Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1244

"What do you say?" Lin Yi asked over there. When it comes to the scene, she pours fish food in and looks at the goldfish swimming around. "Before, I always felt that she looked at me strangely, as if she had known me for a long time, and knew my preferences. When I didn't want to speak, I only had one

She knew that she would ask Wancheng not to disturb me, including understanding my family; But then I found out that she didn't pay attention to me. Maybe it was just a problem with her eyes. "

Smell speech, Lin Yi is over there light smile.


Frown at the occasion.

"Jingshi, it's not like you're proving a reborn person. On the contrary, it's like the beginning of love." Lin Yi doesn't hide his idea and says with a smile.

When the scene holding fish food action meal, light tunnel, "no, I may be too extravagant to have dad that adventure."

Isn't it interesting to meet a reborn person who is related to himself?

It's like meeting Lin Yi in a cold year.

"Like a person is an adventure, has nothing to do with rebirth." Lin Yi is over there.

"I really don't like it." When the scene, continue to throw fish food, "in addition to doubt her rebirth, she has nothing special."

In addition to being brave for a just cause, in addition to retiring Xu An'an intelligently, in addition to being able to quickly recover the pursuit of dreams from the loss, being able to quickly score dozens of points, there is nothing special except for the big eyes and long eyelashes from a close-up view.

The phone vibrated twice and he didn't care.

"Well, if you say no, it's not."

Lin Yi Road, there suddenly spread out a displeased male voice, "with whom chat so happy?"

"It seems you haven't learned how to talk about your son. You must have fallen in love when you were 18 years old, didn't you?"

Lin Yi is obviously chatting with his father.

Words fall, when the scene, listen to his father breathless voice not empty way, "how possible, did not meet you, I should cold years to 80 can not be enlightened!"


When the scene black face hang up the phone, he ran to s City, why can still hear this kind of dialogue.

The mobile phone is shaking up again. He holds fish food in one hand and takes out his mobile phone in the other. It's a message from Wancheng——

Wancheng: Shige! Big news! Ling Yu and sister Cha are getting on!]

Wancheng: picture

Wancheng: picture

When the scene, he slides down and stops on the two people in the picture. Ling Yu's hand holds them tightly, and there is no gap between them.


What he guessed was right. White tea was not a reborn person related to him at all.

If you are good, you can get along with each other every day. Naturally, there will be feelings.

When the scene returned to a calm "Oh" word, look calm to throw a bowl of fish food into the fish tank.

Including fish bowl.

Soon after, all the little goldfish were floating in the water with their round bellies and died.


Near the end of the class, the speed of the teacher's topic is getting faster and faster, and it's hard to take notes for white tea.

As soon as the bell rang, Ling Yu rushed out with his back in his arms.

"Wait, Ling Yu!"

White tea to see his lightning general past figure quickly called him, Ling Yu Dun to look back at her.

White tea took out the sealed lunch box from the desk and handed it to him. "I made it myself. I can eat it when it's hot."

Hearing the speech, Zhou Chunxi looked at Ling Yu and Bai cha in dismay. His face was inexplicable, and his eyes were full of words, did I skip any plot?

Seeing this, Wan Cheng sat in front of the desk and tried to hit the scene with his elbow. He whispered, "see it or not, we've all brought dinner! Should this progress be so fast? "


When it comes to the scene, he looks up lazily, and his eyes fall on the lunch box in Bai Cha's hand. A touch of evil flashed in his eyes, and soon he lowers his head, and the speed of writing in his hand becomes fast.

Over there, Ling Yu looked at the lunch box in Bai Cha's hand and soon understood her meaning. He gratefully took it and asked in a low voice, "do you want to go with me?"

It's good to go.

"All right."

Bai Cha nodded and stood up to pack.


When the scene, the speed of the pen is too fast for him to control, so that the pen suddenly left the string and fell to the ground.White tea looked down at Zhou Chunxi, who was full of question marks on his face, "Chunxi, I'll go out to dinner with Lingyu. You can eat with them when you meet the scene and Wancheng."


Zhou Chunxi's first love face is full of confusion.

Bai Cha picked up her bag and went out with Ling Yu. Zhou Chunxi turned around and saw the pen on the ground. He bent down to pick it up and put it in front of the scene. "Your pen."


When the scene light tunnel.

"How can Bai Cha and Ling Yu go out alone?" Zhou Chunxi asked confusedly.

Wan Cheng picks her eyebrows and says, "I know! Intelligence is worth 300 yuan. Do you want to buy it? "

"Never mind."

Zhou Chunxi ignored him.

"Ah, you..." Wan Cheng picked up his mobile phone depressed, "little Chunxi, you follow tea sister for a long time, more and more not soft cute."

After that, Zhou Chunxi's mobile phone vibrated. She opened it, looked at the photos sent by Wan Cheng, and covered her mouth in shock. "No, how about the two of them..."

"Didn't you expect that? I thought Ling Yu was chasing ban Hua in the next class. As a result, they were having an affair with sister Cha! "

Wan Cheng said excitedly. When he saw the scene, he packed his bags and went out. He said, "brother Shi, wait for us. Let's go to the canteen together."

"I won't eat any more. I have an experiment to do."

When the scene will be on the shoulder will not return to the tunnel bag.


Lingyu's mother's condition is even worse than Bai Cha's imagination. She is so skinny that she has a lot of infusion.

Seeing Ling Yu, Ling's mother became more energetic and would tell them jokes. Knowing that the white tea family had borrowed money, she kept saying that she would pay back the money when she was better.

Although she was smiling, the hopelessness in Ling Ma's eyes could not be hidden, and white tea was uncomfortable.

Let Ling Ma eat the rice made by white tea. White tea and Ling Yu come out of the hospital and eat the cheapest bread for lunch.

"I think Auntie's condition must be operated as soon as possible. It can't be delayed like this." White tea way, "or tell everyone, together to think of a way."

The right liver donor has been found, but now there is no money and the operation is delayed.

If it goes on like this, more than 100000 yuan from the white tea family will only be consumed in despair.

Smell speech, Ling Yu wry smile a, bite bread way, "say is to think of a way, don't want everybody to borrow money from home?"? It's not good to let everyone worry about me. "

"But it's not a matter for you to keep such a secret."

She said that Ling Yu stubbornly asked her to keep a secret and not let her tell her mother's illness“ I don't know the conditions of xiaochunxi's family. I know the conditions of Wancheng's family are good, but it's impossible to borrow so many from a high school student, right? Not to mention, it's not easy for his father to support his family with so many part-time jobs. I don't want to talk Lingyu is bitter and astringent.