Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1241


"You failed to do the experiment, he held you away for the first time, and just now, I feel like he thought you made the lunch box."

How is that possible?

Who is more clear about Zhou Chunxi's mind than her?

White tea sitting there listening, eyes gradually cool down, stood up and said, "now what do you mean, you see the opposite sex are enemies? Then I'll change classes right away. Can you help me talk in front of the teacher? "

Seeing this, Zhou Chunxi stood up nervously, "white tea, are you angry?"

"No, it's just that you're a good foursome. There's no need to impose one on me."

White tea is light and authentic. Zhou Chunxi quickly went to pull her arm and shook her head in a panic. "White tea, I really don't doubt what you mean. I just want to tell you that if I like you in the scene, as long as he doesn't tell me, I will still work hard, and I will still be at the end of the day

I just don't want to hide from you. I want to be frank with you if I have any ideas. "


i see.

Chinese cabbage.

White tea stood there, listening to these words, not angry, just said, "OK, you just think too much, go back to class."

"Don't be angry with me..."

Zhou Chunxi weak tunnel.

"I'm not angry with a cabbage."

She is just an outsider between them. In this life, she will never let herself fall in. She turned her eyes to look at Zhou Chunxi, serious and magnanimous, "Zhou Chunxi, you remember, do you think it's better for you to like me, or do I like me, or if you encounter something very bad or bad, than to think about it

Then he rushed in front of him and got a clear answer


Zhou Chunxi looked at her quietly.

"Don't let thinking too many three words become the regret that you can't make up for in your life."

"Regret?" Zhou Chunxi was at a loss.

"Yes." White tea looked down at the road under her feet and said with a bitter smile, "there are so many accidents in life. Have you ever thought that you might not even have the chance to advertise in the future?"

She watched with her own eyes as Zhou Chunxi rushed into the hospital in a dance suit, holding the body of the scene, crying with regret and tears.

When Zhou Chunxi was decadent for so many years, he didn't wait for his sweetheart's confession until he died, and this sweetheart was still melancholy about what he had four years ago


Zhou Chunxi looked at her thoughtfully and said, "white tea."


"I don't know why. I always think you are different from us." Zhou Chunxi said thoughtfully, "I can't tell where it is different."


White tea laughs.

"I'll listen to you." Zhou Chunxi hugged her arm. "I'll treat you to a drink. How about orange juice?"

"Orange juice for a week."


Seeing that she really didn't mind, Zhou Chunxi laughed happily.

White tea looks at her happy appearance, eyelashes slightly drooping, when can these two people open up to announce some? When can we change our destiny earlier.


When Bai Cha and Zhou Chunxi came back to the classroom, they always performed well, so the teacher would not be embarrassed.

Today is the monthly exam.

Although white tea is still at the bottom of the top class, its score has improved a lot. It can compete with Wan Cheng for the penultimate place. It is no longer the one who directly breaks the average score and takes the top class down with his own efforts.

The students in the top class all got terrible grades. Except for this pervert, the rest were very nervous.

So white tea has such progress, let the head teacher excited to do 15 minutes of praise on the spot.

Since entering Jinhua, white tea did not know how many times they were praised. At the beginning, they would have a red face. Now, there is no fluctuation in their hearts. They even want to modify the praises of the class teacher.

With this praise, their class missed the best time to eat. As soon as the head teacher Jiang Tang released them, a group of people rushed out without cleaning up their books, I'm afraid the food in the canteen will be robbed.

"Go, eat."

Zhou Chunxi said with a smile."Well."

Bai Cha picked up her book and was about to leave. Yu Guangzhong stood up from his seat, picked up her bag and threw it on her shoulder. "Zhou Chunxi, you said last time that there was an experiment that I didn't understand. I borrowed the key of the laboratory and finished the experiment before eating?"

I'm making excuses again.

Tut Tut, it's no wonder Zhou Chunxi thinks so much about the means.

But it's progress, at least not a bunch of light bulbs.

"Ah?" Zhou Chunxi was stunned, then nodded shyly, "good."

"Lonely men and women tryst lab? "Oh..."

Wan Cheng stood up and looked at the two people laughing, which was called a licentious.


A book on his face, the facial features are almost flat, Wan Cheng "Ao Wu" a cry.

When the scene, standing there, staring at him, "together?"

"No, it's not good to disturb you." Wan Cheng touched his nose and laughed. He turned to call Ling Yu, "Ling Yu, I'm going to eat!"

"I'll go back to dinner today and come back in the afternoon."

Ling Yu had already packed up and ran out with his bag on his back.

Wan Cheng stood at the table and yelled, "you're going out on a date, too! Don't think I don't know you're chasing the next class! "

The words fall, Ling Yu already ran not to see a person's shadow.

He also left with Zhou Chunxi when the scene came.

"Damn, how come spring comes all of a sudden, one by one, heterosexual and inhuman." Wan Cheng was so depressed that he smashed the white tea with a basketball. "Sister tea, then you accompany me to dinner. I'm empty, lonely and cold. I need my little sister's comfort..."


White tea laughs, "OK, you go to order first, I'll clean up the book and come."

"All right!"

Wan Cheng rushed out immediately.

The classroom was empty, leaving only white tea alone. She took out her bag and took out a tightly sealed lunch box from inside.

She opened it, and there was a very light meal inside, which she borrowed from the kitchen of the boss's house.

I didn't think so much when I did it. When I arrived at the classroom, I heard that Zhou Chunxi asked Wancheng to take her own dishes to Yingjing, and then she suddenly realized that she had done too much.

Bai Cha laughs at herself and dumps all the food in the lunch box into the garbage can. Just think about it, even the lunch box is thrown away, and then she goes out of the classroom.


It's a tough thing to eat with Wancheng.

A meal, white tea to listen to him blow a meal of cattle, even the primary school basketball game, also was described by him breathtaking.

"At that time, the ball was one meter away from me, and one fist away from the rebound. We were about to lose, but who am I Wancheng? I'll bounce..." Bai Cha silently picked up her mobile phone, checked the novel, and commented a lot.