserted in the pants pocket, no expression on the face.

Five people spent five hours of silence outside. They were all hungry, but none of them said they were going to eat. Finally, five hours later, Dr. Li Heng came out and announced with a smile that the operation was a great success.