Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1238

White tea goes to bed late, so does it.

By the time she woke up, it was already 10 a.m., and she had missed the time to go to work, so she got up in a hurry.

"White tea?"

Awakened by her movements, Zhou Chunxi sat up in a daze, looked at the strange environment, and suddenly woke up, "we... We slept here when we were in the scene?"

White tea in a hurry to wear socks, casual way, "yes, yes, rounding is equal to you and the scene when you sleep."


Zhou Chunxi was made a big red face early in the morning. Seeing her impatient appearance, she couldn't help asking strangely, "what are you in a hurry?"

"I got a part-time job and was late."

It's really

White tea even shoelaces are not removed, directly stepped in, ran out, "I can't send you back, you remember to let the scene when they send you."


Run out of the door of white tea and kill back, solemnly looked at her, "no one is allowed to go, let them send, you know?"

Cabbages alone, she is not at ease.

"... oh."

Zhou Chunxi was still a little confused when he fell asleep. He suddenly responded and asked, "ah? Where do you work part time? How do you go to work in senior three will affect your study. Are you short of money? I have... "

Not finished, white tea has run out of sight.

She rushed in and washed her face in cold water and left, blowing across the living room like a gust of wind.

Ling Yu opened his eyes faintly, "huh? Where's the window? It's windy

"Drunk and confused you."

Wan Cheng also sat up from the sofa and looked more sober than Ling Yu, but he was thinking about another thing.

"What do you think?"

Ling Yu hit him with a pillow.


You can't tell anyone about your dream of being Wu Dalang all night.

Wan Cheng shook his head and asked, "where's Shige? I'm hungry. I want to eat. "

"It's hard to drink."

Zhou Chunxi came out of the room, banging his head.

"Me too. It's hard." Ling Yushen thinks so.

Several people are saying, when the scene came down from the upstairs, people have finished the shower, body changed a suit of home clothes, black eyes swept them, "are you awake? What about white tea? "

"She went part-time."

As Zhou Chunxi answered, he looked up and saw that he was standing on the stairs when the scene came. His slender fingers randomly plucked his wet hair and dropped some drops of water.

Her heart beat very fast in a flash.

"Is it?"

When the scene, jaw head, light reaction.

"Part time, senior three, what's her part-time job?" Ling Yu asked in dismay, "is life difficult?"

"I don't know." Zhou Chunxi shook his head, "I'll find a chance to ask her."

"Yes, please tell us if you have any difficulties." Then Wan Cheng put it down and yelled, "what are we going to eat in the morning? I'm hungry! I'm hungry

"Brother Shi, I'm hungry too..."

Ling Yu wrongly rushed to the scene, but also cast a coquettish eyes.


The one who should be tested didn't find out. I left two treasures.

When the scene, I felt that I was not worth the loss. I said, "I can only cook some simple porridge and wait here."

After a breakfast, after the three people were invited to leave, they silently took out a pile of family photos and small robots from the cupboard in their parents' room and put them out again.

After thinking about it, he sent a message to the general manager of upup.

When it comes to the occasion: Bai Cha did something for me yesterday, so I won't be punished for being late

Within a second, the message came back.

[General Manager: I understand! I know everything! Don't worry!]


Look at these three exclamation marks and you know you don't understand anything.

He shakes his head in response to the situation.

In a word, this first battle was defeated.


White tea found that after the rebirth of this period of time, the trend is always in the opposite direction of her imagination.Find a part-time job. The three supervisors are so enthusiastic that they are weird. No matter whether she is late or accidentally smashes something, they all blame time, alarm clock, everything, but not her. If you want to transfer a class, after dealing with Xu an's affairs, it is even more impossible to transfer a class. Not only that, she was awarded a consolation award in public at the flag raising ceremony, and the school leaders praised her deeds of "acting bravely for a just cause" and "being able to forgive others"


What she wants is always going in strange directions.

After two days, white tea will remove the gauze, the forehead of the hair grow out some, no longer need to wear a hat.

As for joining a small group, Baicha has accepted it.

It's not that she doesn't resist, but wan Cheng and Ling Yu are like two pieces of brown candy, and the cabbage stares at her every day, as if the sky is going to collapse if she doesn't join in.

A classroom, a dormitory, she really want to hide, there is no place to hide.

She still goes in and out with Zhou Chunxi every day, and she studies with him two days a week.

He is very generous in this aspect when he meets the situation. He is never stingy. He has devoted all his money to teaching. He can't say that he has devoted all his money to teaching. After all, the bag of the light of the motherland has been poured out, and they can't understand it.

UPUP White tea is still the focus of poverty alleviation.


Just one big bang.

Leaning against the wall, the three students were startled. Zhou Chunxi screamed and turned his head.

I saw when the scene holding white tea both fell to the ground, when the hand block in the face of white tea, hand back splashed a lot of unknown liquid.

And when the scene, the desk that was used by white tea to do experiments had been blown up, and the wall was a mess.

"What's the situation?"

Wan Cheng was shocked.

"Are you all right?"

Zhou Chunxi stands up nervously, and suddenly finds that their posture is too close. Bai Cha leans in her arms when she meets the scene, and the two of them huddle together. While her hands are still trying to protect Bai Cha's face when she meets the scene, her eyes darken.

White tea fell on the ground when the scene of the arm, from his fingers between looking at the desk was blown out of a hole, palpitating.

"You're really good. The experimental answers didn't come out. The bombs came out."

When the scene was very helpless, her voice fell on her ear.

White tea dry smile twice, found that two people too close, quickly pulled his hand, stood up from the ground, line of sight from the scene when the hand passed, "Chunxi, to borrow the medicine box, to deal with the scene."

"Ah, good."

Zhou Chunxi reacted and ran out in a hurry.

One side of Wancheng red white tea thumbs up, "bull force! I haven't done the experiment yet

When the scene, he got up from the ground, frowned, shook his painful hand, took a paper towel to wipe the liquid splashed on his hand, and took a breath in pain. When Bai Cha didn't see it, he said with a smile, "failure is nothing. Maybe that's how the inventor of the bomb found out. Great inventions all happened in accidents."